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数学代写|交换代数代写Commutative Algebra代考|Historic note

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交换代数Commutative Algebra在理论中,代数整数的环是Dedekind环,因此它构成了一类重要的换元环。与模块化算术有关的考虑导致了估值环的概念。代数场扩展对子环的限制导致了积分扩展和积分封闭域的概念,以及估值环扩展的公理化概念。环的局部化概念(特别是关于质数理想的局部化,由单个元素倒置组成的局部化和总商环)是交换代数和非交换环理论之间的主要区别之一。它导致了一类重要的换元环,即只有一个最大理想的局部环。换元环的质点理想集自然具备一种拓扑结构,即扎里斯基拓扑结构。所有这些概念在代数几何中被广泛使用,并且是方案理论定义的基本技术工具,方案理论是格罗森迪克提出的代数几何的一个概括。

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数学代写|交换代数代写Commutative Algebra代考|Historic note

数学代写|交换代数代写Commutative Algebra代考|Fractions

If one is asked to choose one single most elementary aspect of commutative algebra not straightforwardly available in the noncommutative theory, certainly the notion of rings of fractions stands up first. Special cases of this theory are so well entrenched in both commutative algebra and algebraic geometry-such as localization at a prime ideal-that it became a trade mark of commutative theory. This author’s feeling is that the topic ought to be introduced as soon as possible. Here, the emphasis is on the relation between the ideals of a ring and its ring of fractions with respect to an arbitrary multiplicatively closed set. The inception of saturation and symbolic powers stand up as essential tools for the entire theory.

Rings of fractions were extensively studied by W. Krull, who attributes the idea to H. Grell ([63, Section 6]). By and large both assumed that the elements of the multiplicatively closed set $\mathfrak{S}$ were nonzero-divisors (“regular” in the terminology of Grell, largely disseminated nowadays). Grell’s paper deals with extension and contraction of ideals under ring extensions and the case of rings of fractions was granted full treatment in the paper. Krull would mainly consider the case where $\mathfrak{S}$ is the complementary set to a prime ideal in the case the ring itself was a domain. Thus, for the definition of a “symbolic power” of a prime ideal $p \subset R$ in an arbitrary Noetherian ring he would take directly the $\wp$-primary component instead of the inverse image of the extended ideal in the ring of fractions. The general case of a ring of fractions seems to be a later habit.

数学代写|交换代数代写Commutative Algebra代考|Prüfer and the determinantal trick

The proof of Proposition 2.2.1 is traditionally known as the “determinantal trick.” It would seem likely that it first appeared in this context in the seminal paper of H. Prüfer ([125, p. 14]). And yet, no notion of arbitrary modules was then available; so, how did the author get away with it? The explanation is that he was only considering the case where $R$ is a domain and $S$ its field of fractions, hence the finitely generated $R$-module considered in the above proof was really a fractional ideal (as one calls today) treated by Prüfer as modeled on the notion introduced earlier by Dedekind in the case of $R=\mathbb{Z}$ and $S=$ Q. He used the same sort of ideas to prove that the integral closure of an ideal
$84-2$ Main tools
$I \subset R(R$ a domain) in the field of fractions $K$ of $R$ was a notion equivalent to another one he had introduced earlier in a more involved way. The subtlety is that he took the integral closure as a fractional ideal in $K$ and nowadays one takes it as an ideal of $R$ itself. A virtual difference if $R$ is integrally closed in $K$-which he might be assuming among the long list of Eigenshafte established. Note that Proposition $2.2 .13$ is also proved by Prüfer ([125, p. 16]) within his standing setup. The so-called determinantal trick does not yield in general an equation of integral dependence of least possible degree. Possibly having in mind a more efficient method, Prüfer gives another proof of the result proposing a different matrix, perhaps more intrinsic to the given data. It may be a good occasion, specially for students, to look at this other matrix envisaging a more computationally efficient algorithm.

数学代写|交换代数代写COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA代考|Noether and Krull

It is not altogether clear who first introduced the numerical invariants related to prime ideals and their chains. Some of the ideas were underpinned by E. Noether ([117, Section 4]). By and large it seems that both Noether and Krull dealt with chains of primes in the case of integral domains of finite type over a field, while in the additions to the second edition of his book, Krull introduced the notion of dimension and height (“Dimensionsdefekt”) for local rings.

The normalization lemma has some cloudy history behind it. The usual reference for it in the literature is the paper of E. Noether Der Endlichkeitssatz der Invarianten endlicher linearer Gruppen der Charakteristik $p$, Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, (1926) 28-35. In his book, Krull does not firmly attribute the result to Noether, but says that it is in the above paper that she makes its most important application. It seems like Noether herself never claimed any original priority, rather saying in a passage that Hilbert was aware of the result.
Here are some additions for the sake of further accuracy.
The usual statement of the normalization lemma-in this book as well as in most texts-solely concerns the existence of a polynomial ring over which a finitely generated $k$-algebra $R$ is integral. This is fine, however, Noether’s main worry was about a sort of converse to this statement, namely: let $K \mid k$ be a finitely generated field extension and let $S \subset K$ be an arbitrary $k$-subalgebra. If $S$ is integral over a finitely generated $k$-subalgebra $R \subset S$, then $S$ is itself finitely generated over $k$.

That this converse is actually true is a consequence of the theory of Noetherian rings and the integral closure, by proceeding along the following steps: $S$ is contained in the integral closure $\widetilde{R}$ of $R$ in the field of fractions $L$ of $S$, which one may assume that up to an isomorphism is contained in $K$; now $\widetilde{R}$ is a finitely generated $R$-module, hence so is $S$ because $R$ is a Noetherian ring (cf. Theorem 2.5.4 and its consequences) and, for even more reason, $S$ is a finitely generated $R$-algebra. Therefore, $S$ is a finitely generated $k$-algebra as a composite of $S \mid R$ and $R \mid k$.

数学代写|交换代数代写Commutative Algebra代考|Historic note




W. Krull 对分数环进行了广泛研究,他将这个想法归功于 H. Grell[63,小号和C吨一世这n6]. 总的来说,两者都假设乘法闭集的元素小号是非零除数“r和G在l一种r”一世n吨H和吨和r米一世n这l这G是这FGr和ll,l一种rG和l是d一世ss和米一世n一种吨和dn这在一种d一种是s. Grell 的论文处理了环扩展下理想的扩展和收缩,并且分数环的情况在论文中得到了充分的处理。Krull 将主要考虑以下情况小号是在环本身是域的情况下素理想的互补集。因此,对于素理想的“符号幂”的定义p⊂R在任意的诺特环中,他会直接取℘-主成分,而不是分数环中扩展理想的逆像。分数环的一般情况似乎是后来的习惯。


命题 2.2.1 的证明传统上被称为“决定性技巧”。在这种情况下,它似乎很可能首先出现在 H. Prüfer 的开创性论文中[125,p.14]. 然而,那时还没有任意模块的概念。那么,作者是如何逃脱的呢?解释是他只考虑了以下情况R是一个域并且小号它的分数域,因此是有限生成的R- 上述证明中考虑的模块确实是分数理想一种s这n和C一种lls吨这d一种是Prüfer 以 Dedekind 早先在R=从和小号=问:他用同样的想法证明了一个理想的积分闭包
一世⊂R(R一个域)在分数域中ķ的R是一个与他之前以更复杂的方式引入的另一个概念等效的概念。微妙之处在于,他将积分闭包作为分数理想ķ现在人们把它当作一种理想R本身。一个虚拟的差异,如果R整体封闭在ķ- 他可能会在已建立的长长的 Eigenshafte 列表中假设这一点。请注意,命题2.2.13Prüfer 也证明了[125,p.16]在他的站立设置内。所谓的行列式技巧通常不会产生最小可能程度的积分相关方程。可能考虑到一种更有效的方法,Prüfer 给出了另一个结果证明,提出了一个不同的矩阵,可能对给定数据更内在。这可能是一个很好的机会,特别是对于学生来说,看看这个其他矩阵设想了一种计算效率更高的算法。


不完全清楚是谁首先引入了与素理想及其链相关的数值不变量。一些想法得到了 E. Noether 的支持[117,小号和C吨一世这n4]. 总的来说,Noether 和 Krull 似乎都在域上有限类型的积分域的情况下处理素数链,而在他的书第二版的补充中,Krull 引入了维度和高度的概念“D一世米和ns一世这nsd和F和ķ吨”对于本地环。

归一化引理背后有一些模糊的历史。在文献中通常参考它是 E. Noether 的论文特征的有限线性群的不变量的有限性定理p, 哥廷根科学学会的新闻,192628-35。在他的书中,克鲁尔并没有将这个结果肯定地归功于诺特,而是说她在上述论文中做出了最重要的应用。似乎诺特本人从未声称任何原始优先级,而是在一段话中说希尔伯特知道结果。
归一化引理的通常陈述——在本书和大多数文本中——只涉及多项式环的存在,在该多项式环上,一个有限生成ķ-代数R是积分。这很好,然而,Noether 的主要担心是与这种说法相反,即:让ķ∣ķ是一个有限生成的域扩展,让小号⊂ķ是一个任意的ķ-次代数。如果小号是有限生成的积分ķ-次代数R⊂小号, 然后小号本身是有限生成的ķ.

这个相反的结果实际上是正确的,这是诺特环理论和积分闭包的结果,通过以下步骤进行:小号包含在整体闭包中R~的R在分数领域大号的小号, 可以假设最多包含一个同构ķ; 现在R~是一个有限生成的R-module,因此也是小号因为R是一个诺特环CF.吨H和这r和米2.5.4一种nd一世吨sC这ns和q在和nC和s而且,还有更多的原因,小号是一个有限生成的R-代数。所以,小号是一个有限生成的ķ- 代数作为组合小号∣R和R∣ķ.

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