如果你也在 怎样代写有限元方法finite differences method 这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。有限元方法finite differences method在数值分析中,是一类通过用有限差分逼近导数解决微分方程的数值技术。空间域和时间间隔(如果适用)都被离散化,或被分成有限的步骤,通过解决包含有限差分和附近点的数值的代数方程来逼近这些离散点的解的数值。
有限元方法finite differences method有限差分法将可能是非线性的常微分方程(ODE)或偏微分方程(PDE)转换成可以用矩阵代数技术解决的线性方程系统。现代计算机可以有效地进行这些线性代数计算,再加上其相对容易实现,使得FDM在现代数值分析中得到了广泛的应用。今天,FDM与有限元方法一样,是数值解决PDE的最常用方法之一。
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数学代写|有限元方法作业代写finite differences method代考|Derivation of Element Equations: The Finite Element Model
The domain and its subdivision into a collection of finite elements are shown in Fig. 3.4.2(a) and (b), respectively. A typical element, $\Omega^e=\left(x_a^e, x_b^e\right)$, is located between points A and B with coordinates $x=x_a^e$ and $x=x_b^e$ and its length is $h_e=x_b^e-x_a^e$. The collection of finite elements in a domain is called the finite element mesh of the domain. To obtain the Ritz equations for the nodal values of $u(x)$, we focus on solving Eq. (3.4.1) subject to the boundary conditions $u\left(x_a^e\right)=u_a^e$ and $u\left(x_b^e\right)=u_b^e$ using the Ritz method. The main difference here is that we apply a variational method over a finite element $\Omega^e$ as opposed to the total domain $\Omega$. This step results in the finite element model, $\mathbf{K}^e \mathbf{u}^e=\mathbf{F}^e$.
The derivation of finite element equations, that is, algebraic relations among the unknown parameters of the finite element approximation, involves the following three steps:
Construct the weighted-residual or weak form of the differential equation.
Assume the form of the approximate solution over a typical finite element.
Derive the finite element equations by substituting the approximate solution into the weighted-residual or weak form.
A typical element $\Omega^e=\left(x_a^e, x_b^e\right)$ is isolated from the mesh [see Fig. 3.4.3(a) and (b)]. We seek an approximate solution to the governing differential equation over the element. In principle, any method of solution that allows the derivation of necessary algebraic relations among the duality pairs at all nodes of the element can be used. In this book we develop the algebraic equations using the Ritz (i.e., the weak-form Galerkin) method.
数学代写|有限元方法作业代写finite differences method代考|Weak-form development
The weak-form development was discussed in detail in Sections 2.4.4-2.4.6. Here we review the three steps in the derivation of the weak form associated with the model differential equation over a typical element of the mesh. We begin with the polynomial approximation of the solution within a typical finite element $\Omega^e$ to be of the form:
u_h^e(x)=\sum_{j=1}^n u_j^e \psi_j^e(x)
where $u_j^e$ are the values of the solution $u(x)$ at the nodes of the finite element $\Omega^e$, and $\psi_j^e(x)$ are the approximation functions over the element. The superscript $e$ refers to element $\Omega^e$ while the subscript $h$ on the approximate solution $u_h^e$ refers to a mesh parameter (such as the length of the element). The particular form in Eq. (3.4.3) will be derived in the next section. Note that the approximation in Eq. (3.4.3) differs from the one used in the Ritz method in that $c_j \varphi_j(x)$ is now replaced with $u_j^e \psi_j^e(x)$, and $u_j^e$ plays the role of undetermined parameters and $\psi_j^e$ the role of approximation functions over an element $\Omega^e$. As we shall see later, writing the approximation in terms of the nodal values of the solution is necessitated by the fact that the continuity of $u(x)$ between elements can be readily imposed by equating the nodal values from all elements connected at the node. In addition, when the final algebraic equations are solved we obtain the nodal values $u_j^e$ directly as opposed to parameters $c_j$, which often do not have any physical meaning.
Since the actual solution $u$ is replaced by its approximation $u_h^e$ over an element $\Omega^e$, the left side of Eq. (3.4.1) will not be equal to zero in $\Omega^e$. The error in the approximation of the differential equation is denoted by $R^e$ and it is called the residual:
R^e\left(x, u_h^e\right) \equiv-\frac{d}{d x}\left(a_e \frac{d u_h^e}{d x}\right)+c_e u_h^e-f_e \neq 0 \quad \text { for } \quad x_a^e<x<x_b^e
where $a_e, c_e$, and $f_e$ are element-wise continuous functions. Since $u_h^e(x)$ is expressed as a linear combination of the unknown coefficients $u_j^e$, we wish to determine them by requiring the residual $R^e$ to be zero in an integral sense. The necessary and sufficient number $(n)$ of algebraic relations among the $u_j^e$ can be obtained only by forcing the integral of the weighted-residual to zero (the first step of the weak-form development):
0=\int_{x^e}^{x_b^e} w_i^e(x) R^e\left(x, u_h^e\right) d x=\int_{x^e}^{x_b^e} w_i^e\left[-\frac{d}{d x}\left(a_e \frac{d u_h^e}{d x}\right)+c_e u_h^e-f_e\right] d x
数学代写|有限元方法作业代写finite differences method代考|Derivation of Element Equations: The Finite Element Model
区域及其细分为有限元集合分别如图3.4.2(a)和(b)所示。典型的元素$\Omega^e=\left(x_a^e, x_b^e\right)$位于点A和点B之间,坐标分别为$x=x_a^e$和$x=x_b^e$,其长度为$h_e=x_b^e-x_a^e$。一个域内的有限元集合称为该域的有限元网格。为了得到$u(x)$节点值的Ritz方程,我们重点使用Ritz方法求解边界条件$u\left(x_a^e\right)=u_a^e$和$u\left(x_b^e\right)=u_b^e$下的Eq.(3.4.1)。这里的主要区别在于,我们在有限元$\Omega^e$上应用变分方法,而不是在总域$\Omega$上。这一步得到有限元模型$\mathbf{K}^e \mathbf{u}^e=\mathbf{F}^e$ .
从网格中分离出一个典型单元$\Omega^e=\left(x_a^e, x_b^e\right)$[见图3.4.3(A)和(b)]。我们求对该元素的控制微分方程的近似解。原则上,任何允许在元素的所有节点的对偶对之间推导必要的代数关系的解方法都可以使用。在这本书中,我们使用Ritz(即弱形式Galerkin)方法来发展代数方程。
数学代写|有限元方法作业代写finite differences method代考|Weak-form development
u_h^e(x)=\sum_{j=1}^n u_j^e \psi_j^e(x)
其中$u_j^e$是有限元$\Omega^e$节点处的解$u(x)$的值,$\psi_j^e(x)$是单元上的近似函数。上标$e$指的是元素$\Omega^e$,而近似解$u_h^e$上的下标$h$指的是网格参数(如元素的长度)。方程(3.4.3)中的具体形式将在下一节推导。请注意,Eq.(3.4.3)中的近似与Ritz方法中使用的近似不同,因为$c_j \varphi_j(x)$现在被$u_j^e \psi_j^e(x)$取代,$u_j^e$扮演待定参数的角色,$\psi_j^e$扮演元素$\Omega^e$上的近似函数的角色。正如我们将在后面看到的,用解的节点值来写近似是必要的,因为通过在节点上连接的所有元素的节点值相等,可以很容易地实现元素之间$u(x)$的连续性。此外,在求解最终代数方程时,我们直接获得节点值$u_j^e$,而不是参数$c_j$,后者通常没有任何物理意义。
R^e\left(x, u_h^e\right) \equiv-\frac{d}{d x}\left(a_e \frac{d u_h^e}{d x}\right)+c_e u_h^e-f_e \neq 0 \quad \text { for } \quad x_a^e<x<x_b^e
其中$a_e, c_e$和$f_e$是单元连续函数。由于$u_h^e(x)$表示为未知系数$u_j^e$的线性组合,我们希望通过要求残差$R^e$在积分意义上为零来确定它们。只有将加权残差的积分强制为零(弱形式展开的第一步),才能得到$u_j^e$之间代数关系的充分必要数$(n)$:
0=\int_{x^e}^{x_b^e} w_i^e(x) R^e\left(x, u_h^e\right) d x=\int_{x^e}^{x_b^e} w_i^e\left[-\frac{d}{d x}\left(a_e \frac{d u_h^e}{d x}\right)+c_e u_h^e-f_e\right] d x
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