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物理代写|光学作业代写Optics代考|The Distorted Outputs of Single-Photon Sources

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物理代写|光学作业代写Optics代考|The Distorted Outputs of Single-Photon Sources

物理代写|光学作业代写Optics代考|resonant (micro-)cavity

It is pointed out by (Senellart et al. [28]) that a quantum dot “emits a cascade of photons and a single photon is obtained only through spectral filtering of one emission line”. “Bright sources have been obtained using micropillar cavities where the optical field is confined vertically by two distributed Bragg mirrors (DBR) and laterally by the high refractive index contrast. The mode volume is of the order of few $\lambda^{3}$ (wavelength $)^{3}$ and the quality factor can reach values of a few $10^{5} . “$ In micro-cavities, a spontaneously emitted photon can be reflected from DBR gratings and return to stimulate the emission of another photon $-$ thereby creating a small group of identical photons – even for several picoseconds-long exciting pulses.

A quantum dot (QD) placed in a high finesse micro-cavity of a few wavelengths long and excited with a picosecond pulse, can emit a photon spontaneously and be re-excited within the duration of the same pulse. If the photon was reflected towards the QD, stimulated emission may occur due to the small dimensions of the micro-cavity. This will result in two, or more, photons leaving the emitter simultaneously in a group, as well as a reduced lifetime of the excited state of the $\mathrm{QD}$, manifesting itself as a higher decay rate overshadowing the Purcell effect.

“Resonators with small mode volume and high-quality factors $(Q$ factors) enhance the light-matter coupling.” (R. Trivedi et al. [29]). However, a high $Q$-factor indicates a build-up of energy inside the cavity, i.e., a large number of photons do not leave the cavity after being emitted and reaching the output facet for the first time. The early photons emitted by a QD embedded in a resonant cavity of a dielectric structure of distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs), may be reflected towards the excited quantum dot and be amplified, thereby giving rise to time-varying spectral or intensity distributions which emerges from the “single-photon source” in the form of discrete pulses.

物理代写|光学作业代写OPTICS代考|photons bouncing

The lifetime of the $\mathrm{QD}$ excited state for spontaneous emission inside a micro-cavity can be reduced by stimulated emission induced by resonant photons bouncing back and forth inside the cavity. As a result, temporarily discrete groups of monochromatic photons will build up and be partially emitted. These, however, will be mistaken for spontaneously emitted single photons because of the photodetector’s inability to resolve the number of photons.

Equally, the quantum Rayleigh stimulated emission in a dielectric medium – described in Chapter 2 and $3-$ can coalesce two counterpropagating photons into one group by having one photon excite a dipole, with the other photon capturing the absorbed photon into its radiation mode through stimulated emission.

High-finesse optical cavities incorporated in an HBT measurement setup distort the temporally regular sequence of single photons because of multiple internal reflections. The emerging stream may contain groups of a few overlapping photons, e.g. five, which may be unevenly split by a beam splitter and reduced in number through quantum Rayleigh spontaneous emission, so as to generate no coincidence for a zero time-delay in an HBT measurement.

For atoms inside cavities with highly reflective mirrors, the emission rate of discrete photons is much lower than the laser pump rate, e.g., $3.6$ $\mathrm{MHz}$ versus $80 \mathrm{MHz}$ (Loredo et al. [30]). This can be explained by the synchronisation condition between the pumping time-interval $\Delta t_{p u m p}$ and the average exit time-interval of photons $\Delta t_{\text {photongroup }}$, which may be related by the following equality
m \times \Delta t_{p h o t o n ~ g r o u p}=p \times \Delta t_{p u m p}+\tau_{e x}
where $\tau_{e x}$ is the life time of the excited state that decays through stimulated emission. The integers $m$ and $p$ correspond to the respective number of intervals for synchronisation.


A monochromatic pulse-like field profile, derived in Chapter 3 , is represented by a mixed time-frequency structure [19]. A spectral or interference filter may delay the photon’s exit from the output facet by

repeated internal reflections, thereby spreading out the exit times of photons from an input group.

A sequence of groups of photons (pulses containing a low number of monochromatic photons) temporarily separated, can be transformed into a quasi-continuous stream (or wave) of photons by means of interference filters. A high internal reflectivity will retain, repeatedly, more photons inside the cavity than those exiting, for additional round-trip propagations, which will spread out the initial monochromatic pulse. The higher the number of photons inside a dielectric cavity hosting a quantum dot, the more likely it is that the quantum Rayleigh coupling interactions will create larger groups of photons, even for counter – propagating photons. As a result, the triggered clicks at the detector will count a lower number of photon groups rather than individual photons.

When another group of photons enters the interference filter of the DBR, the relative phase will determine the direction of photon- coupling through the phase-dependent quantum Rayleigh conversion of photons (QRCP). As a result, an output continuous wave beam is generated which can serve as an unmodulated or reference wave for interference.

物理代写|光学作业代写Optics代考|The Distorted Outputs of Single-Photon Sources



指出小号和n和一世一世一种r吨和吨一种一世.[28]一个量子点“发射一串光子,一个光子只能通过一条发射线的光谱滤波得到”。“使用微柱腔获得了明亮的光源,其中光场由两个分布式布拉格镜垂直限制D乙R和横向的高折射率对比。模式音量为几λ3 $\lambda^{3}$ (wavelength) ${ }^{3}$ and the quality factor can reach values of a few $10^{5}$.” In micro-cavities, a spontaneously emitted photon can be reflected from DBR gratings and return to stimulate the emission of another photon – thereby creating a small group of identical photons – even for several picoseconds-long exciting pulses. 从而产生一小组相同的光子——即使是几个皮秒长的激发脉冲。

一个量子点问D放置在几个波长长的高精细微腔中并用皮秒脉冲激发,可以自发发射光子并在同一脉冲的持续时间内被重新激发。如果光子被反射到 QD,由于微腔的小尺寸,可能会发生受激发射。这将导致两个或更多光子同时离开发射器,并缩短激发态的寿命。问D,表现为更高的衰减率掩盖了珀塞尔效应。

“具有小模式体积和高质量因子的谐振器(问因素)增强光与物质的耦合。”R.吨r一世v和d一世和吨一种一世.[29]. 然而,一个高问-因子表示腔内能量的积累,即大量光子在发射并首次到达输出端面后不会离开腔。嵌入分布式布拉格反射器介电结构的谐振腔中的 QD 发射的早期光子D乙Rs,可能会被反射到激发的量子点并被放大,从而产生从“单光子源”以离散脉冲形式出现的随时间变化的光谱或强度分布。



同样,介电介质中的量子瑞利受激发射——在第 2 章和3−可以通过让一个光子激发偶极子将两个反向传播的光子合并为一组,而另一个光子通过受激发射将吸收的光子捕获为其辐射模式。

由于多次内部反射,HBT 测量装置中包含的高精细光学腔会扭曲单光子的时间规则序列。出现的流可能包含几个重叠光子的组,例如五个,它们可能被分束器不均匀地分裂并通过量子瑞利自发发射减少数量,以便在 HBT 测量中产生零时延不发生巧合.

对于腔内具有高反射镜的原子,离散光子的发射率远低于激光泵浦率,例如,3.6 米H和相对80米H和 大号这r和d这和吨一种一世.[30]. 这可以通过泵送时间间隔之间的同步条件来解释Δ吨p你米p和光子的平均退出时间间隔Δ吨光子群 , 这可能与以下等式有关
米×Δ吨pH这吨这n Gr这你p=p×Δ吨p你米p+τ和X


在第 3 章中推导出的单色脉冲类场分布由混合时频结构表示19. 光谱或干涉滤光片可能会延迟光子从输出面的退出时间



当另一组光子进入DBR的干涉滤光片时,相对相位将通过光子的相位相关量子瑞利转换决定光子耦合的方向问RC磷. 结果,产生了一个输出连续光束,该光束可以用作干扰的未调制波或参考波。


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