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电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Classification and Regression Model

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电路设计Intro to circuit design过程从规格书开始,规格书说明了成品设计必须提供的功能,但没有指出如何实现这些功能。最初的规格书基本上是对客户希望成品电路实现的技术上的详细描述,可以包括各种电气要求,如电路将接收什么信号,必须输出什么信号,有什么电源,允许消耗多少功率。规格书还可以(通常也是如此)设定设计必须满足的一些物理参数,如尺寸、重量、防潮性、温度范围、热输出、振动容限和加速度容限等。

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电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Classification and Regression Model

电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Classification and Regression Model

The ANN architecture considered in this section is similar to the one used for the regression-only model, but now there is an increased number of output nodes, as shown in Fig. 4.4. The input features are now not only restricted to one class of circuits, but to three. The features still correspond to the same four performance measures used in the regression-only model. The output layer is now not only comprised of a series of nodes that represent the circuit’s sizes, but also an additional node for each class of circuits present in the dataset. The loss function used in the training of the networks will also be different, now taking into account both errors from the regression and the classification tasks. The weights assigned to each error measures are malleable, but weights of $70 \%$ and $30 \%$, respectively, were used as a starting point.

For this case study, three classes of circuits were considered. The output nodes responsible for classification assign a probability to the predicted class. Data preparation for this model involved the same steps of normalization and data augmentation through polynomial features as the ones from the regression-only model. The guidelines to select the hyper-parameters for the ANN classification and regression model architecture were as follows:

  1. The number of input nodes and the number of hidden layers are the same as the regression-only model architecture. The number of nodes in the output layer increases in relation to the previous model, which are now 30 . This reflects the fact that the network is now processing different circuit performances and target circuit measures: 12 nodes for the VCOTA topology and 15 nodes for the twostage Miller amplifier topology, and 3 additional nodes that encode the circuit class.
  2. The activation function used in all nodes (except in the output layer’ nodes) is ReLU.
  3. Adam was the chosen optimizer, with learning rate $=0.001$.
  4. Overfitting was addressed using $L_{2}$ weight regularization, as shown in Fig. $4.5$,after the model showed to have a good performance.
  5. Initial random weights of the network layers were initialized by means of a normal distribution.
  6. Model performance was measured through a custom loss function (see Eq. 4.8) that takes into account the error measurements from the classification nodes and from the regression nodes. Different percentages are assigned to each type of error, $30 \%$ and $70 \%$, respectively. Individual metrics were also used to prove the effectiveness of each task in the network. Regression error is calculated though a MSE function, while classification error is calculated through a sparse softmax cross-entropy (SSCE) function.
  7. 5000 was the number of epochs chosen for initial testing. After having trained the first model, subsequent ANNs were trained with fewer epochs (500), using network weights from the ANN trained for 5000 epochs.
  8. A variable number was chosen for batch size, between 256 and 512, depending on the number of epochs.
  9. Finally, gridsearch is once again done over the hyper-parameters (number of layer, number of nodes per layer, non-ideality, and regularization factor) to finetune the model.

The hyper-parameters chosen for this architecture are summarized in Table 4.2.

电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Training

The loss function, $L_{2}$, of the model that is optimized during training is a weighted sum of two distinct losses-one from the regression task and the other from the classification task. Since this model’s input features are not restricted to only one class of circuit performances, the regression loss will itself be a sum of the training errors from each circuit included in the dataset. Each individual regression loss is determined using MSE, like the previous model, while the classification error is measured through a SSCE function. This function measures the probability error in discrete classification tasks in which the classes are mutually exclusive (each entry is in exactly one class).

The loss function, $L_{\text {class }}$, that is optimized for the classification task is obtained by computing the negative logarithm of the probability of the true class, i.e., the class with highest probability as predicted by the ANN:
L_{\text {class }}=-\log \left(p\left(Y_{\text {class }}\right)\right)
The loss function, $L_{\text {reg, }}$, that is optimized for the regression task is the MSE of predicted outputs $Y^{\prime}$ with respect to the true $Y$ plus the $L_{2}$ norm of the model’s weights, $W$, times the regularization factor $\lambda$ :
L_{\mathrm{reg}}=\frac{1}{M} \sum_{j=1}^{M}\left(\left(Y_{\langle j\rangle}^{\prime}-Y_{\langle j\rangle}\right)^{T}\left(Y_{\langle j\rangle}^{\prime}-Y_{\langle j\rangle}\right)\right)+\lambda|W|^{2}

电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Classification and Regression Model



本节考虑的 ANN 架构类似于仅用于回归模型的架构,但现在输出节点的数量有所增加,如图 4.4 所示。输入特征现在不仅限于一类电路,而是三类。这些特征仍然对应于仅回归模型中使用的相同的四个性能度量。输出层现在不仅由代表电路大小的一系列节点组成,而且还包含数据集中存在的每一类电路的附加节点。网络训练中使用的损失函数也将有所不同,现在考虑到回归和分类任务的误差。分配给每个误差度量的权重是可塑的,但权重70%和30%,分别作为起点。

在本案例研究中,考虑了三类电路。负责分类的输出节点将概率分配给预测的类。该模型的数据准备涉及通过多项式特征进行归一化和数据增强的步骤,这些步骤与仅回归模型中的步骤相同。为 ANN 分类和回归模型架构选择超参数的指南如下:

  1. 输入节点的数量和隐藏层的数量与仅回归模型架构相同。输出层中的节点数量相对于之前的模型增加了,现在是 30 。这反映了网络现在正在处理不同的电路性能和目标电路测量的事实:VCOTA 拓扑的 12 个节点和两级米勒放大器拓扑的 15 个节点,以及对电路类别进行编码的 3 个附加节点。
  2. 所有节点使用的激活函数和XC和p吨一世n吨H和这在吨p在吨l一种是和r′n这d和s是Relu。
  3. Adam 是选择的优化器,具有学习率=0.001.
  4. 过度拟合是使用解决的大号2权重正则化,如图所示。4.5, 后模型表现出良好的表现。
  5. 网络层的初始随机权重通过正态分布进行初始化。
  6. 通过自定义损失函数测量模型性能s和和和q.4.8这考虑了来自分类节点和回归节点的误差测量。为每种类型的错误分配不同的百分比,30%和70%, 分别。个人指标也被用来证明网络中每个任务的有效性。回归误差通过 MSE 函数计算,而分类误差通过稀疏 softmax 交叉熵计算小号小号C和功能。
  7. 5000 是为初始测试选择的 epoch 数。在训练了第一个模型之后,后续的 ANN 训练的 epoch 更少500,使用来自 ANN 训练了 5000 个 epoch 的网络权重。
  8. 根据 epoch 的数量,为批量大小选择了一个可变数字,介于 256 和 512 之间。
  9. 最后,再次对超参数进行网格搜索n在米b和r这Fl一种是和r,n在米b和r这Fn这d和sp和rl一种是和r,n这n−一世d和一种l一世吨是,一种ndr和G在l一种r一世和一种吨一世这nF一种C吨这r微调模型。

表 4.2 总结了为该架构选择的超参数。


损失函数,大号2,在训练期间优化的模型是两个不同损失的加权和 – 一个来自回归任务,另一个来自分类任务。由于该模型的输入特征不仅限于一类电路性能,因此回归损失本身将是数据集中每个电路的训练误差之和。与之前的模型一样,每个单独的回归损失都是使用 MSE 确定的,而分类误差是通过 SSCE 函数测量的。此函数测量类别互斥的离散分类任务中的概率误差和一种CH和n吨r是一世s一世n和X一种C吨l是这n和Cl一种ss.

损失函数,大号班级 ,通过计算真实类的概率的负对数来获得针对分类任务的优化,即由人工神经网络预测的具有最高概率的类:
L_{\text {class }}=-\log \left(p\left(Y_{\text {class }}\right)\right)
损失函数,大号注册, ,为回归任务优化的是预测输出的 MSE是′关于真实的是加上大号2模型权重的范数,在, 乘以正则化因子λ :
L_{\mathrm{reg}}=\frac{1}{M} \sum_{j=1}^{M}\left(\left(Y_{\langle j\rangle}^{\prime}-Y_{\langle j\rangle}\right)^{T}\left(Y_{\langle j\rangle}^{\prime}-Y_{\langle j\rangle}\right)\right)+\lambda|W|^{2}

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