In this section, through the fundamental theorem of linear programming, we
establish the primary importance of basic feasible solutions in solving linear
programs. The method of proof of the theorem is in many respects as important as
the result itself, since it represents the beginning of the development of the simplex
method. The theorem (due to Carathéodory) itself shows that it is necessary only
to consider basic feasible solutions when seeking an optimal solution to a linear
program because the optimal value is always achieved at such a solution.
Corresponding to a linear program in standard form
minimize \mathbf{c}^{T} \mathbf{x}
subject to \mathbf{A x}=\mathbf{b}, \mathbf{x} \geqslant \mathbf{0}
constraints that achieves the minimum value of the
a feasible solution to the constraints that achieves the minimum value of the
objective function subject to those constraints is said to be an optimal feasible
solution. If this solution is basic, it is an optimal basic feasible solution.
Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming Given a linear program in standard
form (2.13) where A is an m \times n matrix of rank m,
i) if there is a feasible solution, there is a basic feasible solution; ii) if there is an optimal feasible solution, there is an optimal basic feasible solution.
ii) if there is an optimal feasible solution, there is an optimal basic feasible solution.
\left(x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}\right) is a feasible solution. Then, in terms of the columns of \mathbf{A},
this solution satisfies:
x_{1} \mathbf{a}{1}+x{2} \mathbf{a}{2}+\cdots+x{n} \mathbf{a}{n}=\mathbf{b} . Assume that exactly p of the variables x{i} are greater than zero, and for convenience,
that they are the first p variables. Thus
x_{1} \mathbf{a}{1}+x{2} \mathbf{a}{2}+\cdots+x{p} \mathbf{a}{p}=\mathbf{b} There are now two cases, corresponding as to whether the set \mathbf{a}{1}, \mathbf{a}{2}, \ldots, \mathbf{a}{p} is
linearly independent or linearly dependent.
CASE 1: Assume \mathbf{a}{1}, \mathbf{a}{2}, \ldots, \mathbf{a}{p} are linearly independent. Then clearly, p \leqslant m. If p=m, the solution is basic and the proof is complete. If p{1}, \mathbf{a}{2}, \ldots, \mathbf{a}{p} are linearly dependent. Then there is a
nontrivial linear combination of these vectors that is zero. Thus there are constants y_{1}, y_{2}, \ldots, y_{p}, at least one of which can be assumed to be positive, such that
y_{1}, y_{2}, \ldots, y_{p}, at least one of which can be assumed to be positive, such that
y_{1} \mathbf{a}{1}+y{2} \mathbf{a}{2}+\cdots+y{p} \mathbf{a}{p}=\mathbf{0} . y{1} \mathbf{a}{1}+y{2} \mathbf{a}{2}+\cdots+y{p} \mathbf{a}{p}=\mathbf{0} . Multiplying this equation by a scalar \varepsilon and subtracting it from (2.14), we obtain \left(x{1}-\varepsilon y_{1}\right) \mathbf{a}{1}+\left(x{2}-\varepsilon y_{2}\right) \mathbf{a}{2}+\cdots+\left(x{p}-\varepsilon y_{p}\right) \mathbf{a}{p}=\mathbf{b} This equation holds for every \varepsilon, and for each \varepsilon the components x{j}-\varepsilon y_{j} correspond
to a solution of the linear equalities-although they may violate x_{i}-\varepsilon y_{i} \geqslant 0.
Denoting \mathbf{y}=\left(y_{1}, y_{2}, \ldots, y_{p}, 0,0, \ldots, 0\right), we see that for any \varepsilon
\mathbf{x}-\varepsilon \mathbf{y}
is a solution to the equalities. For \varepsilon=0, this reduces to the original feasible solution.
As \varepsilon is increased from zero, the various components increase, decrease, or remain
As \varepsilon is increased from zero, the various components increase, decrease, or remain
Since we assume at least one y_{i} is positive, at least one component will decrease as \varepsilon
is increased. We increase \varepsilon to the first point where one or more components become
zero. Specifically, we set
\varepsilon=\min \left{x_{i} / y_{i}: y_{i}>0\right}
\varepsilon=\min \left{x_{i} / y_{i}: y_{i}>0\right}
For this value of \varepsilon the solution given by (2.17) is feasible and has at most p-1
positive variables. Repeating this process if necessary, we can eliminate positive
variables until we have a feasible solution with corresponding columns that are
linearly independent. At that point Case 1 applies.
Proof of (ii) Let \mathbf{x}=\left(x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}\right) be an optimal feasible solution and, as in the
proof of (i) above, suppose there are exactly p positive variables x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{p}.
Again there are two cases; and Case 1, corresponding to linear independence, is
exactly the same as before.
Case 2 also goes exactly the same as before, but it must be shown that for any
\varepsilon the solution (2.17) is optimal. To show this, note that the value of the solution
方法。定理(由于 Carathéodory)本身表明它是必要的
最小化 \mathbf{c}^{T} \mathbf{x}
服从 \mathbf{A x}=\mathbf{b}, \mathbf{x} \geqslant \mathbf{0}
形式 (2.13) 其中 A 是一个秩为 m 的 m \times n 矩阵,
i) 若有可行解,则存在基本可行解; ii) 如果存在最优可行解,则存在最优基本可行解。
ii) 如果存在最优可行解,则存在最优基本可行解。
\left(x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}\right) 是一个可行的解决方案。那么,就 \mathbf{A} 的列而言,
x_{1} \mathbf{a}{1}+x{2} \mathbf{a}{2}+\cdots+x{n} \mathbf{a}{n}=\mathbf{b } . 假设变量 x{i} 中恰好有 p 大于零,并且为方便起见,
它们是第一个 p 变量。因此
x_{1} \mathbf{a}{1}+x{2} \mathbf{a}{2}+\cdots+x{p} \mathbf{a}{p}=\mathbf{b } 现在有两种情况,分别对应集合 \mathbf{a}{1}, \mathbf{a}{2}, \ldots, \mathbf{a}{p} 是否为
情况 1:假设 \mathbf{a}{1}、\mathbf{a}{2}、\ldots、\mathbf{a}{p} 是线性独立的。那么很明显,p \leqslant m。 如果p=m,则解是基本的,证明是完整的。如果 p{1}、\mathbf{a}{2}、\ldots、\mathbf{a}{p} 是线性相关的。然后有一个
这些向量的非平凡线性组合为零。因此有常数y_{1}, y_{2}, \ldots, y_{p},其中至少一个可以被假定为正数,使得
y_{1}, y_{2}, \ldots, y_{p},其中至少一个可以假设为正数,使得
y_{1} \mathbf{a}{1}+y{2} \mathbf{a}{2}+\cdots+y{p} \mathbf{a}{p}=\mathbf{0} . y{1} \mathbf{a}{1}+y{2} \mathbf{a}{2}+\cdots+y{p} \mathbf{a}{p}=\mathbf{0 } . 将这个方程乘以一个标量 \varepsilon 并从 (2.14) 中减去它,我们得到 \left(x{1}-\varepsilon y_{1}\right) \mathbf{a}{1}+\left(x{2}-\varepsilon y_{2}\right) \mathbf{a} {2}+\cdots+\left(x{p}-\varepsilon y_{p}\right) \mathbf{a}{p}=\mathbf{b} 这个等式对每一个 \varepsilon 都成立,对于每一个 \varepsilon,分量 x{j}-\varepsilon y_{j} 对应
线性等式的解——尽管它们可能违反x_{i}-\varepsilon y_{i} \geqslant 0。
表示 \mathbf{y}=\left(y_{1}, y_{2}, \ldots, y_{p}, 0,0, \ldots, 0\right),我们看到对于任何 \varepsilon
\mathbf{x}-\varepsilon \mathbf{y}
随着 \varepsilon 从零增加,各种成分增加、减少或保持
随着 \varepsilon 从零增加,各种成分增加、减少或保持
因为我们假设至少有一个 y_{i} 是正的,所以至少有一个分量会随着 \varepsilon 而减少
增加。我们将 \varepsilon 增加到一个或多个组件变为的第一个点
\varepsilon=\min \left{x_{i} / y_{i}: y_{i}>0\right}
\varepsilon=\min \left{x_{i} / y_{i}: y_{i}>0\right}
对于这个 \varepsilon 的值,由 (2.17) 给出的解是可行的并且最多有 p-1
线性独立。此时适用案例 1。
(ii) 的证明 令 \mathbf{x}=\left(x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}\right) 是最优可行解,如
上面 (i) 的证明,假设正好有 p 个正变量 x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{p}。
还有两种情况;情况 1,对应于线性独立,是
- 确定需要解决的问题。
- 围绕问题构建一个类似于现实世界和变量的模型。
- 使用模型得出问题的解决方案。
- 在模型上测试每个解决方案并分析其成功。
- 实施解决实际问题的方法。
与运筹学交叉的学科包括统计分析、管理科学、博弈论、优化理论、人工智能和复杂网络分析。所有这些学科的目标都是解决某一个现实中出现的复杂问题或者用数学的方法为决策提供指导。 运筹学的概念是在二战期间由参与战争的数学家们提出的。二战后,他们意识到在运筹学中使用的技术也可以被应用于解决商业、政府和社会中的问题。
- 优化——运筹学的目的是在给定的条件下达到某一机器或者模型的最佳性能。优化还涉及比较不同选项和缩小潜在最佳选项的范围。
- 模拟—— 这涉及构建模型,以便在应用解决方案刀具体的复杂大规模问题之前之前尝试和测试简单模型的解决方案。
- 概率和统计——这包括使用数学算法和数据挖掘来发现有用的信息和潜在的风险,做出有效的预测并测试可能的解决方法。
运筹学可以应用于各种活动,比如:计划和时间管理(Planning and Time Management),城乡规划(Urban and Rural Planning),企业资源计划(ERP)与供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)等等。 如有代写代考需求,欢迎同学们联系Assignmentexpert™,我们期待为你服务!