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数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|MATH4380 The Greeks

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期权定价理论Option Pricing Theory在金融领域,期权是一种合同,它向其所有者,即持有人,传达了在指定日期或之前以指定的执行价格购买或出售特定数量的相关资产或工具的权利,但不是义务,这取决于期权的风格。期权通常通过购买获得,作为一种补偿形式,或作为复杂金融交易的一部分。因此,它们也是一种资产形式,其估值可能取决于相关资产价格、到期前的时间、市场波动性、无风险利率和期权的执行价格之间的复杂关系。期权可以在私人之间进行场外交易(OTC),也可以以标准化合约的形式在现场、公共市场进行交易。

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数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|MATH4380 The Greeks

数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|The Greeks

To one versed in calculus, the Greeks are just the partial derivatives of the pricing model’s output (theoretical fair premium) with respect to its inputs. However, one need not be fluent in calculus to understand the Greeks.

First, consider Delta. Delta, also known as the hedge ratio, simply measures how much an option’s premium is likely to change in response to a small change in the price of the underlying stock. For example, if a call option has a Delta of $0.40$, and a share of the underlying stock moves up $\$ 0.80$, the option can be expected to gain $\$ 0.32$ (0.40 multiplied by $0.80$ ) per share controlled (a standard options contract controls 100 shares). Since rising stock prices imply rising call prices and falling put prices, calls have positive Delta and puts have negative Delta. As an option goes deeply in-the-money, its Delta approaches $+1.0$ (call) or $-1.0$ (put). At the opposite end of the spectrum, a far out-of-the-money option will have a Delta approaching zero. Delta-neutral. Given the definition of Delta, it should be clear that a Delta-neutral position is one that is relatively unresponsive to small changes in the price of the underlying security. An example would be an at-the-money straddle. A straddle consists of a put and a call, both having the same strike and expiration, on the same underlying security. With a properly chosen strike, the negative Delta of the put will cancel out the positive Delta of the call. Since Delta changes with moneyness, a straddle will lose its Delta-neutral character, should stock prices move sufficiently away from the strike.

Gamma is the rate at which Delta changes with movement in the underlying stock. It is useful when constructing Deltaneutral hedges involving multiple options that will remain Delta-neutral over a wider range of stock price. Such hedges require positions designed to minimize not only Delta, but also Gamma. Positions that minimize Gamma are sometimes referred to as Gamma-neutral. Of course, as time passes and factors influencing option premium undergo change, adjustments to the positions will be required in order to maintain a Delta-neutral or Gamma-neutral stance.

Theta is the rate at which time decay erodes value. An option with a Theta of $-0.05$ loses $0.05$ points a day to time decay. This works out to a loss of $\$ 5$ a day per contract, given that a standard contract controls 100 shares of stock. Obviously, Theta is the option buyer’s enemy and the seller’s friend. Theta is highest for at-the-money options having significant time value and, for these options, increases rapidly with the approach of expiration.

数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|Black-Scholes

Black-Scholes is undoubtedly the most popular option pricing model in use today. It is readily available in the form of spreadsheet add-ins, stand-alone programs, and as part of many online trading platforms. Numerous Web sites offer Black-Scholes calculators. Needless to say, the Black-Scholes model is used by almost every serious trader of options, even those having access to newer and more complex pricing models. The reason is that, although not perfect by any means, Black-Scholes is familiar, easily understood, and does provide reasonable estimates of an option’s worth under normal conditions. In addition, it is very easy to calculate implied volatility and the Greeks using the Black-Scholes formula. Black-Scholes uses, for its inputs, the well-known factors that influence an option’s value: the stock’s price, the option’s strike price, the volatility, the time remaining before expiration, the risk-free interest rate, and the dividend rate. The output, of course, is a theoretical fair price consonant with the model’s assumptions.

Roughly speaking, Black-Scholes assumes that the price behavior of the underlying security is accurately described as a geometric random walk having a log-normal distribution of returns, that the options markets are perfectly liquid and efficient, and that arbitrage can always be carried out. In its standard form, it also assumes European-style options and continuous interest and dividend payouts. As with most theoretical models, it disregards the realities of transaction costs, wide ask-bid spreads, and many other disturbing “minutiae” familiar to most traders. What trader has not observed stale last price figures, options that have not traded for days at a time, and other telltale signs of Yet, despite obvious violations of at least some of the model’s assumptions, Black-Scholes generally provides useful, if not surprisingly good, approximations to fair value.

数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|MATH4380 The Greeks




首先,考虑三角洲。Delta,也称为对冲比率,只是衡量期权的溢价可能会随着标的股票价格的微小变化而变化。例如,如果看涨期权的 Delta 为0.40, 一部分标的股票上涨$0.80, 期权有望获得$0.32 0.40米在l吨一世pl一世和db是$0.80$每股控制一个s吨一个nd一个rd○p吨一世○nsC○n吨r一个C吨C○n吨r○ls100sH一个r和s. 由于股价上涨意味着看涨期权价格上涨和看跌期权价格下跌,因此看涨期权的 Delta 为正,看跌期权的 Delta 为负。作为一种深度价内期权,其 Delta 逼近+1.0 C一个ll或者−1.0 p在吨. 在光谱的另一端,一个远价外期权的 Delta 接近于零。三角洲中性。鉴于 Delta 的定义,应该清楚的是,Delta 中性头寸是一种对基础证券价格的微小变化相对不敏感的头寸。一个例子是平价跨式交易。跨式由同一基础证券的看跌期权和看涨期权组成,两者都具有相同的行使价和到期日。通过正确选择行使价,看跌期权的负 Delta 将抵消看涨期权的正 Delta。由于 Delta 随货币性而变化,如果股票价格远离罢工,跨式将失去其 Delta 中性特征。

Gamma 是 Delta 随标的股票变动而变化的速率。在构建涉及多个期权的 Deltaneutral 对冲时,它很有用,这些期权将在更广泛的股票价格范围内保持 Delta 中性。这种对冲要求头寸不仅要最小化 Delta,还要最小化 Gamma。最小化 Gamma 的位置有时被称为 Gamma 中性。当然,随着时间的推移和影响期权溢价的因素发生变化,将需要调整头寸以保持 Delta 中性或 Gamma 中性立场。

Theta 是时间衰减侵蚀值的速率。具有 Theta 的选项−0.05输0.05点一天时间衰减。这会导致损失$5鉴于标准合约控制 100 股股票,每份合约一天。显然,Theta 是期权买方的敌人和卖方的朋友。对于具有重要时间价值的平价期权,Theta 最高,并且对于这些期权,随着到期日的临近而迅速增加。


Black-Scholes 无疑是当今最流行的期权定价模型。它以电子表格插件、独立程序的形式随时可用,并且作为许多在线交易平台的一部分。许多网站都提供 Black-Scholes 计算器。不用说,几乎所有认真的期权交易者都使用 Black-Scholes 模型,即使是那些可以使用更新和更复杂定价模型的人。原因是,尽管无论如何都不完美,布莱克-斯科尔斯是熟悉的、容易理解的,并且确实提供了在正常条件下对期权价值的合理估计。此外,使用 Black-Scholes 公式计算隐含波动率和希腊人非常容易。Black-Scholes 使用影响期权价值的众所周知的因素作为其输入:股票价格、期权执行价格、波动率、到期前剩余时间、无风险利率和股息率。当然,输出是与模型假设一致的理论上的公平价格。

粗略地说,Black-Scholes 假设标的证券的价格行为被准确地描述为具有对数正态分布的几何随机游走,期权市场具有完美的流动性和效率,并且套利总是可以进行的. 在其标准形式中,它还假设欧式期权以及持续的利息和股息支付。与大多数理论模型一样,它忽略了交易成本、广泛的买卖价差以及大多数交易者熟悉的许多其他令人不安的“细节”的现实。交易者没有观察到过时的最后价格数据、一次未交易数天的期权以及其他明显迹象好的,

数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考

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