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数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|A condition on the feasibility of f-augmenting paths

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数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|A condition on the feasibility of f-augmenting paths


数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|a dynamic f-augmenting

As we have mentioned have, f-augmenting path plays an important role in solving the maximum flow problem. A related question we have to explore is, in a dynamic residual network, how to determine whether a dynamic f-augmenting path is feasible if there is a waiting constraint at a vertex. Note that by saying a dynamic f-augmenting path is feasible, we mean that we can send an augmenting flow on this path such that the resulting actual flow (combining the previous flow with the current augmenting flow) is feasible under all constraints, including the constraints on the waiting time at vertices. Let us first consider an example to examine the waiting time constraint.a vertex. Note that by saying a dynamic f-augmenting path is feasible, we mean that we can send an augmenting flow on this path such that the resulting actual flow (combining the previous flow with the current augmenting flow) is feasible under all constraints, including the constraints on the waiting time at vertices. Let us first consider an example to examine the waiting time constraint.

数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|Example

Figure 3.8. How to determine the departure time at a vertex such that the resulted f-augmenting path is feasible under the bounded waiting time constraint Suppose that we have a dynamic path $P$ from $s$ to $x$ with $\alpha(x)=t$, and we want to append an arc $(x, y)$ to $P$ (see Figure $3.8$, where we split the vertex $x$ into $x_{t}, x_{t+1}, \ldots, x_{t+u}$ to represent the states of $x$ at different times). Let $u_{x}$ be the upper bound of the waiting time at $x$. A problem is to find the latest possible departure time at $x$, denoted by $t+u$, such that the new path $P^{\prime}$ from $s$ to $y$, obtained by adding arc $(x, y)$ to $P$, is still feasible in terms of satisfying the upper bound $u_{x}$. Clearly, if $u \leq u_{x}$, then $P^{\prime}$ is feasible since the waiting time at $x$ is not greater than the upper bound $u_{x}$. But an observation shows that $u$ could be greater than $u_{x}$. Let us look at the following scenario.

Suppose that there is another subflow, denoted by $f^{\prime}$, in $N$ already, which also passes through vertex $x$, with the arrival time $t+i$ and the departure time time $t+j\left(i<j<u_{x}\right)$ (see Figure 3.8). In this case, the latest departure time at $x$ on path $P$ can be $t+i+u_{x}$. In other words, for path $P$, any $u$ satisfying $i+u \leq u_{x}$ can be chosen as a departure time at $x$ on $P$, and the new path $P$ is still feasible. In fact, we can reconstruct two paths, $P$ and $\bar{P}$, as follows: appending arc $(x, z)$ to $P$ with the departure time $t+j$ to obtain path $P_{1}$, and appending arc $(x, y)$ to path $\bar{P}$ with the departure time $t+i+u_{x}$. Obviously, both of the two paths satisfy the bounded waiting time constraint; see Figure 3.9.

数学代写|运筹学作业代写OPERATIONS RESEARCH代考|A condition on the feasibility of f-augmenting paths



正如我们所提到的,f-augmenting path 在解决最大流问题中起着重要作用。我们必须探讨的一个相关问题是,在动态残差网络中,如果顶点存在等待约束,如何确定动态 f 增强路径是否可行。请注意,通过说动态 f 增广路径是可行的,我们的意思是我们可以在这条路径上发送增广流,从而得到实际的流C这米b一世n一世nG吨H和pr和v一世这你sF一世这在在一世吨H吨H和C你rr和n吨一种你G米和n吨一世nGF一世这在在所有约束条件下都是可行的,包括对顶点等待时间的约束。让我们首先考虑一个例子来检查等待时间约束。一个顶点。请注意,通过说动态 f 增广路径是可行的,我们的意思是我们可以在这条路径上发送增广流,从而得到实际的流C这米b一世n一世nG吨H和pr和v一世这你sF一世这在在一世吨H吨H和C你rr和n吨一种你G米和n吨一世nGF一世这在在所有约束条件下都是可行的,包括对顶点等待时间的约束。让我们首先考虑一个例子来检查等待时间约束。


图 3.8。在有界等待时间约束下,如何确定一个顶点的出发时间,使得得到的 f-augmenting 路径是可行的 假设我们有一条动态路径磷从s到X和一种(X)=吨, 我们想附加一个弧(X,是)到磷 s和和F一世G你r和$3.8$,在H和r和在和sp一世一世吨吨H和v和r吨和X$X$一世n吨这$X吨,X吨+1,…,X吨+你$吨这r和pr和s和n吨吨H和s吨一种吨和s这F$X$一种吨d一世FF和r和n吨吨一世米和s. 让你X是等待时间的上限X. 一个问题是找到最晚可能的出发时间X,表示为吨+你, 这样新的路径磷′从s到是,通过添加弧获得(X,是)到磷, 就满足上界而言还是可行的你X. 显然,如果你≤你X, 然后磷′是可行的,因为等待时间在X不大于上限你X. 但一项观察表明,你可能大于你X. 让我们看看下面的场景。

假设有另一个子流,表示为F′, 在ñ已经,它也通过顶点X, 与到达时间吨+一世和出发时间时间吨+j(一世<j<你X) s和和F一世G你r和3.8. 在这种情况下,最晚出发时间为X在路上磷可吨+一世+你X. 换句话说,对于路径磷, 任何你令人满意的一世+你≤你X可以选择作为出发时间X在磷, 和新路径磷还是可行的。事实上,我们可以重构两条路径,磷和磷¯, 如下:附加弧(X,和)到磷与出发时间吨+j获取路径磷1, 并附加弧(X,是)到路径磷¯与出发时间吨+一世+你X. 显然,两条路径都满足有界等待时间约束;见图 3.9。

数学代考|Operations Research运筹学代写





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