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金融代写|公司金融学代写Corporate Finance代考|Equity Financing

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公司金融学Corporate Finance相应地,公司财务包括两个主要的分支学科。[引用]资本预算涉及到设定标准,以确定哪些增值项目应该获得投资资金,以及是否用股权或债务资本为该投资融资。营运资金管理是对公司货币资金的管理,涉及流动资产和流动负债的短期经营平衡;这里的重点是管理现金、存货和短期借贷(如提供给客户的信贷条件)。

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金融代写|公司金融学代写Corporate Finance代考|Equity Financing

金融代写|公司金融学代写Corporate Finance代考|Equity Financing

A company limited by shares, whether public or private, must have at least one issued share. ${ }^1$ Although it is possible to set up both unlimited companies and companies limited by guarantee in the $\mathrm{UK},{ }^2$ these types of companies are not commonly chosen by individuals setting up profit-making organisations. ${ }^3$ In the case of companies limited by guarantee, they do not provide a simple mechanism for the sharing of profits, ${ }^4$ and in the case of unlimited companies they forgo the benefit that is often regarded as providing the greatest advantage to the corporate form, namely limited liability. ${ }^5$ This book will therefore concentrate on companies limited by shares, which are by far the most numerous and most economically important business form in the UK.
The options available for companies raising money via equity financing are more limited than those available for debt financing, discussed at 2.3 below. The company only has the option of issuing shares. The main variables are the type of shares issued and the sources of the company’s equity finance. To a certain extent the options chosen by companies will be determined by their size and stage of development. Although companies limited by shares must have at least some equity capital, the levels may be very low; in particular, there is no minimum capital requirement for private companies in the UK. ${ }^7$ It is common for small private companies to operate with very little equity capital, and for the majority of the financing to be via loans and retained profits. ${ }^8$ In such circumstances the effect of equity financing on the company’s operations will be slight. By contrast, equity financing tends to become more important as companies grow and develop, at which point external sources of funding start to become available, including venture capital, and, ultimately, access to the capital markets via an issue of the company’s shares to the public.

金融代写|公司金融学代写Corporate Finance代考|Different Types of Shares

Companies have a significant amount of flexibility as to the rights that they can attach to their shares. The rights are generally laid down in the articles of association, the predominant constitutional document for companies. ${ }^{15}$ To an extent these rights are a matter of contract, although the articles form a contract of a peculiar kind. ${ }^{16}$ The articles are a contract binding the company and its members, and the members inter se, as a result of section 33 of the Companies Act 2006. The binding force of this contract arises from the terms of the statute, rather than from any actual bargain struck between the parties. The rights attached to the shares may not be specifically negotiated or agreed to by a particular shareholder. When an investor buys a share in a company, he or she becomes bound by the terms of its articles in existence at that time, and these terms can subsequently be altered, potentially without that shareholder’s permission, by a special resolution, ie a 75 per cent majority vote. ${ }^{17}$ This contract is, therefore, quite unlike that between a creditor and the company, which complies with the usual rules of contract law and thus, for example, cannot be altered without the creditor’s agreement. ${ }^{18}$
Shareholders can enter into an additional contractual arrangement: a shareholders’ agreement. This is a conventional contract, which operates separate to and outside the articles of association. It can be used by the shareholders as an additional mechanism to order their relationship: a provision in a shareholders’ agreement can have an effect similar to a provision in the articles. ${ }^{19}$ A shareholders’ agreement has an advantage over the articles in that it need not be registered at Companies House, and therefore remains private. It has the disadvantage, however, that new members of the company will not automatically be bound by its provisions, unless they specifically assent to it. Unless the terms of the agreement provide otherwise, it will only be possible to alter the provisions of a shareholders’ agreement with the consent of all of the parties. Shareholders’ agreements tend to be used in companies with relatively few shareholders, for example small quasi-partnership companies, joint venture companies and venture capital companies.
A company’s ability to bargain with its shareholders as to the number and nature of the shares that it issues to shareholders, and the rights attached to those shares, is not entirely unconstrained. In particular, statute has intervened to prevent companies having complete freedom as to how and when they may issue new shares, ${ }^{20}$ and to determine the rights that they may attach to those shares. For instance, even if the articles state that certain shares will have a guaranteed right to a specified dividend, this will be subject to the statutory rule that dividends can only be paid if the company has distributable profits. ${ }^{21}$ These protections are sometimes put in place to protect the existing shareholders of the company, ${ }^{22}$ and sometimes to protect the creditors of the company. ${ }^{23}$ The restrictions contrast with the position regarding debt, where the parties are, in principle, free to make their own bargain.

金融代写|公司金融学代写Corporate Finance代考|Equity Financing


金融代写|公司金融学代写Corporate Finance代考|Equity Financing

股份有限公司,无论是公共的还是私人的,必须至少有一个已发行的股份。${}^1$虽然在$\math {UK}可以设立无限公司和担保有限公司,{}^2$这些类型的公司一般不会被设立盈利机构的个人所选择。在担保有限公司的情况下,它们不提供一种简单的利润分享机制,在无限公司的情况下,它们放弃了通常被认为对公司形式提供最大优势的利益,即有限责任。${}^5$因此,本书将集中讨论股份有限公司,这是迄今为止英国数量最多、经济上最重要的商业形式。

金融代写|公司金融学代写Corporate Finance代考|Different Types of Shares

公司在赋予其股份的权利方面有很大的灵活性。这些权利通常在公司章程中规定,这是公司主要的宪法文件。${}^{15}$在某种程度上,这些权利属于合同事项,尽管这些条款构成了一种特殊类型的合同。${}^{16}$根据《2006年公司法》第33条,公司章程是对公司及其成员以及成员之间具有约束力的合同。本合同的约束力来自成文法的条款,而不是来自双方之间达成的任何实际交易。股份所附权利不得由某一股东具体协商或者约定。当投资者购买一家公司的股票时,他或她就会受到当时公司现有章程条款的约束,而这些条款随后可以通过一项特别决议(即75%的多数投票)进行修改,可能无需该股东的许可。${}^{17}$因此,该合同与债权人与公司之间的合同有很大不同,后者符合合同法的通常规则,因此,例如,未经债权人同意,不得更改。$ {} ^ {18} $

金融代写|公司金融学代写Corporate Finance代考

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