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计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考| Communication: Defining the problem

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机器学习Machine Learning程序可以在没有明确编程的情况下执行任务。它涉及到计算机从提供的数据中学习,从而执行某些任务。对于分配给计算机的简单任务,有可能通过编程算法告诉机器如何执行解决手头问题所需的所有步骤;就计算机而言,不需要学习。对于更高级的任务,由人类手动创建所需的算法可能是一个挑战。在实践中,帮助机器开发自己的算法,而不是让人类程序员指定每一个需要的步骤,可能会变得更加有效 。

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计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考| Communication: Defining the problem

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Communication: Defining the problem

As covered in chapter 3 , we’re going to continue discussing the product recommendation system that our DS team was tasked with building. We’ve seen a juxtaposition of ineffective and effective ways of planning a project and setting scoping for an MVP, but we haven’t seen how the team got to the point of creating an effective project plan with a reasonable project scope.
The first example meeting, as we discussed in section 3.1, revolved around the end goal in highly abstract terms. The business wanted personalization of its website. The DS team’s first error during that conversation was in not continuing the line of questioning. The single most important question was never asked: “Why do you want to build a personalization service?”
Most people, particularly technical people (likely the vast majority of the people who will be in a room discussing this initial project proposal and brainstorming session), prefer to focus on the how of a project. How am I going to build this? How is the system going to integrate to this data? How frequently do I need to run my code to solve the need?
For our recommendation engine project, if anyone had posed this question, it would have opened the door to an open and frank conversation about what needs to be built, what the expected functionality should be, how important the project is to the business, and when the business wants to start testing a solution. Once those key answers are received, all of the details surrounding logistics can be conducted.
The important thing to keep in mind with these kickoff meetings is that they’re effective when both sides-customer and supplier of the solution-are getting what they need. The DS team is getting its research, scoping, and planning details. The business is getting a review schedule for the work to be conducted. The business gets the inclusiveness that’s paramount to the project success, which will be exercised at the various presentations and ideation sessions scheduled throughout the project (more on these presentation boundaries is covered in section 4.1.2). Without a directed and productive conversation, as modeled in figure 4.1 , the respective people in the meeting would likely be engaged in the thought patterns shown in figure 4.2.
By focusing the meeting on a common purpose, the areas of individual responsibility and expectation of each persona in figure 4.2 can be collaboratively directed toward defining the project and helping to ensure its success.

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Understanding the problem

In our scenario, the unguided nature of the planning meeting(s) resulted in the DS team members not having a clear direction on what to build. Without any real definition from the business of the desired end state, they focused their effort solely on building the best collection of recommendations for each user that they could prove with scoring algorithms. What they had done was effectively missed the plot.
At its core, the problem is a fundamental breakdown in communication. Without asking what the business wanted from their work, they missed the details that meant the most to the business unit (and to the external “real” customers). You’ll always want to avoid situations like this. These breakdowns in communication and planning can play out in multiple ways, ranging from slow, simmering passive-aggressive hostility to outright shouting matches (usually one-sided) if the realization is made toward the end of a project.
What we have here is a failure to communicate
In the many dozens of ML projects that I’ve been a part of as a developer, data scientist, architect, or consultant, the one consistent, common theme among all projects that never make it to production has been a lack of communication. This isn’t a reference to a communication failure in the engineering team (although I have certainly witnessed that more than enough for my liking in my career thus far).
The worst sort of breakdown is the one that happens between the DS team and the business unit requesting the solution. Whether it’s a long, slow, drawn-out entropy of communication or a flat-out refusal to speak in a common form of dialogue that all parties can understand, the result is always the same when the customers (internal) aren’t being listened to by the developers.
The most destructive time for a lack of communication to become apparent to everyone involved in the project is around the final release to production. End users consuming the predictions come to the conclusion that not only does something seem a bit off about the results coming from the predictive model, but that it’s just fundamentally broken.
Breakdowns in communication aren’t restricted only to production release, though. They typically happen slowly during the development of the solution or when going through user acceptance testing. Assumptions on all sides are made; ideas are either unspoken or ignored, and commentary is dismissed as either being irrelevant or simply a waste of time during full team meetings.
Few things are as infinitely frustrating as a project failure that is due to communication breakdown among a team, but it can be avoided completely. These failures, resulting in enormous wastes of time and resources, can be attributed to the very early stages of the project-before a single line of code is written-when the scoping and definition of the problem happens. These failures are entirely preventable with a conscious and determined plan of ensuring that open and inclusive dialogue is maintained at every phase of the project, starting at the first ideation and brainstorming session.

计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考| Communication: Defining the problem


计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Communication: Defining the problem


计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考|Understanding the problem


计算机代写|机器学习代写Machine Learning代考

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