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物理代写|电动力学作业代写Electrodynamics代考|Cauchy Problem for the Radiation Field

如果你也在 怎样代写电动力学Electrodynamics这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。电动力学Electrodynamics研究与运动中的带电体和变化的电场和磁场有关的现象;由于运动的电荷会产生磁场,所以电动力学关注磁、电磁辐射和电磁感应等效应,包括发电机和电动机等实际应用。

电动力学Electrodynamics电动力学的这一领域,通常被称为经典电动力学,是由物理学家詹姆斯-克拉克-麦克斯韦首次系统地解释的。麦克斯韦方程,一组微分方程,非常普遍地描述了这个领域的现象。最近的发展是量子电动力学,它的制定是为了解释电磁辐射与物质的相互作用,量子理论的规律适用于此。物理学家P. A. M. Dirac, W. Heisenberg, 和W. Pauli是制定量子电动力学的先驱者。当所考虑的带电粒子的速度与光速相当时,必须进行涉及相对论的修正;该理论的这个分支被称为相对论电动力学。它被应用于粒子加速器和电子管所涉及的现象,这些电子管承受着高电压和重电流。

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物理代写|电动力学作业代写Electrodynamics代考|Cauchy Problem for the Radiation Field

物理代写|电动力学作业代写Electrodynamics代考|Radiation Field and Manifest Gauge Invariance

As pointed out in Sect. 3.2.3, the introduction of the vector potential is unavoidable if one wants to derive the laws of electrodynamics from a variational principle, the latter being, in turn, the indispensable starting point for the quantization of the theory. On the other hand, the approaches that, in addition to the electromagnetic field, involve explicitly the vector potential, entail the disadvantage of violating manifest gauge invariance. In the context of classical electrodynamics the introduction of the vector potential constitutes, actually, only a matter of convenience, as it can make the analysis of certain phenomena easier. We saw, for example, that the introduction of the vector potential, together with the Fourier transform, allowed to solve Maxwell’s equations in vacuum in a simple way. However, it is important to realize that it is possible – not only in principle, but also in practice – to solve the fundamental equations of classical electrodynamics, in full generality, in terms of only the electromagnetic field $F^{\mu \nu}$. The obvious advantages of such an approach are that one never introduces non-physical elements, and that gauge invariance is manifest at all stages. To illustrate this alternative framework, below we again solve Maxwell’s equations in vacuum by relying only on the electromagnetic field. In this perspective we must solve the system of equations
\partial_{\mu} F^{\mu \nu} &=0 \
\partial_{[\mu} F_{\nu \rho]} &=\frac{1}{3}\left(\partial_{\mu} F_{\nu \rho}+\partial_{\nu} F_{\rho \mu}+\partial_{\rho} F_{\mu \nu}\right)=0
where we included again the Bianchi identity. We prove first of all that all components of the Maxwell tensor must satisfy the wave equation. Applying to the Bianchi identity the derivative operator $\partial^{\mu}$ we obtain the equation
\frac{1}{3}\left(\square F_{\nu \rho}+\partial_{\nu} \partial^{\mu} F_{\rho \mu}+\partial_{\rho} \partial^{\mu} F_{\mu \nu}\right)=0

物理代写|电动力学作业代写Electrodynamics代考|Initial Value Problem

We address now the initial value problem for the free electromagnetic field. In the light of Eqs. (5.118) and (5.119), from the analysis of Sect. $5.2 .2$ we know already how to write $F^{\mu \nu}(x)$ in terms of the initial data $F^{\mu \nu}(0, \mathbf{x})$ and $\partial_{0} F^{\mu \nu}(0, \mathbf{x})$, and of the antisymmetric kernel $D(x)$, see (5.48),
F^{\mu \nu}(x)=\int\left(D(t, \mathbf{x}-\mathbf{y}) \partial_{0} F^{\mu \nu}(0, \mathbf{y})+\partial_{0} D(t, \mathbf{x}-\mathbf{y}) F^{\mu \nu}(0, \mathbf{y})\right) d^{3} y
On the other hand, the time derivatives $\partial_{0} F^{\mu \nu}(0, \mathbf{x})$ are tied to the initial values of the fields $F^{\mu \nu}(0, \mathbf{x})$ through Eqs. (5.116) and (5.117), that is to say
\frac{\partial \mathbf{E}}{\partial t}=\nabla \times \mathbf{B}, \quad \frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t}=-\nabla \times \mathbf{E} .

物理代写|电动力学作业代写ELECTRODYNAMICS代考|Time-Reversal Invariance

Property (5.54) asserts that $D(x)$ is antisymmetric in the time variable
D(-t, \mathbf{x})=-D(t, \mathbf{x}),\left.\quad \frac{\partial}{\partial t^{}} D\left(t^{}, \mathbf{x}\right)\right|{t^{}=-t}=\frac{\partial}{\partial t} D(t, \mathbf{x}) . $$ This feature is by no means a coincidence being, rather, strictly related to the timereversal invariance of electrodynamics. Returning for a moment to the simpler case of the wave equation for a scalar field $\square \varphi=0$, and to the corresponding Lagrangian $\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2} \partial{\mu} \varphi \partial^{\mu} \varphi$, we see that both are invariant under time reversal. As $t$ goes into $t^{}=-t$, the scalar field transforms in fact according to the rule $\varphi^{}\left(t^{}, \mathbf{x}\right)=\varphi(t, \mathbf{x})$, or $\varphi^{}(t, \mathbf{x})=\varphi(-t, \mathbf{x})$. Consequently, if $\varphi(x)$ is a solution of the wave equation, so is $\varphi^{}(x)$. More precisely, replacing in the solution (5.48) $t$ with $-t$, and using (5.127), we see that $\varphi^{}(x)$ is a solution of the wave equation with the correct initial data $\varphi^{}(0, \mathbf{x})=\varphi(0, \mathbf{x})$ and $\partial_{0} \varphi^{*}(0, \mathbf{x})=-\partial_{0} \varphi(0, \mathbf{x})$.

物理代写|电动力学作业代写Electrodynamics代考|Cauchy Problem for the Radiation Field



正如 Sect 中指出的那样。3.2.3,如果想要从变分原理推导出电动力学定律,矢量势的引入是不可避免的,而变分原理又是理论量化不可或缺的起点。另一方面,除了电磁场之外,还明确涉及矢量势的方法具有违反明显规范不变性的缺点。在经典电动力学的背景下,向量势的引入实际上只是一个方便的问题,因为它可以使某些现象的分析更容易。例如,我们看到向量势的引入以及傅里叶变换允许以简单的方式在真空中求解麦克斯韦方程组。然而,Fμν. 这种方法的明显优点是永远不会引入非物理元素,并且规范不变性在所有阶段都表现出来。为了说明这个替代框架,下面我们再次仅依靠电磁场在真空中求解麦克斯韦方程。从这个角度来看,我们必须求解方程组
\partial_{\mu} F^{\mu \nu} &=0 \
\partial_{[\mu} F_{\nu \rho]} &=\frac{1}{3}\left(\partial_{\mu} F_{\nu \rho}+\partial_{\nu} F_{\rho \mu}+\partial_{\rho} F_{\mu \nu}\right)=0
我们再次包含了 Bianchi 身份。我们首先证明麦克斯韦张量的所有分量都必须满足波动方程。将导数运算符应用于 Bianchi 恒等式∂μ我们得到方程
\frac{1}{3}\left(\square F_{\nu \rho}+\partial_{\nu} \partial^{\mu} F_{\rho \mu}+\partial_{\rho} \partial^{\mu} F_{\mu \nu}\right)=0


我们现在解决自由电磁场的初值问题。根据方程式。5.118和5.119,从宗派的分析。5.2.2我们已经知道怎么写了Fμν(X)就初始数据而言Fμν(0,X)和∂0Fμν(0,X), 和反对称核D(X), 看5.48,
另一方面,时间导数∂0Fμν(0,X)与字段的初始值相关联Fμν(0,X)通过方程式。5.116和5.117, 也就是说
\frac{\partial \mathbf{E}}{\partial t}=\nabla \times \mathbf{B}, \quad \frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t}=-\nabla \times \mathbf{E} .


D(-t, \mathbf{x})=-D(t, \mathbf{x}),\left.\quad \frac{\partial}{\partial t^{}} D\left(t^{}, \mathbf{x}\right)\right|{t^{}=-t}=\frac{\partial}{\partial t} D(t, \mathbf{x}) . $$ This feature is by no means a coincidence being, rather, strictly related to the timereversal invariance of electrodynamics. Returning for a moment to the simpler case of the wave equation for a scalar field $\square \varphi=0$, and to the corresponding Lagrangian $\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2} \partial{\mu} \varphi \partial^{\mu} \varphi$, we see that both are invariant under time reversal. As $t$ goes into $t^{}=-t$, the scalar field transforms in fact according to the rule $\varphi^{}\left(t^{}, \mathbf{x}\right)=\varphi(t, \mathbf{x})$, or $\varphi^{}(t, \mathbf{x})=\varphi(-t, \mathbf{x})$. Consequently, if $\varphi(x)$ is a solution of the wave equation, so is $\varphi^{}(x)$. More precisely, replacing in the solution (5.48) $t$ with $-t$, and using (5.127), we see that $\varphi^{}(x)$ is a solution of the wave equation with the correct initial data $\varphi^{}(0, \mathbf{x})=\varphi(0, \mathbf{x})$ and $\partial_{0} \varphi^{*}(0, \mathbf{x})=-\partial_{0} \varphi(0, \mathbf{x})$.


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