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物理代写|统计力学代写Statistical mechanics代考|Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

如果你也在 怎样代写统计力学statistical mechanics这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。统计力学statistical mechanics在物理学中,是一个数学框架,它将统计方法和概率理论应用于大型微观实体的集合。它不假设或假定任何自然法则,而是从这些集合体的行为来解释自然界的宏观行为。

统计力学statistical mechanics产生于经典热力学的发展,对该领域而言,它成功地解释了宏观物理特性–如温度、压力和热容量–以围绕平均值波动的微观参数和概率分布为特征。这建立了统计热力学和统计物理学的领域。

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物理代写|统计力学代写Statistical mechanics代考|Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

物理代写|统计力学代写Statistical mechanics代考|Microstates and Macrostates

We will start by defining macroscopic laws more generally and explain what “derive” means.

The microstates of a classical mechanical system are elements of $\mathbb{R}^{6 N}$, and we wrote in Sect. $3.3$ a vector $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{\mathbf{6 N}}$ as a pair $\mathbf{x}=(\mathbf{q}, \mathbf{p})$, with $\mathbf{q}=\left(\vec{q}{1}, \vec{q}{2}, \ldots, \vec{q}{N}\right) \in$ $\mathbb{R}^{3 N}, \mathbf{p}=\left(\vec{p}{1}, \vec{p}{2}, \ldots, \vec{p}{N}\right) \in \mathbb{R}^{3 N}$ and defined the time evolution of $\mathbf{x}(t)=T^{t}(\mathbf{x}(0)$ through Hamilton’s equations (3.3.3), (3.3.4), (3.3.10).

If one works with closed systems, as one usually does, one considers a closed and bounded subset $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^{6 N}$ (the spatial part is bounded because the system is enclosed in a box and its velocities are bounded because the total energy of the system is finite $^{1}$ ) which we will refer to as the phase space of the system.

Our definition of the macrostate will be more vague: we are all familiar with macroscopic quantities like the volume, the pressure, the temperature or the density of physical systems. These are quantities that we have a direct access to, without knowing anything about the microscopic composition of matter. In fact, physicists started by studying such quantities long before the had any idea about atoms and people like the 19th century Austrian physicist Ernst Mach studied them while denying the existence of atoms.

As long as we study terrestrial phenomena, those macroscopic quantities characterize systems composed of a number of atoms which is very large but too large. The objects studied here are, to use Lars Onsager phrase “large compared to atoms, but small compared to the sun”, which means in practice that we can neglect gravitational forces.

To define abstractly a macrostate, we introduce a map from the phase space of the system into $\mathbb{R}^{L}$ :
M: \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{L}
where $L<<N$. Those variables could be the energy or the density but we will give more examples of such variables in a moment. By definition, $M(\mathbf{x})$ is the macrostate associated to the microstate $\mathbf{x}$. The important point is that the macrostate is a function of the microstate. For example, if we know $\mathbf{x}=(\mathbf{q}, \mathbf{p})$, then we know the total energy of the system given by (3.3.11). Obviously, we also know the total density of the system. The condition $L<<N$ means that we have far fewer macroscopic variables than microscopic ones; otherwise there would be no point in speaking of a macroscopic description.

物理代写|统计力学代写Statistical mechanics代考|Dominance of the Equilibrium Macrostate

The most important property of our map $M$, which will allow us to understand the notion of equilibrium is that this map is many to one in a way that depends on value taken by $M$.

To explain this, think again of the simple example of $N$ coin tossing: a microstate is a sequence of results e.g. $(H, T, H, H, \ldots, T)$ and $\Omega$ is the set of such sequences; we have $|\Omega|=2^{N}$.

The macrostate is $M=\left(N_{0}, N_{1}\right)$, with $N_{0}=$ number of heads, $N_{1}=$ number of tails.
If $N_{0}=N$, it corresponds to a unique microstate $(H, H, H, H, \ldots, H)$
But if $N_{0}=\frac{N}{2}$ then there are approximately $\frac{2^{N}}{\sqrt{N}}$ microstates giving rise to that value of $M$ (see (6.2.7) below).

In (2.3.4), we gave the number $\left|M^{-1}\left(N_{0}\right)\right|$ of microstates corresponding to a given value of $M$, i.e. of $N_{0}$ :
\left|M^{-1}\left(N_{0}\right)\right|=\frac{N !}{N_{0} ! N_{1} !}=\frac{N !}{N_{0} !\left(N-N_{0}\right) !}

物理代写|统计力学代写STATISTICAL MECHANICS代考|Typicality

In each of the examples above, the configurations in $\Omega_{e q}$ are typical, to use the term defined Sect. 2.3.1. In the situations considered in statistical mechanics, we always have a large parameter $N$, which, for mathematical convenience, we let tend to $\infty$. The typicality of the configurations in $\Omega_{e q}$ is expressed by bounds of the form (6.2.6, 6.2.11).

As we discussed in Sect. $2.6$ typical events do not need to be explained, since, by definition of “probable” or by Cournot’s principle, typical events are what we expect to happen. Thus, equilibrium states do not need to be explained. What need to be explained are non-equilibrium states and the evolution from non-equilibrium states towards equilibrium ones .

物理代写|统计力学代写Statistical mechanics代考|Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics




经典机械系统的微观状态是R6ñ,我们在 Sect.3.3一个向量X∈R6ñ作为一对X=(q,p), 其中 $\mathbf{q}=\left(\vec{q} {1}, \vec{q} {2}, \ldots, \vec{q} {N}\right) \in\mathbb{R}^{3 N}, \mathbf{p}=\left(\vec{p} {1}, \vec{p} {2}, \ldots, \vec{p} {N}\对)\in \mathbb{R}^{3 N}一种ndd和F一世n和d吨H和吨一世米和和在这l在吨一世这n这F\mathbf{x}吨=T^{t}X(0$ 通过汉密尔顿方程3.3.3, 3.3.4,3.3.10.

如果像通常那样使用封闭系统,则考虑一个封闭且有界的子集Ω⊂R6ñ 吨H和sp一种吨一世一种lp一种r吨一世sb这在nd和db和C一种在s和吨H和s是s吨和米一世s和nCl这s和d一世n一种b这X一种nd一世吨s在和l这C一世吨一世和s一种r和b这在nd和db和C一种在s和吨H和吨这吨一种l和n和rG是这F吨H和s是s吨和米一世sF一世n一世吨和$1$我们将其称为系统的相空间。

我们对宏观状态的定义会更加模糊:我们都熟悉物理系统的体积、压力、温度或密度等宏观量。这些是我们可以直接获得的量,而不知道物质的微观组成。事实上,早在 19 世纪奥地利物理学家恩斯特·马赫(Ernst Mach)等​​人对原子和人有任何了解之前,物理学家就开始研究这些量,同时否认原子的存在。

只要我们研究地球现象,那些宏观量就表征了由许多原子组成的系统,这些原子非常大但太大了。这里研究的物体,用 Lars Onsager 的话来说是“比原子大,比太阳小”,这意味着在实践中我们可以忽略引力。

为了抽象地定义一个宏观状态,我们将系统相空间的映射引入到R大号 :
在哪里大号<<ñ. 这些变量可能是能量或密度,但稍后我们将给出更多此类变量的示例。根据定义,米(X)是与微观状态相关的宏观状态X. 重要的一点是宏观状态是微观状态的函数。例如,如果我们知道X=(q,p),那么我们知道系统的总能量由下式给出3.3.11. 显然,我们也知道系统的总密度。条件大号<<ñ意味着我们的宏观变量比微观变量少得多;否则,谈宏观描述就没有意义了。




宏观状态是米=(ñ0,ñ1), 和ñ0=头数,ñ1=尾数。
但如果ñ0=ñ2那么大约有2ññ产生该值的微观状态米 s和和(6.2.7以下)。

在2.3.4,我们给出了数字|米−1(ñ0)|对应于给定值的微观状态米,即ñ0 :


在上面的每个示例中,配置Ω和q是典型的,使用术语定义的教派。2.3.1。在统计力学考虑的情况下,我们总是有一个很大的参数ñ, 其中,为了数学上的方便,我们让倾向于∞. 配置的典型性Ω和q由形式的边界表示6.2.6,6.2.11.

正如我们在 Sect 中讨论的那样。2.6典型事件不需要解释,因为根据“可能”的定义或古诺原则,典型事件就是我们期望发生的事情。因此,不需要解释平衡状态。需要解释的是非平衡态和非平衡态向平衡态的演化。

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