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物理代考| Cross-Section 量子力学代写

物理代考| Cross-Section 量子力学代写


4.5 Cross-Section
The classical concept of a scattering or reaction cross-section is as follows: One prepares a beam of particles, with a certain incident flux $I_{\text {inc }}$, where the incident flux is the number of particles crossing a unit transverse area per unit time. The cross-section is then a little element of transverse area such that if a particle goes through it, a certain event takes place. Hence the rate of such events taking place is
I_{\text {inc }} d \sigma_{f i}=\text { number of events } i \rightarrow f \text { per unit time }
In quantum mechanics we deal with probability, and its rates and fluxes. The probability flux in three dimensions follows from Eq. (3.10) as
\vec{S}(\vec{x})=\frac{\hbar}{2 i m}\left[\psi^{\star} \vec{\nabla} \psi-(\vec{\nabla} \psi)^{*} \psi\right]
This has the interpretation as the amount of probability flowing through a unit transverse area per unit time. The elastic scattering cross-section
$30 \quad$ Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
$d \sigma$ for the scattering of a particle into a solid angle $d \Omega$ (and corresponding area $r^{2} d \Omega$ ) in quantum mechanics is therefore ${ }^{3}$
\left(\hat{k} \cdot \vec{S}{\text {inc }}\right) d \sigma=\left(\hat{r} \cdot \vec{S}{\text {scatt }}\right) r^{2} d \Omega
With the incident and scattered wave functions in Eq. (4.21), one has
\hat{k} \cdot \vec{S}{\text {inc }} &=\frac{\hbar k}{m} \ \hat{r} \cdot \vec{S}{\text {scatt }} &=\frac{\hbar k}{m r^{2}}|f(k, \theta)|^{2}
Here, in the second line, we have only taken the radial derivatives of the exponential as $r \rightarrow \infty$. Hence, the differential cross-section for elastic scattering into the solid angle $d \Omega$ in quantum mechanics is the absolute square of the scattering amplitude
\frac{d \sigma}{d \Omega}=|f(k, \theta)|^{2} \quad ; \text { elastic scattering }
For $s$-waves, one has
\frac{d \sigma}{d \Omega}=\frac{\sin ^{2} \delta_{0}}{k^{2}} \quad ; s \text {-waves }
Prepare a beam of particles with a definite momentum $\hbar \vec{k}$. Count how many particles go through a unit transverse area in front of the target over some period of time. Multiply this number by the cross-section $d \sigma$. This will give you the number of particles that you have observed being scattered into the solid angle $d \Omega$. And your particle distribution will look like $|f(k, \theta)|^{2}$. It works! It is amazing that all this information is contained in the single wave function $\psi(\vec{x})$ !

物理代考| 4.5 Cross-Section量子力学代写


4.5 横截面
散射或反应截面的经典概念如下:准备一束粒子,具有一定的入射通量 $I_{\text {inc }}$,其中入射通量是穿过一个单位的粒子数单位时间内的横向面积。横截面是横向区域的一个小元素,因此如果一个粒子穿过它,就会发生某种事件。因此,此类事件的发生率是
I_{\text {inc }} d \sigma_{f i}=\text { 事件数 } i \rightarrow f \text { 每单位时间 }
在量子力学中,我们处理概率及其速率和通量。三个维度的概率通量来自方程式。 (3.10) 为
\vec{S}(\vec{x})=\frac{\hbar}{2 im}\left[\psi^{\star} \vec{\nabla} \psi-(\vec{\nabla} \ psi)^{*} \psi\right]
$30 \quad$ 量子力学导论
因此,$d \sigma$ 用于将粒子散射成立体角 $d \Omega$(以及相应的面积 $r^{2} d \Omega$ )在量子力学中是 ${ }^{3}$
\left(\hat{k} \cdot \vec{S}{\text {inc }}\right) d \sigma=\left(\hat{r} \cdot \vec{S}{\text { scatt }}\right) r^{2} d \Omega
方程中的入射和散射波函数。 (4.21),一个有
\hat{k} \cdot \vec{S}{\text {inc }} &=\frac{\hbar k}{m} \ \hat{r} \cdot \vec{S}{\text {scatt }} &=\frac{\hbar k}{m r^{2}}|f(k, \theta)|^{2}
在这里,在第二行中,我们只取了指数的径向导数为 $r \rightarrow \infty$。因此,在量子力学中弹性散射到立体角 $d \Omega$ 的微分截面是散射幅度的绝对平方
\frac{d \sigma}{d \Omega}=|f(k, \theta)|^{2} \quad ; \text { 弹性散射 }
对于 $s$-waves,一个有
\frac{d \sigma}{d \Omega}=\frac{\sin ^{2} \delta_{0}}{k^{2}} \quad ; s \text {-waves }
准备一束具有确定动量 $\hbar \vec{k}$ 的粒子束。计算在一段时间内有多少粒子通过目标前面的单位横向区域。将此数字乘以横截面 $d \sigma$。这将为您提供您观察到的散布到立体角 $d \Omega$ 中的粒子数。你的粒子分布看起来像 $|f(k, \theta)|^{2}$。有用!令人惊讶的是,所有这些信息都包含在单波函数 $\psi(\vec{x})$ 中!

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