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数学代写|统计计算作业代写Statistical Computing代考|Monte Carlo estimates

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数学代写|统计计算作业代写Statistical Computing代考|Monte Carlo estimates


数学代写|统计计算作业代写Statistical Computing代考|Computing Monte Carlo estimates

We can rewrite equation (3.7) as the following very simple algorithm.
Algorithm 3.8 (Monte Carlo estimate)
a function $f$ with values in $\mathbb{R}$
$N \in \mathbb{N}$
randomness used:
i.i.d. copies $\left(X_{j}\right){j \in \mathbb{N}}$ of $X$ output: an estimate $Z{N}^{\mathrm{MC}}$ for $\mathbb{E}(f(X))$
1: $s \leftarrow 0$
2: for $j=1,2, \ldots, N$ do
3: generate $X_{j}$, with the same distribution as $X$ has
4: $\quad s \leftarrow s+f\left(X_{j}\right)$
5: end for
6: return $s / N$
Ignoring the negligible computational cost for the initial assignment of the variable $s$ and of the final division by $N$, the execution time of algorithm $3.8$ is proportional to $N$. On the other hand, by the law of large numbers, we know that the estimate $Z_{N}^{\mathrm{MC}}$ converges to the correct value $\mathbb{E}(f(X))$ only as $N$ increases, and thus the error decreases as $N$ increases. For this reason, choosing the sample size $N$ in algorithm $3.8$ involves a trade-off between computational cost and accuracy of the result. We will discuss this trade-off in more detail in the following section.

数学代写|统计计算作业代写STATISTICAL COMPUTING代考|Monte Carlo error

Since the estimate $Z_{N}^{\mathrm{MC}}$ from definition $3.7$ and algorithm $3.8$ is random, the Monte Carlo error $Z_{N}^{\mathrm{MC}}-\mathbb{E}(f(X))$ is also random. To quantify the magnitude of this random error, we use the concepts of bias and mean squared error from statistics.
Definition 3.9 The bias of an estimator $\hat{\theta}=\hat{\theta}(X)$ for a parameter $\theta$ is given by
where the subscript $\theta$ in the expectations on the right-hand side indicates that the sample $X$ in the expectation comes from the distribution with true parameter $\theta$.
Since the bias as given in definition $3.9$ depends on the value of $\theta$, sometimes the notation $\operatorname{bias}_{\theta}(\hat{\theta})$ is used to indicate the dependence on $\theta$. While the bias measures how far off the estimate is on average, a small value of the bias does not necessarily indicate a useful estimator: even when the estimator is correct on average, the actual values of the estimator may fluctuate so wildly around $\theta$ that they are not useful in practice. For this reason, the size of fluctuations of an estimator is considered.

数学代写|统计计算作业代写STATISTICAL COMPUTING代考|Choice of sample size

The error bound from proposition $3.14$ can be used to guide the choice of sample size $N$ in the Monte Carlo method from algorithm 3.8. The most direct way to use the proposition in this context is to use equation (3.8) to determine the error of the result after a run of algorithm $3.8$ has completed. If the error is too large, another run with a larger value of $N$ can be started, until the required precision is reached. The bound of equation (3.8) can only be applied directly, if the sample variance $\operatorname{Var}(f(X))$ is known. If the sample variance is unknown, it can be estimated together during the computation of the Monte Carlo estimate: The estimate $Z_{N}^{\mathrm{MC}}$ has mean squared error
\operatorname{MSE}\left(Z_{N}^{\mathrm{MC}}\right)=\frac{\operatorname{Var}(f(X))}{N} \approx \frac{\hat{\sigma}^{2}}{N}
\hat{\sigma}^{2}=\frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{j=1}^{N}\left(f\left(X_{j}\right)-Z_{N}^{\mathrm{MC}}\right)^{2}
is the sample variance of the generated values $f\left(X_{1}\right), \ldots, f\left(X_{N}\right)$.

数学代写|统计计算作业代写Statistical Computing代考|Monte Carlo estimates


算法 3.8米○n吨和C一种r一世○和s吨一世米一种吨和
Ignoring the negligible computational cost for the initial assignment of the variable $s$ and of the final division by $N$, the execution time of algorithm $3.8$ is proportional to $N$. On the other hand, by the law of large numbers, we know that the estimate $Z_{N}^{\mathrm{MC}}$ converges to the correct value $\mathbb{E}(f(X))$ only as $N$ increases, and thus the error decreases as $N$ increases. For this reason, choosing the sample size $N$ in algorithm $3.8$ 涉及计算成本和结果准确性之间的权衡。我们将在下一节中更详细地讨论这种权衡。


定义 3.9 估计量的偏差θ^=θ^(X)对于一个参数θ由
\operatorname{bias} 给出θ^=\mathbb{E} {\theta}θ^(X-\theta)=\mathbb{E} {\theta}θ^(X)-\theta
由于定义中给出的偏差3.9取决于的价值θ, 有时记号偏见θ⁡(θ^)用于表示依赖θ. 虽然偏差衡量的是估计值平均偏离了多远,但偏差的小值并不一定表示一个有用的估计量:即使估计量平均正确,估计量的实际值也可能在θ它们在实践中没有用。为此,要考虑估计量的波动大小。


命题的误差界3.14可用于指导样本量的选择ñ在算法 3.8 的蒙特卡洛方法中。在这种情况下使用命题的最直接方法是使用方程3.8在运行算法后确定结果的误差3.8已完成。如果误差太大,再运行一个更大的值ñ可以启动,直到达到所需的精度。方程的界3.8只能直接应用,如果样本方差在哪里⁡(F(X))是已知的。如果样本方差未知,可以在计算 Monte Carlo 估计时一起估计: 估计和ñ米C有均方误差

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