计算机代写|基础编程代写Fundamental of Programming代考|MIT503 Tangled Program Graphs

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基础编程Fundamental of Programming涉及的任务包括:分析、生成算法、剖析算法的准确性和资源消耗,以及算法的实现(通常用选定的编程语言,通常称为编码)。程序的源代码是用程序员可以理解的一种或多种语言编写的,而不是由中央处理单元直接执行的机器代码。编程的目的是找到一个指令序列,在计算机上自动执行一项任务(可以像操作系统一样复杂),通常是为了解决一个特定的问题。因此,熟练的编程通常需要几个不同学科的专业知识,包括应用领域的知识、专门的算法和形式逻辑。

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计算机代写|基础编程代写Fundamental of Programming代考|MIT503 Tangled Program Graphs

计算机代写|基础编程代写Fundamental of Programming代考|Tangled Program Graphs

TPG is based on a tuple $\langle T, L\rangle$ defining team and learner populations respectively $[11,12]$. At initialization, each team identifies team compliment through references to a subset of learners from the learner population. Learners are rewarded for iden- tifying the (input) context under which to apply a discrete scalar action. However, as evolution progresses variation operators enable learners to reference individuals from the team population. Such a process provides for the open ended decomposition of a task across the policies as represented by different teams. In the following, we summarize the relationship between members of the Learner (Sect. 1.2.1) and Team (Sect. 1.2.2) populations which ultimately results in the representation of solutions as a ‘graph-of-teams-of-programs’ (Sect. 1.2.3). Section $1.2$ therefore establishes what we take to be ‘canonical TPG’ before we introduce two algorithmic speedups in Sect. 1.3.

A learner, $L(i)$, is defined in terms of a program, prog, and terminal action, $a$ where $a \in A$ is the set of discrete terminal atomic actions specific to the task environment, or $L(i)=\langle p(i), a(i)\rangle$. A program, $p$, only produces a single output, whether that be the root node of tree structured GP [17] or register $R[0]$ in the case of linear GP [2]. Actions are merely a scalar corresponding to a terminal action (these will later evolve to also encompass pointers to other teams Sect. 1.2.2). The purpose of a program is to define context for the corresponding action. The same program can appear in different learners if it is partnered with a different action. A learner on its own does not define anything useful. Learners only appear in the Learner population, $L$.

计算机代写|基础编程代写Fundamental of Programming代考|Teams

An independent team population, $T$, conducts a search for good combinations of learners using a variable length representation. The following constraints are enforced: (1) each team, $\operatorname{tm}(j)$ must consist of a unique combination of learners, $L(i) \in L ;$ (2) the same learner, $L(i)$, may appear in multiple teams; (3) there cannot be less than two learners in the same team; (4) there must be at least two different actions represented by the complement of learners within the same team.

In order to establish the output of team $\operatorname{tm}(j)$, all programs associated with learners within this team are evaluated on the current input state (provided by the task environment), $\mathbf{s}t$, or $\forall i \in \operatorname{tm}(j): y_i=\operatorname{prog}_i\left(\mathbf{s}_t\right)$. The program with maximum output on $\mathbf{s}_t$ is identified by $i^*=\arg \max _i\left(y_i\right)$. Such a program wins the right to suggest its corresponding atomic action, or $a_t$. Under reinforcement learning tasks, the agent’s action is forwarded to the task, typically resulting in a change to the task environment. Moreover, there is also a scalar reward received at the next time step, $r{t+1}$. Such a reward reflects the relative significance of applying action $a_t$ in state $\mathbf{s}_t$. Such rewards capture underlying properties of the task, such as a robot not colliding with a wall, or the robot’s battery not being exhausted. Thus, the overall interaction between TPG and environment takes the form of a sequence of interactions:

\mathbf{s}0, a_0, r_1, \mathbf{s}_1, a_1, r_2, \ldots, \mathbf{s}_n, a_n, r_T $$ where each TPG-environment interaction is a tuple $\left\langle\mathbf{s}_t, a_t, r{t+1}\right\rangle$ and $r_T$ is the terminal reward received at the task’s end condition. ${ }^1$ Such end conditions might reflect a failure state (point at which a game agent loses a game) or a positive outcome (winning against an opponent, solving a maze) or reflect a computational limit (maximum number of interactions). The goal of TPG is to maximize the average accumulation of rewards as sampled during the interaction defined by the sequence of Eq. 1.1. This means that only after encountering $r_T$ is TPG provided with feedback. This implies that TPG is closest to Policy based Monte Carlo formulations of reinforcement learning [24] , as per the majority of genetic programming applied to reinforcement learning tasks [18].

Variation operators assume that the population of TPG agents are first evaluated, ranked, and the worst Gap teams have been removed (a breeding cycle). Any learners that are not associated with a team, are also deleted. The remaining pool (of teams) represent potential parents, of which Gap are selected and cloned. Only the cloned teams are modified through crossover and mutation. Crossover selects parents pairwise from the pool of surviving teams with uniform probability. The learners common to both appear in both the offspring. Learners unique to each parent are selected to appear in an offspring with probability $P_{c p y}$. Let the result of this process be the set of $G a p$ offspring teams, $L^{\prime}$.




TPG基于元组 $\langle T, L\rangle$ 分别定义团队和学习者群体 $[11,12]$. 在初始化时,每个团队通过参考学习者群体中的学习者子集来识别团队赞美。学习者因识 别出input应用离散标量操作的上下文。然而,随看进化的进展,变异运算符使学习者能够参考团队群体中的个体。这样的过程提供了跨由不同团 队代表的策略的任务的开放式分解。在下文中,我们总结了 Learner 成员之间的关系Sect.1.2.1和团队 Sect.1.2.2最终导致解决方案表示为“程序 团队图”的人口Sect.1.2.3. 部分 $1.2$ 因此,在我们在第 1 节中介绍两个算法加速之前,建立了我们认为是“规范的 TPG”的东西。1.3.
一个学习者, $L(i)$, 是根据程序、程序和终端操作定义的, $a$ 在哪里 $a \in A$ 是一组特定于任务环境的离散终端原子操作,或者 $L(i)=\langle p(i), a(i)\rangle$.
一个程序, $p$, 只产生一个输出,无论是树结构 GP 的根节点
或注册 $R[0]$ 在线性 GP 的情况下
动作仅仅是对应于终端动作的标量thesewilllaterevolvetoalsoencompasspointerstootherteamsSect. 1.2.2. 程序的目的是为相应的操作定 义上下文。如果同一个程序与不同的动作配合使用,它可以出现在不同的学习者身上。学习器本身并不能定义任何有用的东西。学习者只出现在 学习者群体中, $L$.


一个独立的团队人口, $T$ ,使用可变长度表示搜索学习者的良好组合。强制执行以下约束: 1 各组, $\operatorname{tm}(j)$ 必须由独特的学习者组合组成, $L(i) \in L ; 2$ 同一个学习者, $L(i)$, 可能出现在多个团队中;3同一团队中的学习者不得少于两名; $4 z^2$ 须至少有两个不同的动作由同一个团队中的 学习者的补充来表示。
为了建立团队的输出 $\operatorname{tm}(j)$ ,与该团队中的学习者相关的所有程序都根据当前输入状态进行评估providedbythetaskenvironment, st,或者 $\forall i \in \operatorname{tm}(j): y_i=\operatorname{prog}i\left(\mathbf{s}_t\right)$. 输出最大的程序 $\mathbf{s}_t$ 由 $i^*=\arg \max _i\left(y_i\right)$. 这样的程序赢得了建议其相应原子操作的权利,或者 $a_t$. 在强化学习任务 下,代理的动作被转发给任务,通常会导致任务环境发生变化。此外,还有一个在下一个时间步收到的标量奖励, $r t+1$. 这种奖励反映了应用行 动的相对重要性 $a_t$ 在状态 $\mathbf{s}_t$. 此类奖励捕获任务的潜在属性,例如机器人没有与墙壁碰撞,或者机器人的电池没有耗尽。因此,TPG 与环境之间的 整体交互采用一系列交互的形式: $$ \mathbf{s} 0, a_0, r_1, \mathbf{s}_1, a_1, r_2, \ldots, \mathbf{s}_n, a_n, r_T $$ 其中每个 TPG 环境交互都是一个元组 $\left\langle\mathbf{s}_t, a_t, r t+1\right\rangle$ 和 $r_T$ 是在任务结束条件下收到的最终奖励。 ${ }^1$ 这样的结束条件可能反映了失败状态 pointatwhichagameagentlosesagame 或积极的结果winningagainstanopponent, solvingamaze 或反映计算限制 maximumnumberofinteractions. TPG 的目标是最大化在方程式序列定义的交互过程中采样的奖励的平均侽积。1.1. 这意味着只有在遇到 $r_T$ TPG 是否提供了反馈。这意味着 TPG 最接近强化学习的基于策略的蒙特卡罗公式 24 根据大多数应用于强化学习任务的遗传编程 18 变体算子假设首先对 TPG 智能体的种群进行评估、排序,并且移除最差的 Gap 团队abreedingcycle. 与团队无关的任何学员也将被删除。剩余池 ofteams代表潜在的父母,其中 Gap 被选择和克隆。只有克隆的团队通过交叉和变异进行修改。交叉从幸存团队池中以均匀概率成对选择父母。 两者共有的学习者出现在两个后代中。选择每个父母独有的学习者以概率出现在后代中 $P{c p y}$. 让这个过程的结果是 $G a p$ 后代队, $L^{\prime}$.

计算机代写|基础编程代写Fundamental of Programming代考

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