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数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|Networks containing no subgraph homomorphic to K4

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数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|Networks containing no subgraph homomorphic to K4


数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|Properties and complexity

Liu and Geldmacher (1976) have shown that, any graph with no subgraph homomorphic to $K_{4}$ can be recursively transformed, by applying four transformation rules (see Definition $2.7$ below), to a single vertex. They have further devised a linear time algorithm that can decide whether a graph has a subgraph homomorphic to $K_{4}$ (Liu and Geldmacher 1980).

Definition 2.7 Let $G^{\prime}$ be the resultant graph after applying four transformation rules $T_{1}, T_{2}, T_{3}$ and $T_{4}$ to a graph $G$ until none of the rules can be further applied, where
$T_{1}:$ Replace a loop vv with a vertex $v$.
$T_{2}$ : Replace a dangling edge uv with a vertex $u$.
$T_{3}$ : Replace a pair of series edges $u v$ and vw with an edge uw.
$T_{4}$ : Replace a pair of parallel edges uv and uv with an edge $u v$.
If $G^{\prime}$ consists of only one single vertex, then we say $G$ is reducible. Otherwise, we say $G$ is nonreducible.

Note that in the definition above we follow Liu and Geldmacher (1976) to use the terminology “reducible”, which is different from the terminology “reducible” used in the NP-completeness analysis (see Section 3.2).
The following two properties are established in Liu and Geldmacher $(1976)$.

Property 2.1 If $T_{1}, T_{2}, T_{3}$ and $T_{4}$ are applied to a graph until no longer possible, then a unique graph results, independent of the sequence of application of $T_{1}, T_{2}, T_{3}$ and $T_{4}$.

Property 2.2 A graph $G$ is nonreducible if and only if it contains a subgraph homomorphic to $K_{4}$.

Corresponding to the concept of reducible graph, we define the terminology of “reducible network” as follows.

数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|An exact algorithm

Recall that we consider time-varying networks with no parallel arcs, that is, there do not exist two arcs of the same direction between two vertices. It is possible to have, however, two arcs of opposite directions between two vertices. To simplify the presentation in figures, in this section we will use a link to indicate a single arc or a pair of opposite arcs between two vertices.
Let us first examine the following two special cases.
Case I. The network $N$ under consideration is shown in Figure 2.7(a), where $s$ is the source vertex. By Definition $2.5, d_{s, x}\left(x, t_{s}, t\right)$ is the cost of a shortest path from $s$ to $x$ within the time duration $\left[t_{s}, t\right]$ (Note that if such a path does not exist, then $\left.d_{s, x}\left(x, t_{s}, t\right)=\infty\right)$. Then, we can easily see that
\zeta(T(\kappa))=d_{s, y}(y, 0, \kappa)+d_{s, z}(z, 0, \kappa)
where $\zeta(T(\kappa))$ is the minimum cost of the spanning tree of $N$ within the time limit $\kappa$.

数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|Networks containing no subgraph homomorphic to K4



刘和格尔德马赫1976已经证明,任何没有子图同态的图到4可以通过应用四个转换规则进行递归转换s和和D和F一世n一世吨一世这n$2.7$b和一世这在, 到单个顶点。他们进一步设计了一种线性时间算法,可以决定一个图是否具有同态的子图到4 大号一世你一种ndG和一世d米一种CH和r1980.

定义 2.7 让G′是应用四个变换规则后的结果图吨1,吨2,吨3和吨4到图G直到无法进一步应用任何规则,其中
吨1:用顶点替换循环 vvv.
吨2: 用顶点替换悬垂边 uv你.
吨4: 用一条边替换一对平行边 uv 和 uv你v.

请注意,在上面的定义中,我们遵循 Liu 和 Geldmacher1976使用术语“reducible”,这与 NP-completeness 分析中使用的术语“reducible”不同s和和小号和C吨一世这n3.2.
在 Liu 和 Geldmacher 中建立了以下两个属性(1976).

属性 2.1 如果吨1,吨2,吨3和吨4被应用到一个图直到不再可能,然后一个唯一的图结果,独立于应用的顺序吨1,吨2,吨3和吨4.

属性 2.2 图表G不可约当且仅当它包含同态的子图到4.



案例一、网络ñ正在考虑的如图 2.7 所示一种, 在哪里s是源顶点。按定义2.5,ds,X(X,吨s,吨)是最短路径的成本s到X在持续时间内[吨s,吨] 请注意,如果这样的路径不存在,则 $\left.d_{s, x}\left(x, t_{s}, t\right请注意,如果这样的路径不存在,则

\zeta(T(\kappa))=d_{s, y}(y, 0, \kappa)+d_{s, z}(z, 0, \kappa)
where $\zeta(T(\kappa))$ is the minimum cost of the spanning tree of $N$ within the time limit $\kappa$.

数学代考|Operations Research运筹学代写





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