如果你也在 怎样代写贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis一种统计推断方法(以英国数学家托马斯-贝叶斯命名),它允许人们将关于人口参数的先验信息与样本中包含的信息证据相结合,以指导统计推断过程。首先指定一个感兴趣的参数的先验概率分布。然后通过应用贝叶斯定理获得并结合证据,为参数提供一个后验概率分布。后验分布为有关该参数的统计推断提供了基础。
贝叶斯分析Bayesian Analysis自1763年以来,我们现在所知道的贝叶斯统计学并没有一个明确的运行。尽管贝叶斯的方法被拉普拉斯和当时其他领先的概率论者热情地接受,但在19世纪却陷入了不光彩的境地,因为他们还不知道如何正确处理先验概率。20世纪上半叶,一种完全不同的理论得到了发展,现在称为频繁主义统计学。但贝叶斯思想的火焰被少数思想家保持着,如意大利的布鲁诺-德-菲内蒂和英国的哈罗德-杰弗里斯。现代贝叶斯运动开始于20世纪下半叶,由美国的Jimmy Savage和英国的Dennis Lindley带头,但贝叶斯推断仍然极难实现,直到20世纪80年代末和90年代初,强大的计算机开始广泛使用,新的计算方法被开发出来。随后,人们对贝叶斯统计的兴趣大增,不仅导致了贝叶斯方法论的广泛研究,也导致了使用贝叶斯方法来解决天体物理学、天气预报、医疗保健政策和刑事司法等不同应用领域的迫切问题。
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统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|Discrete probability examples: genetics and spell checking
We next demonstrate Bayes’ theorem with two examples in which the immediate goal is inference about a particular discrete quantity rather than with the estimation of a parameter that describes an entire population. These discrete examples allow us to see the prior, likelihood, and posterior probabilities directly.
Inference about a genetic status
Human males have one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome, whereas females have two $\mathrm{X}$-chromosomes, each chromosome being inherited from one parent. Hemophilia is a disease that exhibits $\mathrm{X}$-chromosome-linked recessive inheritance, meaning that a male who inherits the gene that causes the disease on the $\mathrm{X}$-chromosome is affected, whereas a female carrying the gene on only one of her two X-chromosomes is not affected. The disease is generally fatal for women who inherit two such genes, and this is rare, since the frequency of occurrence of the gene is low in human populations.
Prior distribution. Consider a woman who has an affected brother, which implies that her mother must be a carrier of the hemophilia gene with one ‘good’ and one ‘bad’ hemophilia gene. We are also told that her father is not affected; thus the woman herself has a fifty-fifty chance of having the gene. The unknown quantity of interest, the state of the woman, has just two values: the woman is either a carrier of the gene $(\theta=1)$ or not $(\theta=0)$. Based on the information provided thus far, the prior distribution for the unknown $\theta$ can be expressed simply as $\operatorname{Pr}(\theta=1)=\operatorname{Pr}(\theta=0)=\frac{1}{2}$.
统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|Probability as a measure of uncertainty
We have already used concepts such as probability density, and indeed we assume that the reader has a fair degree of familiarity with basic probability theory (although in Section 1.8 we provide a brief technical review of some probability calculations that often arise in Bayesian analysis). But since the uses of probability within a Bayesian framework are much broader than within non-Bayesian statistics, it is important to consider at least briefly the foundations of the concept of probability before considering more detailed statistical examples. We take for granted a common understanding on the part of the reader of the mathematical definition of probability: that probabilities are numerical quantities, defined on a set of ‘outcomes,’ that are nonnegative, additive over mutually exclusive outcomes, and sum to 1 over all possible mutually exclusive outcomes.
In Bayesian statistics, probability is used as the fundamental measure or yardstick of uncertainty. Within this paradigm, it is equally legitimate to discuss the probability of ‘rain tomorrow’ or of a Brazilian victory in the soccer World Cup as it is to discuss the probability that a coin toss will land heads. Hence, it becomes as natural to consider the probability that an unknown estimand lies in a particular range of values as it is to consider the probability that the mean of a random sample of 10 items from a known fixed population of size 100 will lie in a certain range. The first of these two probabilities is of more interest after data have been acquired whereas the second is more relevant beforehand. Bayesian methods enable statements to be made about the partial knowledge available (based on data) concerning some situation or ‘state of nature’ (unobservable or as yet unobserved) in a systematic way, using probability as the yardstick. The guiding principle is that the state of knowledge about anything unknown is described by a probability distribution.What is meant by a numerical measure of uncertainty? For example, the probability of ‘heads’ in a coin toss is widely agreed to be $\frac{1}{2}$. Why is this so? Two justifications seem to be commonly given:
Symmetry or exchangeability argument:
\text { probability }=\frac{\text { number of favorable cases }}{\text { number of possibilities }},
assuming equally likely possibilities. For a coin toss this is really a physical argument, based on assumptions about the forces at work in determining the manner in which the coin will fall, as well as the initial physical conditions of the toss.
Frequency argument: probability = relative frequency obtained in a long sequence of tosses, assumed to be performed in an identical manner, physically independently of each other.
统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|Discrete probability examples: genetics and spell checking
人类男性有一条x染色体和一条y染色体,而女性有两条$\mathrm{X}$ -染色体,每条染色体都是从父母一方遗传的。血友病是一种表现出$\mathrm{X}$ -染色体连锁隐性遗传的疾病,这意味着男性在$\mathrm{X}$ -染色体上遗传了导致疾病的基因就会受到影响,而女性只在两条x染色体中的一条上携带该基因就不会受到影响。对于遗传了这两种基因的女性来说,这种疾病通常是致命的,而且这种情况很罕见,因为这种基因在人群中出现的频率很低。
统计代写|贝叶斯分析代考Bayesian Analysis代写|Probability as a measure of uncertainty
\text { probability }=\frac{\text { number of favorable cases }}{\text { number of possibilities }},
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微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。
它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。
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