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博弈论代写代考| Legislative Voting and Political Power 数学代写

博弈论代写代考| Legislative Voting and Political Power 数学代写


When it comes to mathematics applied to politics, there are two distinct types of voting that can be studied. When voting for candidates for an election, that is called social choice voting. There is much that can be said about the mathematics of social choice voting, and it is a fascinating area of study. We don’t have the space here to cover it, so we refer the interested reader to Hodge and Klima (2005), Robinson and Ullman (2011), Taylor and Pacelli (2008), and chapter 20 of Straffin (1993).

In this final section of the chapter, we focus on legislative voting, where a legislative body (group of people) votes to pass a proposition, resolution, or law, based on its rules of passage. This type of voting is also called yes-no voting. We introduce this type of voting because such systems are examples of games in characteristic function form. Ours is a brief introduction. More details can be found in Taylor and Pacelli (2008), chapters 26-28 of Straffin (1993), and Taylor and Zwicker (1999), although the last text is for mathematically mature readers.
$410 \quad$ Sensitivity Analysis, Ordinal Games, and $n$-Person Games
8.5.1 Legislative Voting Systems
We begin with a hypothetical example.
Example 8.16 The Holding Company Big Sister has an executive committee that decides the company’s policies. The executive committee has three members: Janis, James, and Sam. Janis started the company, so her votes carries more weight than the other members; her weight is the combination of the other two members’ weights. So James and Sam each have one vote, and Janis has two votes (or think of it as one vote with a weight of 2 ). In order for a proposal to pass, it must have the support of at least three votes.

This is an example of a weighted voting system. In such a system, each voter has a weight attached to his or her vote, and passage requires a coalition whose total weight equals or surpasses a fixed quota $q$. Such a voting system can always be regarded as a game in characteristic function form. The set $N$ is the set of voters, and if the total weight of a coalition $X$ is $\geq q$, so it is a winning coalition, we assign $v(X)=1$; otherwise, it has value 0 .

REMARK $8.17$ We make the assumption throughout Section $8.5$ that in any voting system, the empty coalition is losing (so $v(\varnothing)=0$ as usual) and the grand coalition is winning, so $v(N)=1$.
Here is the characteristic function for the Big Sister example, where $q=3$.
\hline Coalitions and their values \
$v(\varnothing)=0$ \
$v($ Janis $)=v($ James $)=v($ Sam $)=0$ \
$v({$ James, Sam $)=0, v{$ Janis, James $}=v{$ Janis, Sam $})=1$ \
$v($ Janis, James, Sam $)=1$
We define two voting systems to be equivalent if they have the same value function $v$. This is the same thing as saying they have exactly the same winning coalitions. As an example, suppose the weights in the preceding example are 5 for Janis, 2 for James, and 3 for Sam, and we reset the quota at $q=6$. It should be clear that this weighted system has exactly the same winning coalitions as the preceding example – namely, {Janis, James}, {Janis, Sam }, and the grand coalition of all three voters. Thus, even though the weights and quota are different, this modified We define two voting systems to be $e q u i v a t e n t$ (Janis, James, Sam $}$ ) $=1$ the same thing as saying they have exactly the weights in the preceding example are 5 the quota at $q=6$. It should be clear that coalitions as the preceding example – namely, coalition of all three voters. Thus, even though the system is equivalent to the one in Example $8.16$.

In fact, the system need not even be described as a weighted system at all. Suppose we stipulate that in the executive committee, passage requires the support of at least two voters, but Janis has veto power, which means Janis must be a part of every winning coalition. If she does not support a proposal, it doesn’t pass. Again, we find the exact same three winning coalitions, so this system is equivalent to the example. So although this third case is not described as a weighted system (passage in a weighted system only requires enough weight to exceed the quota and does not have any extra stipulations such as veto power), it is actually equivalent to a weighted system. There are real-life examples of voting systems which are not described as weighted, but they are equivalent to a weighted system, such as the United Nations Security Council (see Exercise 1 at the end of this section).

当谈到应用于政治的数学时,可以研究两种不同类型的投票。在为选举候选人投票时,这称为社会选择投票。关于社会选择投票的数学可以说很多,这是一个迷人的研究领域。我们这里没有篇幅来介绍它,所以我们将感兴趣的读者推荐给 Hodge 和 Klima (2005)、Robinson 和 Ullman (2011)、Taylor 和 Pacelli (2008) 以及 Straffin (1993) 的第 20 章。

在本章的最后一节,我们关注立法投票,即立法机构(一群人)根据其通过规则投票通过一项提案、决议或法律。这种投票也称为是-否投票。我们引入这种投票是因为这种系统是具有特征函数形式的游戏的例子。我们是一个简单的介绍。更多细节可以在 Taylor 和 Pacelli (2008)、Straffin (1993) 的第 26-28 章以及 Taylor 和 Zwicker (1999) 中找到,尽管最后的文本是为数学成熟的读者准备的。
$410 \quad$ 敏感性分析、Ordinal Games 和 $n$-Person Games
8.5.1 立法投票系统
例 8.16 控股公司大姐有一个执行委员会来决定公司的政策。执行委员会由三名成员组成:Janis、James 和 Sam。 Janis 创办了这家公司,因此她的选票比其他成员更重要;她的体重是其他两个成员的体重之和。所以 James 和 Sam 各有一票,而 Janis 有两票(或将其视为一票,权重为 2 )。为了通过一项提案,它必须得到至少三票的支持。

这是加权投票系统的一个例子。在这样的系统中,每个选民都有一个权重附加到他或她的选票上,通过需要一个总权重等于或超过固定配额 $q$ 的联盟。这样的投票系统总是可以看作是一种具有特征函数形式的游戏。集合$N$是选民的集合,如果一个联盟$X$的总权重是$\geq q$,那么它是一个获胜的联盟,我们赋值$v(X)=1$;否则,它的值为 0 。

备注 $8.17$ 我们在第 8.5$ 节中假设在任何投票系统中,空联盟正在失败(所以 $v(\varnothing)=0$ 像往常一样),而大联盟正在获胜,所以 $v(N)= 1美元。
这是 Big Sister 示例的特征函数,其中 $q=3$。
\hline 联盟及其价值观 \
$v(\varnothing)=0$ \
$v({$ 詹姆斯, 山姆 $)=0, v{$ 詹尼斯, 詹姆斯 $}=v{$ 詹尼斯, 山姆 $})=1$ \
$v($ 詹尼斯、詹姆斯、山姆 $)=1$
如果两个投票系统具有相同的价值函数 $v$,我们将它们定义为等价的。这与说他们拥有完全相同的获胜联盟是一回事。例如,假设上例中的权重是 Janis 为 5,James 为 2,Sam 为 3,我们将配额重置为 $q=6$。应该清楚的是,这个加权系统与前面的例子有完全相同的获胜联盟——即 {Janis, James}、{Janis, Sam },​​以及所有三个选民的大联盟。因此,即使权重和配额不同,修改后的我们将两个投票系统定义为 $equivatent$ (Janis, James, Sam $}$ ) $=1$ 与说它们在前面的例子是 5 $q=6$ 的配额。应该清楚的是,联盟作为前面的例子——即所有三个选民的联盟。因此,即使该系统等同于示例 $8.16$ 中的系统。

事实上,这个系统甚至根本不需要被描述为一个加权系统。假设我们在执行委员会中规定,通过需要至少有两名选民的支持,但詹尼斯拥有否决权,这意味着詹尼斯必须是每个获胜联盟的一部分。如果她不支持某项提议,则该提议不会通过。同样,我们找到了完全相同的三个获胜联盟,因此该系统与示例等效。所以虽然这第三种情况没有被描述为加权系统(加权系统中的通过只需要足够的权重超过配额,并且没有任何额外的规定,例如否决权),但它实际上相当于加权系统。现实生活中的投票系统示例没有被描述为加权,但它们等效于加权系统,例如联合国安理会(参见本节末尾的练习 1)。

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  1. 数据压缩(或信源编码
  2. 前向错误更正(或信道编码
  3. 加密编码
  4. 线路码



学习易分析也已经很冬年了,七七八人的也续了圧少的书籍和论文。略作总结工作,方便后来人学 Đ参考。
复分析是一门历史悠久的学科,主要是研究解析函数,亚纯函数在复球面的性质。下面一昭这 些基本内容。
(1) 提到复变函数 ,首先需要了解复数的基本性左和四则运算规则。怎么样计算复数的平方根, 极坐标与 $x y$ 坐标的转换,复数的模之类的。这些在高中的时候囸本上都会学过。
(2) 复变函数自然是在复平面上来研究问题,此时数学分析里面的求导数之尖的运算就会很自然的 引入到复平面里面,从而引出解析函数的定义。那/研究解析函数的性贡就是关楗所在。最关键的 地方就是所谓的Cauchy一Riemann公式,这个是判断一个函数是否是解析函数的关键所在。
(3) 明白解析函数的定义以及性质之后,就会把数学分析里面的曲线积分 $a$ 的概念引入复分析中, 定义几乎是一致的。在引入了闭曲线和曲线积分之后,就会有出现复分析中的重要的定理: Cauchy 积分公式。 这个是易分析的第一个重要定理。

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