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数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|The max-flow min-cut theorem

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数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|The max-flow min-cut theorem


数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|max-flow min-cut

Minimum cut is an important concept in the study of the maximum flow problem. In what follows, we will generalize this definition for the time-varying network and introduce the time-varying version of the max-flow min-cut theorem.

Definition 3.5 A vertex $y$ is said to be reachable from another vertex $x$, if there exists a feasible dynamic path from $x$ to $y$.

Definition 3.6 A generalized cut $K$ of $N$ separating vertex $s$ and $\rho$ is a set-valued function of time defined as
K={K(t) \mid K(t) \subset V, s \in K(t), \rho \notin K(t), t=0,1, \ldots, T} .
Definition 3.7 The capacity of the generalized cut $K$ is defined as
\text { CapK = } \sum_{t=0}^{T} \sum_{x \in s(t), y \in \rho\left(t^{\prime}\right)} l(x, y, t) \
+\sum_{t=0}^{T-1} \sum_{(x, u) \in X(t)} \min {l(x, t), \ldots, l(x, t+u)}
where $X(t)={(x, u) \mid x \in s(t), x \in h(t+1), \ldots, x \in h(t+u), x \in \rho(t+$ $\left.u+1), 0 \leq u<u_{x}\right}, s(t)={$ all those vertices $x$ in $K(t)$ such that $x$ is reachable from $s$ with arrival time $t$ at $x}, \rho(t)={$ all those vertices $x$ in $\bar{K}(t)=V \backslash K(t)$ such that $\rho$ is reachable from $x$ with departure time $t$ at $x}, t+b(x, y, t)=t^{\prime}, h(t)=V \backslash{s(t) \cup \rho(t)}$, and $u_{x}$ is a given nonnegative integer.

Note that we have used $u_{x}$ to denote the bound of waiting time at vertex $x$. If $u_{x}=0$, then there is no constraint on the waiting time at $x$. Specifically, when the waiting time at a vertex must be zero or can be arbitrary, Definition $3.7$ can be replaced by the following.

数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|The capacity of the generalized cut

Definition 3.8 The capacity of the generalized cut can be defined as
\text { CapK }=\sum_{t=0}^{T} \sum_{x \in K(t), y \in \bar{K}\left(t^{\prime}\right)} l(x, y, t)
if no waiting time is allowed at any vertices, or
\text { CapK }=\sum_{t=0}^{T} \sum_{x \in K(t), y \in \bar{K}\left(t^{\prime}\right)} l(x, y, t)+\sum_{t=0}^{T-1} \sum_{x \in K(t), x \in \bar{K}(t+1)} l(x, t)

if waiting time is arbitrarily allowed at any vertices, where $t^{\prime}=t+$ $b(x, y, t)$.

Theorem 3.2 Let $v$ be the value of any feasible dynamic flow $f$ on $N$, and CapK be the value of any generalized cut $K$ in $N$. Then, $v \leq$ CapK.
Proof. Since any generalized cut $K$ separates $s$ and $\rho$ for any dynamic flow $f$, we have
where $f^{+}(K)$ and $f^{-}(K)$ are the flow values that flow out of and flow in $K$ respectively. Because $f$ is a dynamic flow on $N$, it must satisfy all capacity constraints. Therefore
0 \leq f(x, y, t) \leq l(x, y, t), \quad \forall(x, y) \in A \text { and } \forall t \
0 \leq f(x, t) \leq l(x, t), \quad \forall x \in V \text { and } \forall t
Thus, we have
f^{+}(K)=\sum_{t=0}^{T} \sum_{x \in K(t), y \in \bar{K}(t+b(x, y, t))} f(x, y, t)+\sum_{t=0}^{T-1} \sum_{x \in K(t), x \in \bar{K}(t+1))} f(x, t) \
=\sum_{t=0}^{T} \sum_{x \in s(t), y \in \rho\left(t^{\prime}\right)} f(x, y, t)+\sum_{t=0}^{T-1} \sum_{(x, u) \in X(t)} f(x, u) \
\leq \sum_{t=0}^{T} \sum_{x \in s(t), y \in \rho\left(t^{\prime}\right)} l(x, y, t)+\sum_{t=0}^{T-1} \sum_{(x, u) \in X(t)} \min {l(x, t), \ldots, l(x, t+u)} \
=C a p K
The second equality comes from the fact that $f(x, y, t)=0$ for those vertices $x \in K(t) \backslash s(t)$, since there is no dynamic path from $s$ to $x$ at time $t$. Noting that $f^{-}(K) \geq 0$, we have
v=f^{+}(K)-f^{-}(K) \leq \operatorname{CapK}
This completes the proof.

数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|The max-flow min-cut theorem




定义 3.5 一个顶点是据说可以从另一个顶点到达X, 如果存在一条可行的动态路径X到是.

定义 3.6 广义割到的ñ分离顶点s和ρ是时间的集值函数,定义为
K={K(t) \mid K(t) \subset V, s \in K(t), \rho \notin K(t), t=0,1, \ldots, T} .
Definition 3.7 The capacity of the generalized cut $K$ is defined as
\text { CapK = } \sum_{t=0}^{T} \sum_{x \in s(t), y \in \rho\left(t^{\prime}\right)} l(x, y, t) \
+\sum_{t=0}^{T-1} \sum_{(x, u) \in X(t)} \min {l(x, t), \ldots, l(x, t+u)}
where $X(t)={(x, u) \mid x \in s(t), x \in h(t+1), \ldots, x \in h(t+u), x \in \rho(t+$ $\left.u+1), 0 \leq u<u_{x}\right}, s(t)={$ all those vertices $x$ in $K(t)$ such that $x$ is reachable from $s$ with arrival time $t$ at $x}, \rho(t)={$ all those vertices $x$ in $\bar{K}(t)=V \backslash K(t)$ such that $\rho$ is reachable from $x$ with departure time $t$ at $x}, t+b(x, y, t)=t^{\prime}, h(t)=V \backslash{s(t) \cup \rho(t)}$, and $u_{x}$, 和你X是给定的非负整数。

请注意,我们使用了你X表示顶点等待时间的界限X. 如果你X=0, 那么等待时间没有限制X. 具体来说,当一个顶点的等待时间必须为零或可以是任意的时,定义3.7可以换成下面的。


定义 3.8 广义割的容量可以定义为
 电容 =∑吨=0吨∑X∈到(吨),是∈到¯(吨′)一世(X,是,吨)
 电容 =∑吨=0吨∑X∈到(吨),是∈到¯(吨′)一世(X,是,吨)+∑吨=0吨−1∑X∈到(吨),X∈到¯(吨+1)一世(X,吨)

如果任意顶点允许等待时间,则吨′=吨+ b(X,是,吨).

定理 3.2 让v是任何可行动态流的值F在ñ, CapK 是任何广义割的值到在ñ. 然后,v≤卡普K。
证明。由于任何广义割到分开s和ρ对于任何动态流F, 我们有
0≤F(X,是,吨)≤一世(X,是,吨),∀(X,是)∈一种 和 ∀吨 0≤F(X,吨)≤一世(X,吨),∀X∈五 和 ∀吨
F+(到)=∑吨=0吨∑X∈到(吨),是∈到¯(吨+b(X,是,吨))F(X,是,吨)+∑吨=0吨−1∑X∈到(吨),X∈到¯(吨+1))F(X,吨) =∑吨=0吨∑X∈s(吨),是∈ρ(吨′)F(X,是,吨)+∑吨=0吨−1∑(X,你)∈X(吨)F(X,你) ≤∑吨=0吨∑X∈s(吨),是∈ρ(吨′)一世(X,是,吨)+∑吨=0吨−1∑(X,你)∈X(吨)分钟一世(X,吨),…,一世(X,吨+你) =C一种p到
第二个相等来自以下事实:F(X,是,吨)=0对于那些顶点X∈到(吨)∖s(吨),因为没有从s到X有时吨. 注意到F−(到)≥0, 我们有

数学代考|Operations Research运筹学代写





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