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在二战时期,作战研究被定义为 “一种科学方法,为执行部门提供有关其控制的行动的决策的量化依据”。它的其他名称包括作战分析(英国国防部从1962年开始)和定量管理。


帕特里克-布莱克特在战争期间为几个不同的组织工作。战争初期,在为皇家飞机研究所(RAE)工作时,他建立了一个被称为 “马戏团 “的团队,帮助减少了击落一架敌机所需的防空炮弹数量,从不列颠战役开始时的平均超过20,000发减少到1941年的4,000发。

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运筹学作业代写Operations Research代考


数学代写|运筹学作业代写Operations Research代考|Genesis OF OR

Promulgation of scientific methods of management in the early 20 th century encouraged the establishment of quantitative approach to decision-making. This approach became increasingly useful during World War II when the armed forces strongly applied quantitative methods to help in strategic problems. For instance, British forces were considered to first utilize methods of OR to understand the application of radar technology in intercepting enemy aircrafts. Due to the all-encompassing nature of OR as discussed in solving process problems of different functions, such application of OR methods was found to be successful by forming teams consisting of experts from different disciplines such as mathematics, engineering, supply chain,

etc. Effective results obtained from OR methods provided an impetus to its flourish into other fields such as agriculture, manufacturing and services.

From various definitions available pertaining to $\mathrm{OR}$, management science or decision sciences, a common understanding that emanates is that the OR discipline is a scientific method providing decision makers quantitative tools for solving problems. The key points in these definitions are: first, the usage of the term scientific method, which implies a systematic procedure of solving problems, and second, the use of mathematical quantitative tools to provide feasible results that can be repeated in the case of recurrence of similar problem. A thorough understanding of quantitative methods drastically improves decision-making effectiveness. For example, a logistics company intending to reduce its transportation cost incurred in supplying materials from different warehouses to various retailers by adopting an optimum approach would make an effective decision by using a quantitative approach. Qualitative analysis would ask for adoption of the shortest possible route. However, a quantitative well-structured approach would provide comparison of costs incurred on various approaches and would allow manager to make an informed decision. However, such an approach requires clear and concise formulation of problem, which is the first step in the OR process. Details have been discussed in the subsequent section.


The entire OR process applied for decision-making by using quantitative tools can be divided into two categories (Figure 1.2). The first category discusses the essential steps in formulating a problem accurately, and the second category describes analysing the problem. To establish the sound conceptual understanding of decisionmaking process using OR methods, one should be conversant of steps involved in such endeavour.

Identification of a number of choices: The student can specialize in marketing, finance, decision sciences, personnel management, and supply chain analytics, among others. A plethora of choices make decision-making problematic.
Selection of criteria: Decision has to be made by evaluating all alternatives based on certain observable and measurable criteria. For example, one criterion could be job offers that a discipline provides. A single criterion would make selection of alternatives easy. A discipline that offers maximum job opportunities would be selected. But seldom is such case. A candidate might also evaluate each discipline in terms of salary package, interest, education background, peer pressure, etc. Multiple criteria make problem difficult but more realistic. In the beginning of chapter, a kid constructing blocks can create a house by using a variety of set of pieces and providing different alternatives. If only a particular piece fits, then it would be easy; however, if selection has to be made from different pieces, then the kid has to adopt a selection criteria which could be single or multiple.

数学代写|运筹学作业代写Operations Research代考


20世纪初科学管理方法的颁布鼓励了定量决策方法的建立。这种方法在第二次世界大战期间变得越来越有用,当时武装部队强烈应用定量方法来帮助解决战略问题。例如,英国军队被认为首先利用 OR 方法来了解雷达技术在拦截敌机方面的应用。由于 OR 的包罗万象,正如在解决不同功能的过程问题中所讨论的那样,通过组建由来自不同学科(如数学、工程、供应链、

等。从 OR 方法获得的有效结果为其在农业、制造业和服务业等其他领域蓬勃发展提供了动力。

从各种可用的定义○R,管理科学或决策科学,一个普遍的理解是 OR 学科是一种科学方法,为决策者提供解决问题的定量工具。这些定义的要点是:首先,使用术语“科学方法”,这意味着解决问题的系统过程;其次,使用数学量化工具来提供可行的结果,在重复的情况下可以重复。类似的问题。对定量方法的透彻理解极大地提高了决策的有效性。例如,一家物流公司打算通过采用最佳方法来降低从不同仓库向各个零售商供应材料所产生的运输成本,将使用定量方法做出有效的决策。定性分析将要求采用尽可能最短的路线。然而,定量结构良好的方法将提供各种方法产生的成本比较,并允许管理人员做出明智的决定。然而,这种方法需要清晰简洁的问题表述,这是 OR 过程的第一步。详细信息已在后续部分中讨论。


使用量化工具进行决策的整个 OR 过程可分为两类F一世G你r和1.2. 第一类讨论准确提出问题的基本步骤,第二类描述分析问题。为了使用 OR 方法建立对决策过程的合理概念理解,人们应该熟悉此类努力中涉及的步骤。



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