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数学代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|Time Series:An Overview and a Quick History

如果你也在 怎样代写时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis在数学中,是按时间顺序索引(或列出或绘制)的一系列数据点。最常见的是,一个时间序列是在连续的等距的时间点上的一个序列。因此,它是一个离散时间数据的序列。时间序列的例子是海洋潮汐的高度、太阳黑子的数量和道琼斯工业平均指数的每日收盘值。

时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis包括分析时间序列数据的方法,以提取有意义的统计数据和数据的其他特征。时间序列预测是使用一个模型来预测基于先前观察到的值的未来值。虽然经常采用回归分析的方式来测试一个或多个不同时间序列之间的关系,但这种类型的分析通常不被称为 “时间序列分析”,它特别指的是单一序列中不同时间点之间的关系。中断的时间序列分析是用来检测一个时间序列从之前到之后的演变变化,这种变化可能会影响基础变量。

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数学代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|Time Series:An Overview and a Quick History

数学代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|Forecasting Weather

For obvious reasons, predicting the weather has long been a preoccupation to many. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle delved into weather with an entire treatise (Meteorology), and his ideas about the causes and sequencing of the weather remained dominant until the Renaissance. At that time, scientists began to collect weather-related data with the help of newly invented instruments, such as the barometer, to measure the state of the atmosphere. They used these instruments to record time series at daily or even hourly intervals. The records were kept in a variety of locations, including private diaries and local town logbooks. For centuries this remained the only way that Western civilization tracked the weather.

Greater formalization and infrastructure for weather recording arrived in the $1850 \mathrm{~s}$ when Robert FitzRoy was appointed the head of a new British government department to record and publish weather-related data for sailors. ${ }^{3}$ FitzRoy coined the term weather forecast. At the time, he was criticized for the quality of his forecasts, but he is now regarded to have been well ahead of his time in the science he used to develop them. He established the custom of printing weather forecasts in the newspaper; they were the first forecasts printed in The Times of London. FitzRoy is now celebrated as the “father of forecasting.”

In the late 19th century-hundreds of years after many atmospheric measurements had come into use-the telegraph allowed for fast compilations of atmospheric conditions in time series from many different locations. This practice became standard in many parts of the world by the 1870 s and led to the creation of the first meaningful data sets for predicting local weather based on what was happening in other geographic locations.

数学代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|Trading markets

Let’s get back to the historical side of things. As government efforts at data collection met with great success, private organizations began to copy government recordkeeping. Over time, commodities and stock exchanges became increasingly technical. Financial almanacs became popular, too. This happened both because market participants became more sophisticated and because emerging technologies enabled greater automation and new ways of competing and thinking about prices.

All this minute recordkeeping gave rise to the pursuit of making money off the markets via math rather than intuition, in a way driven entirely by statistics (and, more recently, by machine learning). Early pioneers did this mathematical work by hand, whereas current “quants” do this by very complicated and proprietary time series analytic methods.

One of the pioneers of mechanical trading, or time series forecasting via algorithm, was Richard Dennis. Dennis was a self-made millionaire who famously turned ordinary people, called the Turtles, into star traders by teaching them a few select rules about how and when to trade. These rules were developed in the 1970 s and 1980 s and mirrored the “AI” thinking of the 1980 s, in which heuristics still strongly ruled the paradigm of how to build intelligent machines to work in the real world.

Since then many “mechanical” traders have adapted these rules, which as a result have become less profitable in a crowded automated market. Mechanical traders continue to grow in number and wealth, they are continually in search of the next best thing because there is so much competition.

数学代写|时间序列分析代写TIME SERIES ANALYSIS代考|Time Series Analysis Takes Off

George Box, a pioneering statistician who helped develop a popular time series model, was a great pragmatist. He famously said, “All models are wrong, but some are useful.”

Box made this statement in response to a common attitude that proper time series modeling was a matter of finding the best model to fit the data. As he explained, the idea that any model can describe the real world is very unlikely. Box made this pronouncement in 1978 , which seems bizarrely late into the history of a field as important as time series analysis, but in fact the formal discipline was surprisingly young.
For example, one of the achievements that made George Box famous, the BoxJenkins method-considered a fundamental contribution to time series analysisappeared only in $1970 .{ }^{4}$ Interestingly, this method first appeared not in an academic journal but rather in a statistics textbook, Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (Wiley). Incidentally this textbook remains popular and is now in its fifth edition.
The original Box-Jenkins model was applied to a data set of carbon dioxide levels emitted from a gas furnace. While there is nothing quaint about a gas furnace, the 300-point data set that was used to demonstrate the method does feel somewhat outmoded. Certainly, larger data sets were available in the 1970 s, but remember that they were exceptionally difficult to work with then. This was a time that predated conveniences such as R, Python, and even $\mathrm{C}++$. Researchers had good reasons to focus on small data sets and methods that minimized computing resources.

数学代写|时间序列分析代写Time Series Analysis代考|Time Series:An Overview and a Quick History




气象记录的更正规化和基础设施已经到来1850 s罗伯特·菲茨罗伊(Robert FitzRoy)被任命为新的英国政府部门负责人,负责为水手记录和发布与天气相关的数据。3FitzRoy 创造了天气预报这个词。当时,他的预测质量受到批评,但现在他被认为在他用来开发预测的科学方面已经远远领先于他的时代。他建立了在报纸上印天气预报的习惯;它们是《伦敦泰晤士报》上发表的第一批预测。FitzRoy 现在被誉为“预测之父”。

在 19 世纪后期——在许多大气测量开始使用数百年后——电报允许快速汇编来自许多不同地点的时间序列中的大气条件。这种做法在 1870 年代成为世界许多地方的标准,并导致创建了第一个有意义的数据集,用于根据其他地理位置发生的情况预测当地天气。



所有这些分钟的记录都引发了通过数学而不是直觉从市场上赚钱的追求,这种方式完全由统计数据驱动一种nd,米这r和r和C和n吨l是,b是米一种CH一世n和l和一种rn一世nG. 早期的先驱者手工完成这项数学工作,而当前的“量化专家”通过非常复杂和专有的时间序列分析方法来完成这项工作。

机械交易或通过算法进行时间序列预测的先驱之一是理查德丹尼斯。丹尼斯是一位白手起家的百万富翁,他通过教他们一些关于如何以及何时交易的精选规则,将被称为海龟的普通人变成了明星交易员。这些规则是在 1970 年代和 1980 年代制定的,反映了 1980 年代的“人工智能”思维,其中启发式仍然强烈地主导着如何构建智能机器以在现实世界中工作的范式。



George Box 是一位开创性的统计学家,他帮助开发了一种流行的时间序列模型,他是一位伟大的实用主义者。他有句名言:“所有模型都是错误的,但有些模型是有用的。”

Box 做出这一声明是为了回应一种普遍的态度,即适当的时间序列建模是找到适合数据的最佳模型的问题。正如他解释的那样,任何模型都可以描述现实世界的想法是不太可能的。Box 在 1978 年发表了这一声明,这在与时间序列分析同样重要的领域的历史中似乎出奇地晚了,但实际上这门正式的学科却出人意料地年轻。
例如,让 George Box 出名的成就之一是 BoxJenkins 方法——被认为是对时间序列分析的根本贡献,它只出现在1970.4有趣的是,这种方法最初不是出现在学术期刊上,而是出现在统计教科书《时间序列分析:预测与控制》中在一世l和是. 顺便说一句,这本教科书仍然很受欢迎,现在已经是第五版了。
最初的 Box-Jenkins 模型应用于燃气炉排放的二氧化碳水平数据集。虽然燃气炉并没有什么古怪之处,但用于演示该方法的 300 点数据集确实有点过时了。当然,在 1970 年代可以获得更大的数据集,但请记住,那时它们非常难以使用。这是一个早于 R、Python 甚至C++. 研究人员有充分的理由专注于最小化计算资源的小型数据集和方法。

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