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物理代写|固体物理代写Solid Physics代考|PHY360 Electron dynamics

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固体物理Solid Physics是由密密麻麻的原子形成的,这些原子之间有强烈的相互作用。这些相互作用产生了固体的机械(如硬度和弹性)、热、电、磁和光学特性。根据所涉及的材料及其形成的条件,原子可能以有规律的几何模式排列(晶体固体,包括金属和普通水冰)或不规则地排列(非晶体固体,如普通窗玻璃)。

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物理代写|固体物理代写Solid Physics代考|PHY360 Electron dynamics

物理代写|固体物理代写Solid Physics代考|Electron dynamics

It is very convenient to address electron dynamics within a semi-classical scheme according to which: (i) electron energy states are described quantum mechanically, but (ii) their equations of motion are classical. This approximated scheme is trustworthy when one wants to study the motion of the electrons over a length scale much larger than the interatomic distances. This is, for instance, the relevant case of motion under the action of an externally applied and slowly varying electric field, that is an electric field which is practically constant over the length scale of interatomic lattice distances. On the other hand, the results of this approximation can hardly be extended to the case of nanostructures $[16,17]$, that is to solid state systems whose structural features display on the $10^{-9} \mathrm{~m}$ scale: here a full quantum theory of electron transport is needed, as detailed elsewhere [12, 17-19].

Let us at first consider the dynamics of an electron in the absence of an external electric field. If it is accommodated on the $n$th band, then its velocity $v_n(k)$ is given by the group velocity of the corresponding matter wave
v_n(k)=\frac{d \omega_n(k)}{d k}=\frac{1}{\hbar} \frac{d E_n(k)}{d k},
where of course we used the $E_n(k)=\hbar \omega_n(k)$ matter-wave duality relation. This result is as much mathematically straightforward as it is dense in physical implications: the velocity depends on electron wavevector and the kind of band on which the electron is accommodated. In other words, electrons with identical wavevector, but belonging to different bands, have different velocity; equation (8.29) indicates that their velocity is calculated as the angular coefficient of the band tangent at the selected $k$-point. Similarly, an electron accommodated on a given band will have different velocity depending on its wavevector. Incidentally, this is one of the most important reasons why it is so necessary to know in detail the band structure of a solid: our ability to correctly describe the electron dynamics ultimately depends on $\mathrm{it}^{13}$. In any case, this result indeed represents a major conceptual difference with respect to a pure free electron theory, where just the same (average) drift or thermal velocity was attached to each electron. Another intriguing feature is that a VB electron and a CB electron with the same wavevector move in opposite directions, as clearly understood by inspection of figure 8.6: indeed an unexpected result which, as soon to be explained, has many implications in the theory of charge transport mediated by electrons subject to a periodic crystal field potential.

In the one-dimensional case the calculation of the electron velocity is easy: simply, we must combine equation (8.29) with equations (8.20) and (8.21) to obtain the results summarised in figure 8.9. Interestingly enough, this simple case illustrates quite an important new feature, namely: once a band is selected, it is possible that an electron placed there has zero velocity (this corresponds to a zone-centre or zoneboundary wavevector) and it also moves in both possible directions, depending on its wavevector (in a one-dimensional system, it can move both to the right and to the left).

物理代写|固体物理代写Solid Physics代考|Electric field effects

Let us now apply a constant and uniform electric field $\mathbf{E}$ along a one-dimensional crystal. Within the semi-classical scheme a driving force
F=-e|\mathbf{E}|=\hbar \frac{d k}{d t},
is calculated, governing the drift motion of the electron. The solution of this equation of motion is
k(t)=k_0-\frac{e|\mathbf{E}|}{\hbar} t,
where $k_0$ is the electron wavevector at time $t=0$, that is, when the electric field is turned on. By making use of equation (8.29) this result reflects in a time-dependent electron velocity
v_n(k, t)=\frac{1}{\hbar} \frac{d E_n}{d k(t)},

suggesting the practical rule that under the action of an electric field, the electron velocity at time $t$ is calculated by evaluating the slope of band tangent at the point $k(t)$ given in equation (8.32). This result has a quite interesting implication, as we easily understand by considering the case of an electron in the valence band: under the action of the electric field, which we consider oriented to the left with no loss of generality, the wavevector varies linearly with time, assuming gradually increasing values and, therefore, it will sooner or later end up reaching the right edge of the 1BZ. However, given the crystalline periodicity, the $k=+\pi / a$ value defines a quantum state equivalent to the one described by $k^{\prime}=k+G$ with $G=-2 \pi / a$ a reciprocal lattice vector. This is tantamount to saying that the electron, once it reaches the right edge, is flipped back to a state corresponding the left one. Next, as time goes by, the electron will again assume increasing wavevector values, as before eventually reaching the right edge of $1 \mathrm{BZ}$ : here its wavevector will be flipped back once more. And so on … This periodic back-and-forth variation of $k(t)$ in the Brillouin zone will continue as long as the electric field is present. This phenomenon is described by saying that under the action of an electric field a band electron is subjected to Bloch oscillations: their graphical rendering is reported in figure 8.10.

物理代写|固体物理代写Solid Physics代考|PHY360 Electron dynamics



在半经典格式中处理电子动力学问题是非常方便的,根据这种格式:(i)电子能态是用量子力学描述的,但(ii)它们的运动方程是经典的。当人们想要研究电子在比原子间距离大得多的长度尺度上的运动时,这种近似方案是值得信赖的。这是,举个例子,在一个外部作用的缓慢变化的电场作用下运动的相关情况,这个电场在原子间晶格距离的长度范围内实际上是恒定的。另一方面,这种近似的结果很难扩展到纳米结构$[16,17]$的情况,也就是说,其结构特征在$10^{-9} \mathrm{~m}$尺度上显示的固态系统:在这里,需要一个完整的电子输运量子理论,如别处所详述[12,17 -19]

v_n(k)=\frac{d \omega_n(k)}{d k}=\frac{1}{\hbar} \frac{d E_n(k)}{d k},
给出,当然我们使用$E_n(k)=\hbar \omega_n(k)$物质波对偶关系。这个结果在数学上很直接,在物理意义上也很丰富:速度取决于电子波矢和电子所容纳的带的种类。换句话说,波矢相同但属于不同波段的电子速度不同;式(8.29)表明,它们的速度计算为所选$k$点的带切角系数。同样,在给定波段上的电子,其速度也会因其波矢而异。顺便说一下,这也是为什么我们有必要详细了解固体的能带结构的最重要的原因之一:我们正确描述电子动力学的能力最终取决于$\mathrm{it}^{13}$。在任何情况下,这一结果确实代表了与纯自由电子理论的一个主要概念差异,在纯自由电子理论中,每个电子都附加相同的(平均)漂移或热速度。另一个有趣的特征是,具有相同波矢的VB电子和CB电子向相反的方向移动,这一点通过观察图8.6就能清楚地理解:这确实是一个意想不到的结果,很快就会解释,它对受周期性晶体场势影响的电子所调节的电荷输运理论有许多含义



F=-e|\mathbf{E}|=\hbar \frac{d k}{d t},
k(t)=k_0-\frac{e|\mathbf{E}|}{\hbar} t,
v_n(k, t)=\frac{1}{\hbar} \frac{d E_n}{d k(t)},

表示在电场作用下,电子在$t$时刻的速度通过计算式(8.32)中所示$k(t)$点的带切线斜率来计算。这个结果有一个非常有趣的含义,我们可以通过考虑价带中的电子的情况来很容易地理解:在电场的作用下,我们认为电场是向左的,没有丧失普遍性,波矢随时间线性变化,假设值逐渐增加,因此,它迟早会到达1BZ的右边缘。然而,考虑到晶体的周期性,$k=+\pi / a$值定义了一个等价于$k^{\prime}=k+G$描述的量子态,$G=-2 \pi / a$是一个倒易晶格向量。这就等于说,电子一旦到达右边缘,就会翻转回到左边缘对应的状态。接下来,随着时间的推移,电子将再次获得不断增加的波向值,就像之前最终到达$1 \mathrm{BZ}$的右边缘一样:在这里,它的波向将再次翻转回来。只要电场存在,$k(t)$在布里渊区的这种周期性的来回变化就会继续下去。这种现象是这样描述的:在电场的作用下,带电子受到布洛赫振荡:它们的图形绘制见图8.10

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