数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|CSE546 What If Enigma Had Never Been Broken?

如果你也在 怎样密码学与系统安全Cryptography and System Security CSE546这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。密码学Cryptography是对存在对抗行为的安全通信技术的实践和研究。 更广泛地说,密码学是关于构建和分析防止第三方或公众阅读私人信息的协议;信息安全的各个方面,如数据保密性、数据完整性、认证和不可抵赖性是现代密码学的核心。现代密码学存在于数学、计算机科学、电子工程、通信科学和物理学等学科的交叉点。密码学的应用包括电子商务、基于芯片的支付卡、数字货币、计算机密码和军事通信。

密码学与系统安全Cryptography and System Security在现代很大程度上是基于数学理论和计算机科学实践的;密码学算法是围绕计算硬度假设设计的,这使得这种算法在实际操作中很难被任何对手破解。虽然在理论上有可能破解一个设计良好的系统,但在实际操作中这样做是不可行的。因此,这种方案,如果设计得好,被称为 “计算安全”;理论上的进步(例如,整数分解算法的改进)和更快的计算技术要求这些设计被不断地重新评估,如果有必要的话,要进行调整。信息理论上的安全方案,即使有无限的计算能力也无法被破解,如一次性密码键盘,在实践中比理论上可被破解但计算上安全的最佳方案更难使用。

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数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|CSE546 What If Enigma Had Never Been Broken?

数学代写|密码学与系统安全代写Cryptography and System Security代考|What If Enigma Had Never Been Broken?

There are other experts who share Deutsch’s opinion. Among experts who believe we would have won without the cryptanalysts, the consensus is that the victory would have arrived at least a year later, perhaps two. Certainly, a tremendous number of lives were saved by the work of the cryptanalysts.

These cryptanalytic heroes had to wait in silence for decades before their contributions could be revealed. Eventually some honors were bestowed upon them. We saw the Polish postage stamp earlier in this chapter. Other countries eventually issued special stamps, as well. In addition to a monument in Poland (Figure 7.19), there are cryptologic museums in England and America. This is good. We should pay our respects in this manner, but this is not the reward of the cryptanalysts. Look closely the next time you see a crowd of people at a sporting event or at a shopping center and know that many of them would never have existed, if the war had lasted a year or two longer. How many of our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents made it back from the war, but wouldn’t have, if it had gone on longer? How many of us have forefathers who weren’t called to duty because they were a little bit too young? How many more hospital beds would be filled with the horribly wounded? How many more Holocaust victims would there have been? The reward of the cryptanalysts is pride in knowing their work made an incredible difference in the lives of those around them.

数学代写|密码学与系统安全代写Cryptography and System Security代考|Endings and New Beginnings

At the end of World War II, the Allies hoped to capture German cryptologic equipment as well as the codemakers and codebreakers themselves. The results turned out to be better than they could have anticipated. The men in question had buried some equipment, fearing the possibility of capture by Soviet troops; however, upon seeing that the Allied troops arrived first, they quickly revealed the location of the equipment and began digging. It was literally buried treasure. The Germans demonstrated how the recovered equipment could be used to crack Soviet ciphers. Thus, the United States began the Cold War with a great cryptologic advantage. This story remained secret even longer than the breaking of Enigma. It was revealed at last in Thomas Parrish’s The Ultra Americans in $1986.59$

The fact that Enigma was broken was called the Ultra secret and it remained a secret for about 30 years following the war. One reason for maintaining secrecy long after the Nazis were defeated was to keep alive the illusion that machine ciphers were unbreakable. The techniques used could continue to be applied to those same machines, now in the hands of smaller nations. Also, some of the cryptanalytic techniques used on Enigma can be generalized to other machines. These machines, once made in huge numbers are, today, valuable collectors’ items. Of the original 40,000 Enigmas, only 400 some are known to still exist. ${ }^{60}$ Several may be seen (and used!) at the National Cryptologic Museum. ${ }^{61}$

This chapter opened with a quote from Ben Franklin. The chapter itself is the best counterexample I have. Over 10,000 people were in on the conspiracy of silence concerning the breaking of Enigma and they maintained their silence for decades. A common reaction to conspiracy theories is “There’s no way they could keep something like that secret.” Yes, there is.

After the war, Turing had more time to devote to exercise. He was a member of Walton Athletic Club and won their three-mile and ten-mile championship in record time. ${ }^{62} \mathrm{He}$ was unable to try out for the Olympic team due to an injury. The marathon that year was won by an Argentinian with a time 17 minutes faster than what Turing could do.${ }^{63}$ How did he learn to run so fast? Well, in grade school: ${ }^{64}$
…he hated and feared the gym class and the afternoon games. The boys played hockey in winter, and Alan later claimed that it was the necessity of avoiding the ball that had taught him to run fast.

数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|CSE546 What If Enigma Had Never Been Broken?



还有其他专家赞同 Deutsch 的观点。专家们认为,如果没有密码分析人员,我们也会获胜,但他们的共识是,胜利至少会在一年后到来,也许是两 年。当然,密码分析员的工作挽救了无数人的生命。 这不是密码分析者的回报。下次您在体育賽事或购物中心看到人群时,仔细观察就会知道,如果战争再持续一两年,其中许多人将永远不会存
在。我们的父母、祖父母和曾祖父母中有多少人从战争中幸存下来,但如果战争持续时间更长,他们就不会回来了? 我们中有多少人的祖先因为
太年轻而没有被征召入焐? 还会有多少病床被重伤者填满? 会有多少大屠杀受害者? 密码分析家的回报是自豪地知道他们的工作对周围人的生活 产生了不可思议的影响。


Parrish) 的《终极美国人》 (The Ultra Americans) 中揭晓1986.59
Enigma 被破解的事实被称为 Ultra 秘密,并且在战后大约 30 年的时间里一直是个秘密。在纳粹被打败后很长一段时间内仍要保密的原因之一是要 槑持机器密码牢不可破的错觉。所使用的技术可以继续应用于那些相同的机器,现在掌握在较小的国家手中。此外,Enigma上使用的一些密码分 析技术可以推广到其他机器。这些机器曾经大 以看到几个andused!在国家密码学博物馆。
本章开头引用了本富兰克林的话。本章本身就是我所拥有的最好的反例。超过 10,000 人参与了关于破解 Enigma 的沉默阴谋,他们保持沉默数十
战后,图灵有更多时间投入锻炼。他是沃尔顿运动倶乐部的成员,并以创纪录的时间赢得了他们的三英里和十英里冠军。 ${ }^{62} \mathrm{He}$ 因伤末能参加国血

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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