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电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Existing Approaches to Analog IC Sizing Automation

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电路设计Intro to circuit design过程从规格书开始,规格书说明了成品设计必须提供的功能,但没有指出如何实现这些功能。最初的规格书基本上是对客户希望成品电路实现的技术上的详细描述,可以包括各种电气要求,如电路将接收什么信号,必须输出什么信号,有什么电源,允许消耗多少功率。规格书还可以(通常也是如此)设定设计必须满足的一些物理参数,如尺寸、重量、防潮性、温度范围、热输出、振动容限和加速度容限等。

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电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Existing Approaches to Analog IC Sizing Automation

电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Existing Approaches to Analog IC Sizing Automation

Despite the overall lack of any well-established flow for analog IC design automation, the automation of analog circuit sizing using optimization is a quite established approach [1]. These tools for automatic IC sizing vary mostly by the optimization method they use and how they estimate the circuit’s performance, while in a manual design approach, the estimate can be done using approximate equations in early stages and using the circuit simulator in a later stage to verify and fine-tune the initial design.

For automatic sizing, simulation-based optimization is the most prevalent method in both industrial $[2,3]$ and academic $[4,5]$ environments, since designers prefer to avoid the risks of estimation errors in equation-based performance approximation. In fact, the trend in analog IC sizing automation is to increase performance estimation accuracy. The consideration of variability [6], models from electromagnetic simulation [7], and layout effects [8] to ensure that the optimization is done over a performance landscape that is as close as possible to the true performance of a fabricated prototype.

Nevertheless, instead of going from the target specification to the corresponding device’s sizes, the designer or the electronic design automation (EDA) tool is actually going from tentative devices’ sizes to the corresponding circuit performance countless times, trying combinations of design variables until a suitable sizing where the circuit meets specifications. While these EDA approaches are able to find solutions, and sometimes extremely effective ones, the long execution time while not the only is still major deterrent. More, since these approaches do not store the output of the tentative tries when a new design target appears, most of the data produced are not considered. Even the available previous designs, which sometimes are used to initialize new optimization runs, are not used to their full potential to predict effectively better starting points for the new optimization runs. Having identified this gap, and with the rise of the machine and deep learning, together with the increasing availability of computational resources and data, researchers started to explore new data-centric approaches. The next section presents some of these new approaches that are capable of predicting devices sizes, given some previous designs and new target specifications or technology node.

电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Machine Learning Applied to Sizing Automation

ML, and in particular artificial neural network (ANN) models, has been used in some works to address analog IC sizing automation. In [9], ANN models for estimating the performance parameters of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) operational amplifier topologies were presented. In addition, effective methods for the generation of training data and consequent use for training of the model were proposed to enhance the accuracy of the ANN models. The efficiency and accuracy of the performance results were then tested in a genetic algorithm-based circuit synthesis framework. This genetic synthesis tool optimizes a fitness function based on a set of performance constraints specified by the user. Finally, the performance parameters of the synthesized circuits were validated by SPICE simulations and later compared with those predicted by the ANN models. The set of test bench circuits presented in this work can be used to extract performance parameters from other op-amp topologies other than ones specifically studied here. Circuits with different functionalities than an op-amp would need new sets of SPICE test bench circuits to create appropriate ANN models.

The ANN models trained in this work used data generated from SPICE, where time-dependent and frequency-dependent data points were created for numerous circuit topologies instantiating the target op-amp. The training set was comprised of 3095 points, while the validation set was comprised of 1020 points. The neural network toolbox from MATLAB was used to simulate the networks. The structure of the network is simply comprised of an input layer, an output layer, and a single hidden layer. Different numbers of hidden layer nodes (from 8 to 14) were iteratively tested to obtain the best possible generalization and accuracy on both training and validation examples. The hyperbolic tangent sigmoid function was used as the activation function for all hidden layer nodes, and a linear function was used as the activation function for all output layer nodes. It should be noted that each network only has one single output node since a different network was designed to model each individual op-amp performance parameter. Collecting the data took approximately $1 \mathrm{~h} 47 \mathrm{~m}$, and generating all seven performances estimates using the ANN models took around $51.9 \mu \mathrm{s}$, which, when compared with using SPICE directly, resulted in a speedup factor of about 40,000 times. Still, the model is trained to replace the circuit simulator; $[10]$ takes a similar approach.

While the improvement in the optimization efficiency is remarkable, the loss in accuracy goes against the designers’ preferences preventing these, and other, performance approximation methods to establish themselves.

电子工程代写|电路设计作业代写Intro to circuit design代考|Existing Approaches to Analog IC Sizing Automation



尽管总体上缺乏任何成熟的模拟 IC 设计自动化流程,但使用优化的模拟电路尺寸自动化是一种相当成熟的方法1. 这些用于自动 IC 尺寸调整的工具主要取决于它们使用的优化方法以及它们如何估计电路的性能,而在手动设计方法中,可以在早期使用近似方程并在后期使用电路模拟器来完成估计验证和微调初始设计。

对于自动选型,基于仿真的优化是工业界最流行的方法。[2,3]和学术[4,5]环境,因为设计人员更愿意避免基于方程的性能近似中估计错误的风险。事实上,模拟 IC 尺寸自动化的趋势是提高性能估计精度。可变性的考虑6, 来自电磁仿真的模型7, 和布局效果8确保优化是在尽可能接近制造原型真实性能的性能环境中完成的。

然而,设计师或电子设计自动化不是从目标规格到相应设备的尺寸和D一种工具实际上是无数次地从暂定器件的尺寸到相应的电路性能,尝试设计变量的组合,直到电路符合规格的合适尺寸。虽然这些 EDA 方法能够找到解决方案,有时甚至是非常有效的解决方案,但较长的执行时间虽然不是唯一的,但仍然是主要的威慑。此外,由于这些方法在出现新的设计目标时不会存储试探性尝试的输出,因此不会考虑产生的大部分数据。即使是可用的先前设计(有时用于初始化新的优化运行)也没有充分发挥其潜力来有效地预测新优化运行的更好起点。确定了这一差距,随着机器和深度学习的兴起,随着计算资源和数据的可用性越来越高,研究人员开始探索以数据为中心的新方法。下一节介绍了其中一些能够预测设备尺寸的新方法,给定一些先前的设计和新的目标规范或技术节点。


ML,尤其是人工神经网络一种ññ模型,已在一些工作中用于解决模拟 IC 尺寸自动化问题。在9, 用于估计互补金属氧化物半导体性能参数的人工神经网络模型C米这小号提出了运算放大器拓扑结构。此外,还提出了生成训练数据和随后用于模型训练的有效方法,以提高人工神经网络模型的准确性。然后在基于遗传算法的电路综合框架中测试性能结果的效率和准确性。该基因合成工具根据用户指定的一组性能约束优化适应度函数。最后,合成电路的性能参数通过 SPICE 仿真进行验证,然后与 ANN 模型预测的性能参数进行比较。这项工作中介绍的测试台电路集可用于从其他运算放大器拓扑中提取性能参数,而不是此处专门研究的拓扑。

在这项工作中训练的 ANN 模型使用从 SPICE 生成的数据,其中为实例化目标运算放大器的众多电路拓扑创建了时间相关和频率相关的数据点。训练集由 3095 个点组成,而验证集由 1020 个点组成。MATLAB 的神经网络工具箱用于模拟网络。网络的结构简单地由一个输入层、一个输出层和一个隐藏层组成。不同数量的隐藏层节点Fr这米8吨这14进行了迭代测试,以在训练和验证示例上获得最佳的泛化和准确性。双曲正切sigmoid函数被用作所有隐藏层节点的激活函数,线性函数被用作所有输出层节点的激活函数。应该注意的是,每个网络只有一个输出节点,因为设计了不同的网络来模拟每个单独的运算放大器性能参数。收集数据大约花了1 H47 米,并使用 ANN 模型生成所有七个性能估计值51.9μs,与直接使用 SPICE 相比,加速因子约为 40,000 倍。尽管如此,该模型还是被训练来代替电路模拟器;[10]采取类似的方法。


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