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物理代考| Stern–Gerlach Experiment 量子力学代写

物理代考| Stern–Gerlach Experiment 量子力学代写


8.1 Stern-Gerlach Experiment
In this experiment a beam of neutral particles with internal angular momentum $\hbar \overrightarrow{\mathcal{S}}$, here assumed to be spin-1/2 with $\mathcal{S}_{z}=\pm 1 / 2$, and a magnetic moment $\vec{\mu}=2 \mu \overrightarrow{\mathcal{S}}$ in the direction of the spin, is passed through an inhomogeneous magnetic field (see Fig. 8.1).

Fig. $8.1$ Stern-Gerlach experiment on a spin-1/2 system with a magnetic moment $\vec{\mu}=$ $2 \mu \overrightarrow{\mathcal{S}}$, and $\mathcal{S}{\Sigma}=\pm 1 / 2$. The $z$-axis is in the plane and vertical. 67 68 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics The particles feel a force in the $z$-direction of $$ F{z}=\mu_{z} \frac{d B_{z}}{d z}
Instead of seeing a continuous distribution of particles coming out of the detector in the $z$-direction, one observes only two beams, corresponding to $\mathcal{S}{z}=\pm 1 / 2$. This illustrates the discrete quantization of the angular momentum. One observes just the eigenvalues of $\mathcal{S}{z}$.

In quantum mechanics we understand what is happening by saying the initial internal state of each particle is a linear combination of the two spin states ${ }^{1}$

The probability that we will measure spin up is then $\left|c_{\uparrow}(t)\right|^{2}$, and the probability that we will measure spin down is $\left|c_{\downarrow}(t)\right|^{2}$, where
The internal Schrödinger equation tracks the behavior of both components as time progresses.

Suppose one now passes the top beam through a second detector identical to the first one as illustrated in Fig. 8.2.
Fig. $8.2$ Repeat of Stern-Gerlach experiment on upper beam using detector (A).
One will now observe that all of the particles coming out again have their spin up, and there are none coming out with their spin down. ${ }^{2}$ We conclude from this that measurements are reproducible, and if we measure that the particle has spin up, then another measurement immediately afterwards will again say that it has spin up.
${ }^{1}$ Here the states $|\uparrow\rangle$ and $|\downarrow\rangle$ are one-particle states in the abstract occupation number
space. 2We assume pure pass measurements here.
Quantum Measurements
But in quantum mechanics, we actually have something more profound. The act of the first measurement has changed the system. It is no longer in the state in Eq. (8.2). The act of measurement has reduced the basis. The act of measurement has placed it entirely in the new state
\left|\psi_{\text {int }}(t)\right\rangle=c(t)|\uparrow\rangle \quad ;|c(t)|^{2}=1


8.1 Stern-Gerlach 实验
在这个实验中,一束具有内部角动量 $\hbar \overrightarrow{\mathcal{S}}$ 的中性粒子束,这里假设为自旋 1/2 且 $\mathcal{S}_{z}=\pm 1 / 2$ 和一个沿自旋方向的磁矩 $\vec{\mu}=2 \mu \overrightarrow{\mathcal{S}}$ 通过一个不均匀的磁场(见图 8.1)。

图 $8.1$ Stern-Gerlach 在自旋 1/2 系统上的实验,磁矩 $\vec{\mu}=$ $2 \mu \overrightarrow{\mathcal{S}}$, 和 $\mathcal{S} {\Sigma}=\pm 1 / 2$。 $z$ 轴在平面上并且是垂直的。 67 68 量子力学导论 粒子在 $z$ 方向上感觉到力 $$ F{z}=\mu_{z} \frac{d B_{z}}{d z}
与其看到从探测器出来的粒子在 $z$ 方向上的连续分布,人们只观察到两束光束,对应于 $\mathcal{S}{z}=\pm 1 / 2$。这说明了角动量的离散量化。人们只观察 $\mathcal{S}{z}$ 的特征值。

在量子力学中,我们通过说每个粒子的初始内部状态是两个自旋状态 ${ }^{1}$ 的线性组合来理解正在发生的事情

那么我们测量自旋向上的概率是$\left|c_{\uparrow}(t)\right|^{2}$,我们测量自旋向下的概率是$\left|c_{\downarrow} (t)\right|^{2}$, 其中

假设现在让顶部光束通过与第一个检测器相同的第二个检测器,如图 8.2 所示。
图 $8.2$ 使用探测器 (A) 在上光束上重复 Stern-Gerlach 实验。
现在可以观察到,所有再次出来的粒子都自旋向上,而没有一个粒子随着自旋向下而出现。 ${ }^{2}$ 我们由此得出结论,测量是可重复的,如果我们测量粒子已经自旋,那么紧接着的另一个测量将再次说它已经自旋。
${ }^{1}$ 这里的状态 $|\uparrow\rangle$ 和 $|\downarrow\rangle$ 是抽象占用数中的单粒子状态
空间。 2我们在这里假设纯通过测量。
但在量子力学中,我们实际上有更深奥的东西。第一次测量的行为改变了系统。它不再处于方程式中的状态。 (8.2)。测量行为减少了基础。测量的行为使它完全处于新的状态
\left|\psi_{\text {int }}(t)\right\rangle=c(t)|\uparrow\rangle \quad ;|c(t)|^{2}=1

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