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数学代写|随机过程代写Stochastic Porcess代考|Stochastically Continuous Processes

如果你也在 怎样代写随机过程Stochastic Porcesses 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。随机过程Stochastic Porcesses在概率论和相关领域,是一个数学对象,通常被定义为一个随机变量系列。随机过程被广泛用作系统和现象的数学模型,这些系统和现象似乎以随机的方式变化。这方面的例子包括细菌种群的生长,由于热噪声而波动的电流,或气体分子的运动。随机过程在许多学科中都有应用,如生物学、化学、生态学、 神经科学、 物理学、图像处理、信号处理、控制理论、信息理论、计算机科学、密码学和电信。 此外,金融市场中看似随机的变化也促使人们在金融领域广泛使用随机过程。

随机过程Stochastic Porcesses应用和对现象的研究反过来又激发了新的随机过程的提出。这类随机过程的例子包括维纳过程或布朗运动过程,路易-巴舍利耶用来研究巴黎证券交易所的价格变化,以及A.K.埃朗用来研究一定时期内发生的电话数量的泊松过程。 这两个随机过程被认为是随机过程理论中最重要和最核心的,并且在巴切莱特和埃朗之前和之后,在不同的环境和国家中被反复和独立地发现了。

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数学代写|随机过程代写Stochastic Porcess代考|Stochastically Continuous Processes

数学代写|随机过程代写Stochastic Porcess代考|Stochastically Continuous Processes

Assume now that $\mathscr{X}$ is a Hausdorff topological space. Let $\mathfrak{B}$ be the $\sigma$-algebra of Borel sets in $\mathscr{X}$, i. e. we choose the $\sigma$-algebra generated by the open sets in $\mathscr{X}$ as the $\sigma$-algebra $\mathfrak{B}$. A homogeneous Markov process $\left{\mathscr{F}, \mathscr{N}, \mathrm{P}x\right}$ in the phase space ${\mathscr{X}, \mathfrak{B}}$ is called stochastically continuous if for each $x \in \mathscr{X}$ and any neighborhood $U_x$ of point $x$ the relation $\lim {t \rightarrow 0} P\left(t, x, U_x\right)=1$ is satisfied (here $P(t, x, B)$ is the transition probability of the process). The transition probability which satisfies this condition is also called stochastically continuous.
Denote by $\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$ the set of continuous bounded functions $f(x)$ defined on $\mathscr{X}$ with the norm $|f|=\sup _x|f(x)|$; the space $\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$ is a Banach space. We verify certain properties of stochastically continuous processes.
I. For all $f \in \mathscr{C}x$ $$ \lim {t \downarrow 0} \mathbf{T}t f(x)=f(x) $$ for each and every $x \in \mathscr{X}$. Indeed, choosing a neighborhood $U$ of point $x$ such that $|f(y)-f(x)|<\varepsilon$ for $y \in U$ we have $$ \begin{aligned} & \varlimsup{t \downarrow 0}\left|\int P(t, x, d y) f(y)-f(x)\right| \
& \quad=\varlimsup_{t \downarrow 0}\left|\int_U P(t, x, d y)[f(y)-f(x)]+\int_{\mathscr{X}-U} P(t, x, d y) f(y)+P(t, x, \mathscr{X} \backslash U) f(x)\right| \leqslant \varepsilon,
since $P(t, x, \mathscr{X} \backslash U) \rightarrow 0$.
II. For all $f \in \mathscr{C}x$ the function $\mathbf{T}_t f(x)$ is continuous from the right in $t$ for each $x$. This follows from the relation $$ \lim {h \downarrow 0} \mathbf{T}{t+h} f(x)=\lim {h \downarrow 0} \int P(t, x, d y) \mathbf{T}h f(y)=\int P(t, x, d y) \lim {h \downarrow 0} \mathbf{T}h f(y)=\mathbf{T}_t f(x) ; $$ the Lebesgue bounded convergence theorem and property I were utilized in this relation. III. The resolvent $\mathbf{R}\lambda$ satisfies for all $f \in \mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$ the relation $$ \lim {\lambda \rightarrow+\infty} \lambda \mathbf{R}_\lambda f(x)=f(x) \text { for each } \quad x \in \mathscr{X}

数学代写|随机过程代写Stochastic Porcess代考|Feller Processes in Locally Compact Spaces

The set of functions $f \in \mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$ for which (1) is satisfied forms a sub-space of $\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$. We denote this subspace by $\mathscr{L}$. It follows from (8) in Section 2 that $\mathbf{R}{\hat{\lambda}}\left(\mathscr{C}_x\right) \subset \mathscr{L}$. Assume that $\mathscr{L}$ is different from $\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$. Then there exists a linear functional $l(f)$ on $\mathscr{C}x$ such that $l(f)=0$ for all $f \in \mathscr{L}$ and $|l|=1$. However, every linear functional on $\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$ is of the form
l(f)=\int f(y) l(d y)
where $l(B)$ is a finite countably-additive function on the $\sigma$-algebra $\mathfrak{B}$ of Borel sets $B$ in $\mathscr{X}$. Since $\lambda \mathbf{R}\lambda f \in \mathscr{L}$ for all $f \in \mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$, it follows that
0=\int \lambda \mathbf{R}\lambda f(y) l(d y) $$ Since $\lambda \mathbf{R}\lambda f$ is bounded and convergent to $f$ as $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$, it follows by the Lebesgue bounded convergence theorem that
\int f(y) l(d y)=l(f)=0
for all $f \in \mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$, which contradicts the condition $|l|=1$. Hence $\mathscr{L}=\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$ and relation (1) is proved.
We now describe the generating operators of Feller processes on a compact space.

数学代写|随机过程代写Stochastic Porcess代考|Stochastically Continuous Processes


数学代写|随机过程代写Stochastic Porcess代考|Stochastically Continuous Processes

假设$\mathscr{X}$是一个Hausdorff拓扑空间。设$\mathfrak{B}$为$\mathscr{X}$中Borel集合的$\sigma$ -代数,即选择$\mathscr{X}$中开集生成的$\sigma$ -代数作为$\sigma$ -代数$\mathfrak{B}$。相空间${\mathscr{X}, \mathfrak{B}}$中的齐次马尔可夫过程$\left{\mathscr{F}, \mathscr{N}, \mathrm{P}x\right}$称为随机连续的,如果对于点$x$的每个$x \in \mathscr{X}$和任何邻域$U_x$满足关系$\lim {t \rightarrow 0} P\left(t, x, U_x\right)=1$(这里$P(t, x, B)$是该过程的转移概率)。满足这一条件的转移概率也称为随机连续的。
用$\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$表示在$\mathscr{X}$上定义的连续有界函数集$f(x)$,其范数为$|f|=\sup _x|f(x)|$;空间$\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$是巴拿赫空间。我们验证了随机连续过程的某些性质。对于所有$f \in \mathscr{C}x$$$ \lim {t \downarrow 0} \mathbf{T}t f(x)=f(x) $$对于每一个$x \in \mathscr{X}$。事实上,选择点$x$的邻域$U$使得$|f(y)-f(x)|<\varepsilon$对于$y \in U$我们有$$ \begin{aligned} & \varlimsup{t \downarrow 0}\left|\int P(t, x, d y) f(y)-f(x)\right| \
& \quad=\varlimsup_{t \downarrow 0}\left|\int_U P(t, x, d y)[f(y)-f(x)]+\int_{\mathscr{X}-U} P(t, x, d y) f(y)+P(t, x, \mathscr{X} \backslash U) f(x)\right| \leqslant \varepsilon,
自$P(t, x, \mathscr{X} \backslash U) \rightarrow 0$ .
II。对于所有$f \in \mathscr{C}x$,对于每个$x$,函数$\mathbf{T}_t f(x)$从$t$的右侧连续。这是由关系$$ \lim {h \downarrow 0} \mathbf{T}{t+h} f(x)=\lim {h \downarrow 0} \int P(t, x, d y) \mathbf{T}h f(y)=\int P(t, x, d y) \lim {h \downarrow 0} \mathbf{T}h f(y)=\mathbf{T}_t f(x) ; $$推导出来的勒贝格有界收敛定理和在这个关系中用到的性质。3解析式$\mathbf{R}\lambda$满足所有$f \in \mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$关系$$ \lim {\lambda \rightarrow+\infty} \lambda \mathbf{R}_\lambda f(x)=f(x) \text { for each } \quad x \in \mathscr{X}

数学代写|随机过程代写Stochastic Porcess代考|Feller Processes in Locally Compact Spaces

函数集 $f \in \mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$ 满足式(1)构成的子空间 $\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$. 我们用 $\mathscr{L}$. 由第2节(8)可知 $\mathbf{R}{\hat{\lambda}}\left(\mathscr{C}_x\right) \subset \mathscr{L}$. 假设 $\mathscr{L}$ 不同于 $\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$. 那么就存在一个线性泛函 $l(f)$ 在 $\mathscr{C}x$ 这样 $l(f)=0$ 对所有人 $f \in \mathscr{L}$ 和 $|l|=1$. 然而,每一个线性泛函 $\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$ 格式为
l(f)=\int f(y) l(d y)
where $l(B)$ 有限可数加性函数在 $\sigma$-代数 $\mathfrak{B}$ Borel集合的 $B$ 在 $\mathscr{X}$. 自从 $\lambda \mathbf{R}\lambda f \in \mathscr{L}$ 对所有人 $f \in \mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$,则
0=\int \lambda \mathbf{R}\lambda f(y) l(d y) $$ 自从 $\lambda \mathbf{R}\lambda f$ 有界且收敛于 $f$ as $\lambda \rightarrow \infty$,则由Lebesgue有界收敛定理得出
\int f(y) l(d y)=l(f)=0
为所有 $f \in \mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$,这与条件相矛盾 $|l|=1$. 因此 $\mathscr{L}=\mathscr{C}{\mathscr{X}}$ 关系式(1)得到了证明。

数学代写|随机过程代写Stochastic Porcesses代考

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