如果你也在 怎样代写优化理论Optimization Theory 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。优化理论Optimization Theory是致力于解决优化问题的数学分支。 优化问题是我们想要最小化或最大化函数值的数学函数。 这些类型的问题在计算机科学和应用数学中大量存在。
优化理论Optimization Theory每个优化问题都包含三个组成部分:目标函数、决策变量和约束。 当人们谈论制定优化问题时,它意味着将“现实世界”问题转化为包含这三个组成部分的数学方程和变量。目标函数,通常表示为 f 或 z,反映要最大化或最小化的单个量。交通领域的例子包括“最小化拥堵”、“最大化安全”、“最大化可达性”、“最小化成本”、“最大化路面质量”、“最小化排放”、“最大化收入”等等。
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数学代写|优化理论代写Optimization Theory代考|The bipartite case
We start with an observation which will be used over and over again in the bipartite as well as in the general case.
Suppose that $M$ is a matching in $G=(V, E), G$ any graph. A path $P=v_0 e_1 v_1 \ldots v_{r-1} e_r v_r$ in $G$ is called alternating (with respect to $M$, or $M-$ alternating) if $M$ contains either all the edges $e_i$ with $i$ even or all the $e_i$ with $i$ odd $(i \leq r) . P$ is called an $M$-augmenting path if both of its endpoints are exposed nodes. In this case, $r$ is odd and $M^{\prime}:=M \backslash\left{e_2, e_4, \ldots, e_{r-1}\right} \cup$ $\left{e_1, e_3, \ldots, e_r\right}$ is a matching with $\left|M^{\prime}\right|=|M|+1$. In 1957, Berge proved the following characterization of maximum matchings in terms of augmenting paths:
Theorem 14.3.1 (Berge) A matching $M$ in a graph $G$ is maximum if and only if there exists no $M$-augmenting path in $G$.
Proof. We did already explain why maximum matchings do not have augmenting paths. Conversely, assume that $M$ and $M^{\prime}$ are matchings with $|M|<\left|M^{\prime}\right|$. Denote by $M \oplus M^{\prime}$ the symmetric difference of $M$ and $M^{\prime}$, i.e. the set of edges which belong either to $M$ or to $M^{\prime}$ but not to both. Since $M$ and $M^{\prime}$ are matchings, the graph with edge set $M \oplus M^{\prime}$ has all degrees at most 2, hence all its components are either cycles of even length or $M_{-}$ and $M^{\prime}$-alternating paths. It is clear that the cycles and the paths of even length all have the same number of $M$ – and $M^{\prime}$-edges. Since $\left|M^{\prime}\right|>|M|$, at least one component must be an alternating path containing more edges from $M^{\prime}$ than from $M$. This path is clearly $M$-augmenting.
By a similar argument we obtain the following result:
Lemma 14.3.2 Suppose $B$ and $B^{\prime}$ are the sets of nodes covered by the maximum matchings $M$ and $M^{\prime}$, respectively. Then for each $x \in B \backslash B^{\prime}$ there exists some $y \in B^{\prime} \backslash B$ such that $(B \backslash{x}) \cup{y}$ is again covered by some maximum matching $M^{\prime \prime}$.
Proof. Consider again the components spanned by $M \oplus M^{\prime}$. Since both matchings are maximum, all paths have even length. The vertex $x \in B \backslash B^{\prime}$ is an endpoint of one of the alternating paths, say of
P: x=v_0 e_1 v_1 \ldots v_{2 s-1} e_{2 s} v_{2 s} .
Now it clearly suffices to choose
y:=v_{2 s} \quad \text { and } \quad M^{\prime \prime}:=\left(M \backslash\left{e_1, e_3, \ldots, e_{2 s-1}\right}\right) \cup\left{e_2, e_4, \ldots, e_{2 s}\right}
数学代写|优化理论代写Optimization Theory代考|Nonbipartite matching
We now turn our attention to general graphs, starting with the description of the so-called Gallai-Edmonds Structure Theorem.
Theorem 14.4.1 (Gallai-Edmonds Structure Theorem) Let a graph $G=(V, E)$ be given. Denote by $D_G$ the set of all vertices of $G$ which are not covered by all maximum matchings of $G$. Let $A_G:=\Gamma\left(D_G\right) \backslash D_G$ and $C_G:=V \backslash\left(A_G \cup D_G\right)$. Then the following conditions hold:
(i) $D_{G-x}=D_G$ and $C_{G-x}=C_G$ for all $x \in A_G$.
(ii) Each maximum matching of $G$ contains a perfect matching of $G\left[C_G\right]$ and a maximum matching of each component of $G\left[D_G\right]$.
(iii) Each component $H$ of $G\left[D_G\right]$ is factor-critical, which means that $H-x$ has a perfect matching for each vertex $x$ of $H$.
(iv) $\nu(G)=\frac{1}{2}\left(|V|+\left|A_G\right|-c\left(G\left[D_G\right]\right)\right)$, where $c\left(G\left[D_G\right]\right)$ denotes the number of components of $G\left[D_G\right]$.
Example 14.4.2 The graph in Figure 14.12 might clarify the objects used in the Gallai-Edmonds Structure Theorem.
Proof. (i) Suppose $x \in A_G$ is given. Since $x$ is covered by each maximum matching, $\nu(G-x)=\nu(G)-1$. We conclude that for each $y \in D_G$ there exists some maximum matching of $G-x$ missing $y$, hence $D_G \subseteq D_{G-x}$. To prove the reversed inclusion, we assume that a vertex $y \in D_{G-x} \backslash D_G$ exists which is an exposed node of the maximum matching $M^{\prime}$ of $G-x$. We choose some neighbour $z$ of $x$ in $D_G$ and a maximum matching $M$ of $G$ avoiding $z$. Now consider again the graph $\left(V, M \oplus M^{\prime}\right)$. The component of $y$ in this graph is obviously some alternating path $P$ starting with an $M$-edge at its endpoint $y$. If $P$ had even length, the matching
M^{\prime \prime}:=(M \backslash E(P)) \cup\left(M^{\prime} \cap E(P)\right)
would be a maximum matching of $G$ avoiding $y$ which is impossible in view of $y \notin D_G$. The length of $P$ is thus odd. Since $M^{\prime}$ admits no augmenting path in $G-x$, the other endpoint of $P$ must be $x$. But then
M^{\prime \prime \prime}:=(M \backslash E(P)) \cup\left(M^{\prime} \cap E(P)\right) \cup{x z}
is again a maximum matching of $G$ avoiding $y$. Contradiction! The equation $C_{G-x}-C_G$ is now easy.
(ii) This follows readily from (i) by applying part (i) successively for all $x \in A_G$. The details are left to the reader.
数学代写|优化理论代写Optimization Theory代考|The bipartite case
假设$M$是$G=(V, E), G$任意图中的匹配项。$G$中的路径$P=v_0 e_1 v_1 \ldots v_{r-1} e_r v_r$被称为交替(相对于$M$或$M-$交替),如果$M$包含$e_i$和$i$的所有边,或者$e_i$和$i$的所有边,如果它的两个端点都是暴露节点,则$(i \leq r) . P$被称为$M$ – augingpath。在本例中,$r$是奇数,$M^{\prime}:=M \backslash\left{e_2, e_4, \ldots, e_{r-1}\right} \cup$$\left{e_1, e_3, \ldots, e_r\right}$与$\left|M^{\prime}\right|=|M|+1$匹配。1957年,Berge用增广路径证明了最大匹配的如下表征:
定理14.3.1 (Berge)当且仅当$G$中不存在$M$ -增广路径时,图$G$中的匹配$M$为最大值。
证明。我们已经解释了为什么最大匹配没有递增路径。相反,假设$M$和$M^{\prime}$与$|M|<\left|M^{\prime}\right|$匹配。用$M \oplus M^{\prime}$表示$M$和$M^{\prime}$的对称差,即属于$M$或$M^{\prime}$但不属于两者的边集。由于$M$和$M^{\prime}$是匹配的,具有边集$M \oplus M^{\prime}$的图的所有度最多为2,因此它的所有分量要么是偶数长度的循环,要么是$M_{-}$和$M^{\prime}$交替的路径。很明显,偶数长度的循环和路径都有相同数量的$M$和$M^{\prime}$边。因为$\left|M^{\prime}\right|>|M|$,至少有一个组件必须是一个交替路径,包含更多的边从$M^{\prime}$比从$M$。这条路径显然是$M$ -递增的。
假设$B$和$B^{\prime}$分别是最大匹配$M$和$M^{\prime}$所覆盖的节点集合。然后,对于每个$x \in B \backslash B^{\prime}$,存在一些$y \in B^{\prime} \backslash B$,使得$(B \backslash{x}) \cup{y}$再次被一些最大匹配$M^{\prime \prime}$所覆盖。
证明。再次考虑$M \oplus M^{\prime}$所跨越的组件。由于两个匹配都是最大值,所以所有路径的长度都是偶数。顶点$x \in B \backslash B^{\prime}$是其中一条交替路径的端点,比如说
P: x=v_0 e_1 v_1 \ldots v_{2 s-1} e_{2 s} v_{2 s} .
y:=v_{2 s} \quad \text { and } \quad M^{\prime \prime}:=\left(M \backslash\left{e_1, e_3, \ldots, e_{2 s-1}\right}\right) \cup\left{e_2, e_4, \ldots, e_{2 s}\right}
数学代写|优化理论代写Optimization Theory代考|Nonbipartite matching
定理14.4.1 (Gallai-Edmonds结构定理)设一个图$G=(V, E)$。用$D_G$表示$G$中未被$G$的所有最大匹配所覆盖的所有顶点的集合。让$A_G:=\Gamma\left(D_G\right) \backslash D_G$和$C_G:=V \backslash\left(A_G \cup D_G\right)$。则下列条件成立:
(i)所有$x \in A_G$均为$D_{G-x}=D_G$和$C_{G-x}=C_G$。
(iii) $G\left[D_G\right]$的每个分量$H$都是因子关键的,即$H-x$对$H$的每个顶点$x$都有完美的匹配。
(iv) $\nu(G)=\frac{1}{2}\left(|V|+\left|A_G\right|-c\left(G\left[D_G\right]\right)\right)$,其中$c\left(G\left[D_G\right]\right)$为$G\left[D_G\right]$的成分数。
证明。(i)假设给出$x \in A_G$。由于$x$被每个最大匹配所覆盖,因此$\nu(G-x)=\nu(G)-1$。我们得出结论,对于每个$y \in D_G$,存在一些最大匹配的$G-x$缺失$y$,因此$D_G \subseteq D_{G-x}$。为了证明反向包含,我们假设存在顶点$y \in D_{G-x} \backslash D_G$,它是$G-x$的最大匹配$M^{\prime}$的暴露节点。我们在$D_G$中选择一个$x$的邻居$z$,在$G$中选择一个最大匹配的$M$来避免$z$。现在再看一下$\left(V, M \oplus M^{\prime}\right)$图。这个图中$y$的分量显然是一些交替路径$P$,从其端点$y$处的$M$ -边开始。如果$P$有偶数长度,匹配
M^{\prime \prime}:=(M \backslash E(P)) \cup\left(M^{\prime} \cap E(P)\right)
将是$G$的最大匹配,避免$y$,这是不可能的,因为$y \notin D_G$。因此,$P$的长度是奇数。因为$M^{\prime}$不允许在$G-x$中添加路径,所以$P$的另一个端点必须是$x$。但是接着
M^{\prime \prime \prime}:=(M \backslash E(P)) \cup\left(M^{\prime} \cap E(P)\right) \cup{x z}
(ii)通过对所有$x \in A_G$依次应用第(i)部分,这很容易从(i)中得到。细节留给读者。
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