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数学代写|图像处理作业代写Image Processing代考|The Solar Cycle and Melanoma

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数学代写|图像处理作业代写Image Processing代考|The Solar Cycle and Melanoma

数学代写|图像处理作业代写Image Processing代考|Separation of the Solar Cycle Component

Monthly mean records of observed sunspot number (SN) counts are available for the years 1749 until the present (, n.d.). To validate the SN records, satellite based orbital measurements of total solar irradiation (TSI) are available from a series of satellites called the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor, or ACRIM, between the years 1974 to 2006 . This series of satellites with gaps filled from other sources form a composite ACRIM dataset (Willson and Mordvinov 2003). Again, TSI is a measure of power per unit area and is recorded in the unit watt per meter squared.The melanoma diagnosis records are extracted from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results 2012). The SEER database includes diagnoses for many cancer types, one of which is melanoma. The SEER program surveils an expanding list of sites throughout the United States including entire states and smaller regions, such as municipalities. The sites used in this solar cycle exploratory analysis include the states of Connecticut, Hawaii, New Mexico, Utah, and Iowa, and the cities of Oakland and Detroit throughout the years 1984–2009. This smaller subset of the currently surveilled sites was chosen because it represents those sites with the longest continuous history of observation.

数学代写|图像处理作业代写Image Processing代考|Modeling the Solar Cycle and Melanoma

Following the procedure described above, the results indicate that the use of sunspot number as a proxy for total solar irradiance is supported with evidence after the application of $K Z_{12,2}$ filters. The maximum value in cross-correlation between the SN and satellite measurements of TSI is $r=$ $0.80$. This peak occurs with no latency, reinforcing that solar cycle characteristics move together (Zurbenko and Potrzeba-Macrina 2019a).
Following the transformation of the melanoma data through a natural logarithm transformation and removal of the upward linear trend, $K Z_{12,2}$ filtered data is compared to $\mathrm{SN}$ and the set of cross-correlations reaches a maximum correlation $r=0.63$ with a latency of $42.2$ years (Figure $9.2 .5$ and 9.2.6). Other maximums occur at $10.0,19.9,31.8,42.2,52.3$, and $62.5$ years.

数学代写|图像处理作业代写Image Processing代考|The Solar Cycle and Melanoma



观测到的太阳黑子数月平均记录小号ñ计数可用于 1749 年至今在在在.s一世dC.这米一种.b和,n.d.. 为了验证 SN 记录,基于卫星的总太阳辐射轨道测量吨小号一世在 1974 年至 2006 年期间,可从一系列称为有源腔辐射计辐照度监测器或 ACRIM 的卫星获得。这一系列从其他来源填补空白的卫星形成了一个复合 ACRIM 数据集在一世一世一世s这n一种nd米这rdv一世n这v2003. 同样,TSI 是单位面积功率的度量,以单位瓦特每平方米记录。黑色素瘤诊断记录是从监测、流行病学和最终结果中提取的小号和和R数据库小号你rv和一世一世一世一种nC和,和p一世d和米一世这一世这G是,一种nd和ndR和s你一世吨s2012. SEER 数据库包括许多癌症类型的诊断,其中一种是黑色素瘤。SEER 计划监视美国各地不断扩大的站点列表,包括整个州和较小的地区,例如市政当局。此太阳周期探索性分析中使用的地点包括康涅狄格州、夏威夷州、新墨西哥州、犹他州和爱荷华州,以及 1984-2009 年间的奥克兰和底特律市。选择当前监视站点的这个较小的子集是因为它代表了那些具有最长连续观察历史的站点。


按照上述程序,结果表明,在应用太阳黑子数作为总太阳辐照度的代表后,得到了证据的支持。到从12,2过滤器。TSI 的 SN 和卫星测量值之间的互相关最大值为r= 0.80. 这个峰值出现没有延迟,加强了太阳周期特征一起移动从你rb和n到这一种nd磷这吨r和和b一种−米一种Cr一世n一种2019一种.
在通过自然对数变换和去除上升线性趋势对黑色素瘤数据进行变换后,到从12,2过滤后的数据与小号ñ并且该组互相关达到最大相关r=0.63延迟为42.2年F一世G你r和$9.2.5$一种nd9.2.6. 其他最大值发生在10.0,19.9,31.8,42.2,52.3, 和62.5年。

数学代写|图像处理作业代写Image Processing代考

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