如果你也在 怎样代写固体物理Solid Physics PHYS7635 PHYS881这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。固体物理Solid Physics是通过量子力学、晶体学、电磁学和冶金学等方法研究刚性物质或固体。它是凝聚态物理学的最大分支。固体物理学研究固体材料的大尺度特性是如何产生于其原子尺度特性的。因此,固态物理学构成了材料科学的理论基础。它也有直接的应用,例如在晶体管和半导体的技术中。
固体物理Solid Physics是由密密麻麻的原子形成的,这些原子之间有强烈的相互作用。这些相互作用产生了固体的机械(如硬度和弹性)、热、电、磁和光学特性。根据所涉及的材料及其形成的条件,原子可能以有规律的几何模式排列(晶体固体,包括金属和普通水冰)或不规则地排列(非晶体固体,如普通窗玻璃)。
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物理代写|固体物理代写Solid Physics代考|Classes ofElectronicStructure
We now move from single molecular bonds to bands in solids. As discussed above, if there are $N$ pairs of atoms, and each pair has eight electrons in bonding states and no electrons in the antibonding states, then the energy bands arising from these orbitals will have $8 N$ states and $8 N$ electrons in the lower energy band (in other words, a completely full band), and $8 N$ the states in the upper band with no electrons (a completely empty band).
This situation is so common that a standard terminology has been defined. The lower, full band is typically called the valence band, while the upper, empty band is called the conduction band. If this is the case, then the material cannot conduct electricity at low temperature. The state of the system can only change if some electrons can change their states. According to the Pauli exclusion principle, if an electron changes state, it must go into an unoccupied state. If the energy gap between the valence and conduction bands is small enough, electrons could change state by jumping up to the empty conduction band, but at low temperature the electrons in the full band have no nearby empty states into which they can move. The valence band will remain unchanged, with no acceleration of the electrons and no current flow.
This leads to the following definitions: An insulator is a material with a full valence band and empty conduction band, with an energy gap of the order of $3 \mathrm{eV}$ or greater. A semiconductor is a material that has a band gap from around $0.3 \mathrm{eV}$ to $3 \mathrm{eV}$. In both cases, the gap energy is large compared to $k_B T$ at room temperature (about $0.026 \mathrm{eV}$ ), so that no current flows at room temperature in pure materials. One can also talk of wide band-gap semiconductors, with gaps that lie between those of regular semiconductors and insulators, and narrow band-gap semiconductors, with gaps comparable to or smaller than $k_B T$ at room temperature. There are no sharp distinctions between these definitions. The distinction between a wide band-gap semiconductor and an insulator, in particular, is somewhat arbitrary.
物理代写|固体物理代写Solid Physics代考|$s p^3$ Bonding
We have used the LCAO method several times in this chapter. The LCAO method assumes that we already know the location of the atoms; the coupling integrals are functions of the relative positions of the atoms. Predicting the exact location at which atoms will arrange themselves, however, is a difficult task; in general, there may be more than one stable crystal structure for the same set of atoms; these different structures, which may have different symmetries, are known as polytypes. ${ }^3$ We can make some general statements about crystal bonds, however.
Bonds tend to repel each other for the simple reason that clouds of negatively charged electrons have a repulsive Coulomb force. Therefore, if one atom has two bonds to adjacent atoms, the bonds will likely be in a straight line. If the atom has three bonds, they will most likely arrange themselves in a plane at $120^{\circ}$ from each other. If the atom is bonded to four other atoms, the bonds will most likely arrange themselves to point to the four corners of a tetrahedron.
Threefold bonding naturally leads to crystals with hexagonal symmetry, as illustrated in Figure 1.36(a). Fourfold bonding naturally leads to crystals with tetragonal symmetry, as shown in Figure 1.36(b). The tetragonal bonds naturally fit into a cubic symmetry, because the four non-adjacent corners of a cube correspond to the corners of a tetragon.
Because it is the basis of bonding for many crystals and a good example of the relation of bands and bonds, we now look closely at example of tetrahedral bonding known as $s \boldsymbol{p}^3$ bonding. We write four states, called $s p^3$ orbitals, as linear superpositions of $s$ and $p$ atomic orbitals. These are linear combinations of these orbitals as follows:
\psi_1=\frac{1}{2}\left(\Phi_s+\Phi_x+\Phi_y+\Phi_z\right) & {[111]} \
\psi_2=\frac{1}{2}\left(\Phi_s+\Phi_x-\Phi_y-\Phi_z\right) & {[1 \overline{1} \overline{1}]} \
\psi_3=\frac{1}{2}\left(\Phi_s-\Phi_x+\Phi_y-\Phi_z\right) & {[\overline{1} \overline{1} \overline{1}]} \
\psi_4=\frac{1}{2}\left(\Phi_s-\Phi_x-\Phi_y+\Phi_z\right) . & {[\overline{1} \overline{1} 1] .}
物理代写|固体物理代写Solid Physics代考|Classes ofElectronicStructure
现在我们从单分子键转移到固体中的分子带。如上所述,如果有$N$对原子,并且每对都有8个处于成键状态的电子,而没有电子处于反键状态,那么由这些轨道产生的能带将具有$8 N$态,并且$8 N$个电子处于较低的能带(换句话说,一个完全满的能带),而$8 N$个处于较高能带的状态没有电子(一个完全空的能带)。
这导致以下定义:绝缘体是一种具有满价带和空导带的材料,其能隙为$3 \mathrm{eV}$或更大数量级。半导体是一种从$0.3 \mathrm{eV}$到$3 \mathrm{eV}$之间有带隙的材料。在这两种情况下,与室温下的$k_B T$相比,间隙能都很大(约$0.026 \mathrm{eV}$),因此在纯材料中,室温下没有电流流动。人们还可以谈论宽带隙半导体,其间隙位于常规半导体和绝缘体之间,以及窄带隙半导体,其间隙在室温下相当于或小于$k_B T$。这些定义之间没有明显的区别。特别是,宽带隙半导体和绝缘体之间的区别有些武断。
物理代写|固体物理代写Solid Physics代考|$s p^3$ Bonding
在本章中我们已经多次使用了LCAO方法。LCAO方法假设我们已经知道原子的位置;耦合积分是原子相对位置的函数。然而,预测原子排列的确切位置是一项艰巨的任务;一般来说,同一组原子可能有不止一种稳定的晶体结构;这些不同的结构,可能有不同的对称性,被称为多型。${ }^3$我们可以对晶体键做一些概括。
因为它是许多晶体成键的基础,也是键带和键关系的一个很好的例子,我们现在仔细看看四面体键的例子,即$s \boldsymbol{p}^3$键。我们把四种状态,称为$s p^3$轨道,写成$s$和$p$原子轨道的线性叠加。这些轨道的线性组合如下:
\psi_1=\frac{1}{2}\left(\Phi_s+\Phi_x+\Phi_y+\Phi_z\right) & {[111]} \
\psi_2=\frac{1}{2}\left(\Phi_s+\Phi_x-\Phi_y-\Phi_z\right) & {[1 \overline{1} \overline{1}]} \
\psi_3=\frac{1}{2}\left(\Phi_s-\Phi_x+\Phi_y-\Phi_z\right) & {[\overline{1} \overline{1} \overline{1}]} \
\psi_4=\frac{1}{2}\left(\Phi_s-\Phi_x-\Phi_y+\Phi_z\right) . & {[\overline{1} \overline{1} 1] .}
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