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数学代写|信息论代写Information Theory代考|EEC653

如果你也在 怎样代写信息论information theory 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。信息论information theory回答了通信理论中的两个基本问题:什么是最终的数据压缩(答案:熵$H$),什么是通信的最终传输速率(答案:信道容量$C$)。由于这个原因,一些人认为信息论是通信理论的一个子集。我们认为它远不止于此。

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数学代写|信息论代写Information Theory代考|EEC653

数学代写|信息论代写Information Theory代考|Sliding Window Lempel–Ziv Algorithms

In the original paper of Ziv and Lempel [603], the authors described the basic LZ77 algorithm and proved that it compressed any string as well as any finite-state compressor acting on that string. However, they did not prove that this algorithm achieved asymptotic optimality (i.e., that the compression ratio converged to the entropy for an ergodic source). This result was proved by Wyner and Ziv [591].

The proof relies on a simple lemma due to Kac: the average length of time that you need to wait to see a particular symbol is the reciprocal of the probability of a symbol. Thus, we are likely to see the high-probability strings within the window and encode these strings efficiently. The strings that we do not find within the window have low probability, so that asymptotically, they do not influence the compression achieved.

Instead of proving the optimality of the practical version of LZ77, we will present a simpler proof for a different version of the algorithm, which, though not practical, captures some of the basic ideas. This algorithm assumes that both the sender and receiver have access to the infinite past of the string, and represents a string of length $n$ by pointing to the last time it occurred in the past.

We assume that we have a stationary and ergodic process defined for time from $-\infty$ to $\infty$, and that both the encoder and decoder have access to $\ldots, X_{-2}, X_{-1}$, the infinite past of the sequence. Then to encode $X_0, X_1, \ldots, X_{n-1}$ (a block of length $n$ ), we find the last time we have seen these $n$ symbols in the past. Let
& R_n\left(X_0, X_1, \ldots, X_{n-1}\right)= \
& \quad \max \left{j<0:\left(X_{-j}, X_{-j+1} \ldots X_{-j+n-1}\right)=\left(X_0, \ldots, X_{n-1}\right)\right} .

Then to represent $X_0, \ldots, X_{n-1}$, we need only to send $R_n$ to the receiver, who can then look back $R_n$ bits into the past and recover $X_0, \ldots, X_{n-1}$. Thus, the cost of the encoding is the cost of representing $R_n$. We will show that this cost is approximately $\log R_n$ and that asymptotically $\frac{1}{n} E \log R_n$ $\rightarrow H(\mathcal{X})$, thus proving the asymptotic optimality of this algorithm. We will need the following lemmas.

数学代写|信息论代写Information Theory代考|Optimality of Tree-Structured Lempel–Ziv Compression

We now consider the tree-structured version of Lempel-Ziv, where the input sequence is parsed into phrases, each phrase being the shortest string that has not been seen so far. The proof of the optimality of this algorithm has a very different flavor from the proof for LZ77; the essence of the proof is a counting argument that shows that the number of phrases cannot be too large if they are all distinct, and the probability of any sequence of symbols can be bounded by a function of the number of distinct phrases in the parsing of the sequence.

The algorithm described in Section 13.4.2 requires two passes over the string – in the first pass, we parse the string and calculate $c(n)$, the number of phrases in the parsed string. We then use that to decide how many bits $[\log c(n)]$ to allot to the pointers in the algorithm. In the second pass, we calculate the pointers and produce the coded string as indicated above. The algorithm can be modified so that it requires only one pass over the string and also uses fewer bits for the initial pointers. These modifications do not affect the asymptotic efficiency of the algorithm. Some of the implementation details are discussed by Welch [554] and Bell et al. [41].
We will show that like the sliding window version of Lempel-Ziv, this algorithm asymptotically achieves the entropy rate for the unknown ergodic source. We first define a parsing of the string to be a decomposition into phrases.

数学代写|信息论代写Information Theory代考|EEC653


数学代写|信息论代写Information Theory代考|Sliding Window Lempel–Ziv Algorithms


第13.4.2节中描述的算法需要对字符串进行两次传递——在第一次传递中,我们解析字符串并计算$c(n)$,即解析字符串中的短语数。然后我们用它来决定给算法中的指针分配多少位$[\log c(n)]$。在第二遍中,我们计算指针并产生如上所示的编码字符串。可以修改算法,这样它只需要在字符串上传递一次,并且为初始指针使用更少的位。这些修改不影响算法的渐近效率。Welch[554]和Bell等人[41]讨论了一些实施细节。

数学代写|信息论代写Information Theory代考|Optimality of Tree-Structured Lempel–Ziv Compression


第13.4.2节中描述的算法需要对字符串进行两次传递——在第一次传递中,我们解析字符串并计算$c(n)$,即解析字符串中的短语数。然后我们用它来决定给算法中的指针分配多少位$[\log c(n)]$。在第二遍中,我们计算指针并产生如上所示的编码字符串。可以修改算法,这样它只需要在字符串上传递一次,并且为初始指针使用更少的位。这些修改不影响算法的渐近效率。Welch[554]和Bell等人[41]讨论了一些实施细节。

数学代写|信息论代写Information Theory代考

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