统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|The Dirichlet and Additive Smoothin

如果你也在 怎样代写贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis一种统计推断方法(以英国数学家托马斯-贝叶斯命名),它允许人们将关于人口参数的先验信息与样本中包含的信息证据相结合,以指导统计推断过程。首先指定一个感兴趣的参数的先验概率分布。然后通过应用贝叶斯定理获得并结合证据,为参数提供一个后验概率分布。后验分布为有关该参数的统计推断提供了基础。

贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis自1763年以来,我们现在所知道的贝叶斯统计学并没有一个明确的运行。尽管贝叶斯的方法被拉普拉斯和当时其他领先的概率论者热情地接受,但在19世纪却陷入了不光彩的境地,因为他们还不知道如何正确处理先验概率。20世纪上半叶,一种完全不同的理论得到了发展,现在称为频繁主义统计学。但贝叶斯思想的火焰被少数思想家保持着,如意大利的布鲁诺-德-菲内蒂和英国的哈罗德-杰弗里斯。现代贝叶斯运动开始于20世纪下半叶,由美国的Jimmy Savage和英国的Dennis Lindley带头,但贝叶斯推断仍然极难实现,直到20世纪80年代末和90年代初,强大的计算机开始广泛使用,新的计算方法被开发出来。随后,人们对贝叶斯统计的兴趣大增,不仅导致了贝叶斯方法论的广泛研究,也导致了使用贝叶斯方法来解决天体物理学、天气预报、医疗保健政策和刑事司法等不同应用领域的迫切问题。


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统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|The Dirichlet and Additive Smoothin

统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|The Dirichlet and Additive Smoothin

Sparse counts need to be carefully handled in language data. For example, it is well-known that distributions over words, or more generally, over $n$-grams, follow a Zipfian distribution; this means that there is a heavy tail of rare $n$-grams, and most of the probability mass is concentrated on a relatively small set of $n$-grams. Since the tail is quite heavy, and includes most of the word types in the language, it cannot be ignored. Yet, it is hard to estimate the probabilities of each element in this tail, because single elements from this tail do not occur often in corpora. Assigning non-zero probability only to $n$-grams that actually occur in the text that we use to estimate the probabilities can lead to zero probabilities for $n$-grams that appear in a held-out dataset. This can be quite detrimental to any model, as it makes the model brittle and not robust to noise. To demonstrate this, consider that if any model assigns zero probability to even a single unseen $n$-gram that occurs when testing the model, the log-likelihood of the whole data diverges to negative infinity. ${ }^2$ More generally, the variance of naïve estimates for $n$-grams that occur infrequently is very large. We turn now to describe a connection between approaches to solve this sparsity issue and the Dirichlet distribution.

Consider the case in which $\theta$ is drawn from a symmetric Dirichlet, with hyperparameter $\alpha>0$. In addition, $x^{(1)}, \ldots, x^{(n)}$ are drawn from the multinomial distribution $\theta$ (each $x^{(i)} \in$ ${0,1}^K$ is such that $\sum_{j=1}^K x_j^{(i)}=1$ for every $i$ ). In Section 3.2.1, we showed that the posterior $p\left(\theta \mid x^{(1)}, \ldots, x^{(n)}, \alpha\right)$ is also a Dirichlet, with hyperparameters $(\alpha, \alpha, \ldots, \alpha)+\sum_{i=1}^n x^{(i)}$.
The density of the Dirichlet distribution has a single maximum point when all hyperparameters are larger than 1 . In this case, if $\theta^*$ is the posterior maximizer, then:

\theta_j^=\frac{(\alpha-1)+\sum_{i=1}^n x_j^{(i)}}{K(\alpha-1)+\sum_{j=1}^K \sum_{i=1}^n x_j^{(i)}} $$ When $\alpha=1$, the $\alpha-1$ terms in the numerator and the denominator disappear, and we recover the maximum likelihood estimate – the estimate for $\theta^$ is just composed of the relative frequency of each event. Indeed, when $\alpha=1$, the prior $p(\theta \mid \alpha)$ with the Dirichlet is just a uniform non-informative prior, and therefore we recover the MLE .

When $\alpha>1$, the MAP estimation in Equation 4.4 with Dirichlet-multinomial corresponds to a smoothed maximum likelihood estimation. A pseudo-count, $\alpha-1$, is added to each observation. This type of smoothing, also called additive smoothing, or Laplace-Lidstone smoothing, has been regularly used in data-driven NLP since its early days, because it helps to alleviate the problem of sparse counts in language data. With $\alpha<1$, there is a discounting effect, because $\alpha-1<0$.

统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|MAP Estimation and Regularization

There is a strong connection between maximum a posteriori estimation with certain Bayesian priors and a frequentist type of regularization, in which an objective function, such as the loglikelihood, is augmented with a regularization term to avoid overfitting. We now describe this connection with log-linear models.

Log-linear models are a common type of model for supervised problems in NLP. In the generative case, a model is defined on pairs $(x, z)$ where $x$ is the input to the decoding problem and $z$ is the structure to be predicted. The model form is the following:
p(X, Z \mid \theta)=\frac{\exp \left(\sum_{j=1}^K \theta_j f_j(X, Z)\right)}{A(\theta)},
where $f(x, z)=\left(f_1(x, z), \ldots, f_K(x, z)\right)$ is a feature vector that extracts information about the pair $(x, z)$ in order to decide on its probability according to the model.

Each function $f_i(x, z)$ maps $(x, z)$ to $\mathbb{R}$, and is often just a binary function, taking values in ${0,1}$ (to indicate the existence or absence of a sub-structure in $x$ and $z$ ), or integrals, taking values in $\mathbb{N}$ (to count the number of times a certain sub-structure appears in $x$ and $z$ ).

The function $A(\theta)$ is the partition function, defined in order to normalize the distribution:
A(\theta)=\sum_x A(\theta, x)
A(\theta, x)=\sum_z \exp \left(\sum_{j=1}^K \theta_j f_j(x, z)\right) .
Alternatively, in a discriminative setting, only the predicted structures are modeled, and the log-linear model is defined as a conditional model:
p(Z \mid X, \theta)=\frac{\exp \left(\sum_{j=1}^K \theta_j f_j(X, Z)\right)}{A(\theta, X)}

统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|The Dirichlet and Additive Smoothin



在语言数据中需要小心处理稀疏计数。例如,众所周知,词的分布,或者更一般地, $n$-grams,服从 Zipfian 分布;这意味着有一条稀有的重尾巴 $n$ -grams,并且大部分概率质量集中在相对较小的集合上 $n$-克。由于尾巴很重,包含了该语言中的大部分词类,所以不能忽略。然而,很难估计这 条尾巴中每个元素的概率,因为来自这条尾巴的单个元素在语料库中并不经常出现。仅将非䨐概率分配给 $n$-我们用来估计概率的文本中实际出现 的语法可能导致以下概率为零 $n$-出现在保留数据集中的语法。这对任何模型都非常不利,因为它会使模型变得脆弱并且对噪声不稳健。为了证明 这一点,请考虑如果任何模型将零概率分配给甚至一个看不见的 $n$-gram 在测试模型时出现,整个数据的对数似然发散到负无穷大。 ${ }^2$ 更一般地, 朴素估计的方差 $n$-不经常出现的克非常大。我们现在转而描述解决此稀疏性问题的方法与 Dirichlet 分布之间的联系。
考虑以下情况 $\theta$ 从对称 Dirichlet 中提取,具有超参数 $\alpha>0$. 此外, $x^{(1)}, \ldots, x^{(n)}$ 是从多项分布中得出的 $\theta$ each $\$ x^{(i)} \in \$ \$ 0,1^K \$$ issuchthat $\$ \sum_{j=1}^K x_j^{(i)}=1 \$$ forevery $\$ i$. 在第 3.2 .1 节中,我们展示了后验 $p\left(\theta \mid x^{(1)}, \ldots, x^{(n)}, \alpha\right)$ 也是 Dirichlet,具有 超参数 $(\alpha, \alpha, \ldots, \alpha)+\sum_{i=1}^n x^{(i)}$.
当所有超参数都大于 1 时,Dirichlet 分布的密度有一个最大值点。在这种情况下,如果 $\theta^*$ 是后验最大化器,则:
\theta_j=\frac{(\alpha-1)+\sum_{i=1}^n x_j^{(i)}}{K(\alpha-1)+\sum_{j=1}^K \sum_{i=1}^n x_j^{(i)}}
什么时候 $\alpha=1$ ,这 $\alpha-1$ 分子和分母中的项消失了,我们恢复了最大似然估计一一估计旦只是由每个事件的相对频率组成。的确,当 $\alpha=1$, 先 验的 $p(\theta \mid \alpha)$ 与 Dirichlet 只是一个统一的非信息先验,因此我们恢复了 MLE。
什么时候 $\alpha>1$ ,方程 4.4 中使用 Dirichlet 多项式的 MAP 估计对应于平滑的最大似然估计。一个伪计数, $\alpha-1$, 添加到每个观察。这种类型的平 滑,也称为加法平滑或 Laplace-Lidstone 平滑,从早期开始就经常用于数据驱动的 NLP,因为它有助于缓解语言数据中稀疏计数的问题。和 $\alpha<1$, 存在折扣效应,因为 $\alpha-1<0$.


具有某些贝叶斯先验的最大后验估计与频率论类型的正则化之间存在密切联系,其中目标函数(例如对数似然)通过正则化项来增强以避免过度 拟合。我们现在用对数线性模型描述这种联系。
对数线性模型是 NLP 中监督问题的常见模型类型。在生成的情况下,模型是在对上定义的 $(x, z)$ 在哪里 $x$ 是解码问题的输入,并且 $z$ 是要预测的结 构。模型形式如下:
p(X, Z \mid \theta)=\frac{\exp \left(\sum_{j=1}^K \theta_j f_j(X, Z)\right)}{A(\theta)},
在哪里 $f(x, z)=\left(f_1(x, z), \ldots, f_K(x, z)\right)$ 是提取关于对的信息的特征向量 $(x, z)$ 以便根据模型决定其概率。
每个功能 $f_i(x, z)$ 地图 $(x, z)$ 到 $\mathbb{R} \mathrm{~ , 并 且 通 常 只 是 一 个 二 元 函 数 , 取 值 ~} 0,1$ toindicatetheexistenceorabsenceofasub-structurein $\$ x \$ a n d \$ z \$$ ,或积分,取值 $\mathbb{N}$ tocountthenumberoftimesacertainsub – structureappearsin $\$ x \$ a n d \$ z \$$.
功能 $A(\theta)$ 是配分函数,定义为对分布进行归一化:
A(\theta)=\sum_x A(\theta, x)
A(\theta, x)=\sum_z \exp \left(\sum_{j=1}^K \theta_j f_j(x, z)\right) .
p(Z \mid X, \theta)=\frac{\exp \left(\sum_{j=1}^K \theta_j f_j(X, Z)\right)}{A(\theta, X)}

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