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统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|DISCUSSION AND GAPS IN URBAN FLOOD STUDIES

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统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|DISCUSSION AND GAPS IN URBAN FLOOD STUDIES

统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|DISCUSSION AND GAPS IN URBAN FLOOD STUDIES

Flooding in urban areas has become a more common phenomenon in recent years. Most Indian cities are prone to these floods and require a more scientific approach to identify these flood areas for proper management. Conventional modeling approaches (1D and 1D-1D) quite accurately simulate the drainage network. However, in the case of significant rainfall events, these models cannot simulate the inundation depth in a built-up area and visualize flood extent (Bisht et al., 2016). For estimating depth and extent in urban floods, more accurate models other than $1 \mathrm{D}$ and 1D-1D are needed. Basically, 1D-2D models are based on the 2D-shallow water equations and are solid tools for simulation of the floods in urban areas (Leandro et al. 2009). Most of the 2D modeling approaches available today help identify flood-vulnerable areas for critical rainfall events. Limitations in urban flood modeling include the unavailability of the extensive raw data sets, which has made urban flood modeling a more complicated process.

A study carried out by Rangari et al. (2019) on inundation risks on urban flooding for one part of the Hyderabad city used HEC-RAS for flood analysis. HEC-RAS is a freely available 2D hydraulic model that integrates with GIS and generates a depth of the flood inundation over the underlying terrain and generates risk maps for different rainfall scenarios to generate the inundation depths. Past rainfall events were used to identify the peaks and run simulations for the 5-, 10- and 15-year return periods. The model was not validated due to the lack of flow data, and also no gauges are installed in urban storm flows to monitor the flow. The study concluded that HEC-RAS was more reliable in an urban environment with limited data.

Another study carried out by Tushar Surwase and Manjusree (2019) compared flood modeling of the same area using two models, HEC-RAS and PCSWMM. They concluded that SWMM is suitable for cities where a systematic sewage network is available along with closed conduits and a stormwater drainage network.
Work carried out by Kourtis et al. (2017) has used 1D-1D and 1D-2D urban flood models such as MIKE URBAN and SWMM. This study presented a comparison of a 1D-1D urban flood model (SWMM) with 1D-2D (MIKE URBANMIKE FLOOD) to demonstrate the model structure and its significance. The two models were used for flood simulation of a small urban catchment (Zone D) in Athens. The simulation was done for return periods of ten and 25 years and onehour rainfall duration. These results revealed that the 1D-1D model is faster than the 1D-2D model, but it could not simulate the flood extent and flood inundation accurately. 1D-2D modeling requires more research and also needs the implementation of rainfall-runoff monitoring for calibration and validation of the model. Secondly, sensitivity analysis for the 1D-2D model is in progress.

Akhter and Hewa (2016) used PCSWMM to explore the hydrologic responses in the Myponga catchment, as a result of land-use land cover changes and possible adaptation of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) technologies in managing floods. The calibration and validation of the model satisfactorily predicted the measured data with accuracy and reliability. Zope et al. (2015) studied the urbanization effects on flooding for Mumbai city. They used HEC-HMS based hydrodynamic modeling for this purpose and also used the soil conservation service-curve number (SCS-CN) method to estimate the loss; the SCS-unit hydrograph method was used for transformation, and the kinematic wave method was used for flood routing. Daily rainfall over a 100-year return period was taken as input for the model. Peak discharges at each of the junction nodes and at the outlet node were calculated for LULC patterns that existed during 1966 and 2009.

统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS

This chapter attempts to provide a brief idea of the available current urban flood modeling tools with respect to their strengths and limitations for modeling floods in urban areas. There are numerous tools available for urban flood modeling, each with its own benefits and limitations for applications in different urban set-ups. The approach followed in rapid flood spread models is simple to use, allows for minimal data and has a fast run time, but only the final inundation is the outcome. 1D sewer outputs incorporate the positions of overflow and the full volume of floodwater. Furthermore, it helps to measure the overall inundation level and floodwater depth by simplifying the overflow situation using a simulated reservoir. However, as it is incapable of identifying the surface flow, real flood conditions cannot be defined.
The dynamics of the floodwater cannot be given by flood simulation techniques for surface flow. Nonetheless, 1D surface effects are restricted to the profile of the surface network and 1D flow velocity, and further calculation time and detailed data are needed for the 2D approach. In addition, the effect of the flow in the stormwater runoff system is not considered for all methods, and the quality of the output information may be impaired. In particular, the method of sewer-surface coupling allows the urban dualdrainage system to be portrayed, as it recognizes the flow interchange between major and minor systems and gives detailed explanations of flood conditions. However, when the flow over-tops the specified surface networks, the 1D-1D method does not provide details about surface flow velocities. On the other hand, while the 1D-2D coupling methodology will provide the most reliable and thorough results, it is computationally costly in terms of both run time and data specifications. Finally, this chapter gives a comprehensive understanding of current modeling approaches’ key features, such as abilities in representing the prevailing flood systems, input data requirements, future prediction information and model run time. This thorough understanding of the flood models in flood risk management will help in urban flood management and also help to carry out successful modeling tasks suitable for their criteria.

统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|DISCUSSION AND GAPS IN URBAN FLOOD STUDIES


统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|DISCUSSION AND GAPS IN URBAN FLOOD STUDIES

近年来,城市地区的洪水已成为一种越来越普遍的现象。大多数印度城市都容易受到这些洪水的影响,需要一种更科学的方法来确定这些洪水区域,以便进行适当的管理。传统的建模方法(1D和1D-1D)相当准确地模拟了排水网络。然而,在重大降雨事件的情况下,这些模型无法模拟建成区的淹没深度和可视化洪水范围(Bisht et al., 2016)。对于城市洪水的深度和范围估计,需要比$1 \ mathm {D}$和1D-1D更精确的模型。基本上,一维-二维模型基于二维浅水方程,是模拟城市地区洪水的可靠工具(Leandro et al. 2009)。目前可用的大多数2D建模方法都有助于确定关键降雨事件的洪水易发地区。城市洪水建模的局限性包括缺乏大量的原始数据集,这使得城市洪水建模成为一个更加复杂的过程。Rangari等人(2019)对海德拉巴市部分地区的城市洪水淹没风险进行的研究使用了HEC-RAS进行洪水分析。HEC-RAS是一个免费的二维水力模型,它与GIS相结合,生成洪水淹没在下面的地形上的深度,并生成不同降雨情景的风险图,以生成淹没深度。过去的降雨事件被用来确定峰值,并对5年、10年和15年的回归期进行模拟。由于缺乏流量数据,该模型没有得到验证,也没有在城市暴雨流量中安装测量仪来监测流量。该研究得出结论,HEC-RAS在数据有限的城市环境中更可靠。Tushar Surwase和Manjusree(2019)进行的另一项研究比较了使用HEC-RAS和PCSWMM两种模型对同一地区的洪水建模。他们的结论是,SWMM适用于有系统污水管网、封闭管道和雨水排水管网的城市。Kourtis等人(2017)开展的工作使用了1D-1D和1D-2D城市洪水模型,如MIKE urban和SWMM。本研究将1D-1D城市洪水模型(SWMM)与1D-2D (MIKE URBANMIKE flood)进行了比较,以展示模型结构及其意义。这两个模型被用于雅典一个小型城市集水区(D区)的洪水模拟。模拟时间为10年和25年,降雨持续时间为1小时。这些结果表明,1D-1D模型比1D-2D模型更快,但不能准确模拟洪水范围和洪水淹没。1D-2D建模需要更多的研究,还需要实施降雨径流监测来校准和验证模型。其次,进行了一维-二维模型的敏感性分析。Akhter和Hewa(2016)使用PCSWMM来探索Myponga流域的水文响应,这是土地利用土地覆盖变化和水敏感城市设计(WSUD)技术在洪水管理中的可能适应性的结果。模型的标定和验证结果令人满意地预测了实测数据的准确性和可靠性。Zope等人(2015)研究了城市化对孟买城市洪水的影响。为此,他们使用了基于HEC-HMS的水动力模型,并使用了土壤保持服务曲线数(SCS-CN)方法来估计损失;采用scs -单位线法进行变换,采用运动波法进行洪水路由。以100年的日降雨量作为模型的输入。计算了1966年和2009年存在的LULC模式下各结节点和出口节点的峰值放电。

统计代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS


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